

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasy
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134 Chs

Reborn a Magic Parasite

I can see all the cells surrounding me which look much different then the ones we were shown in the textbooks back home. The cells are red unlike what I thought which was that they were blue. I then call status which forms into a pustule covered sickly green screen.


_+_ Status _+_

Species: Viral Parasite

Infectivity: 5

Replication: 10

Resistance: 5


\Desiccate Lv. Max/

Absorb all lifeforce, flesh, bone, and blood to gain infectivity, replication, or resistance. Host must fully be infected.


\Devourer Lv. Max/

You gain the talents of those with an infection level above 80%. You can share talents with the cells of the infected providing a 50% boost to all talents given to host.

\Domination Lv. Max/

When the cells are all saturated with the Magic viral parasite you can control all the actions of the host unless the virus is pressured due to low resistance.

\Mana Sense Lv. Max/

You can see everything using mana within a range that is based on the number of cells you have. You can comprehend magic easily but due to no magic organ you can't use magic. There is a max of 10 levels to this talent which is impossible for humans to reach max since this is a natural talent if you give this talent to a human they might die.

\Viral Hive Mind (Mutated)/

This is a natural talent that allows all cells of an organism to work together through a psychic link. The number of cells increase amount of computation power slowing down how you think about time. 1,000,000,000,000 cells -> .01 second computation slowdown or

Per human 3 second computation slowdown


After reading all of the details of my talents I was amazed not even realizing that in the minute it took me to read my talents I had already infected 50% of the host I had started out in when a notification showed up.

{50% infection mouse}

{Gain 1 infectivity and Resistance}

Thats awesome that I gain stats for infection spreading then with my mana sense I felt them mouses head get crushed and begin to get eaten. I felt a slight pain as most of the Viral parasite got destroyed by the stomach acid then the white blood cells, I think. I then felt a slight bit of pleasure as I spread into a new hosts cells, I then realized I had gone into 4 different hosts when I spread out my mana sense, I concentrated my consciousness into the one most infected. I felt a slight pushback from the white blood cells and other viruses within the body which I killed quickly so that the hosts body may stop reacting as much.

{Absorption of foreign Virus 1%}

{Absorption of foreign parasite 24%}

{Absorption of Bacteria 31%}

I'm just going to rest my consciousness and let myself spread without control because I'm lazy and don't think anything can currently kill me.

{Absorptions Complete Gained +2 to all stats}

{Gained Flight}

{Gained Agility Lv. 2}

{Gained Dexterity Lv. 4}

{Gained Night Sight}

{Host infected control complete}

{shocking consciousness of System Owner awake so they can control Host}

I awoke up to a slight pain on what seems to be my soul when I realized instead of seeing the life and mana all around me which was chaotic and constantly moving in patterns. I could see through the eyes of an owl which I had infected I saw that I had gained nothing from the children of the owl but had gained quite a few talents from the owl. I didn't see another owl when there should have been another because they usually mate for life and stick together. I decided to augment the owl's children with the adults' talents as repayment for taking over its body. I then said status wondering if it would change.


_+_ Status _+_

Hosts stats

Species: Barn Owl

Hp: 10

Lv. 4

Core Lv. 0

Rank: Tierless Or Regular Animal

Strength: 6

Wisdom: 6

Intelligence: 8

Dexterity: 20

Constitution: 0 (Its infected removing stat)



You know the basics of natural flight.

Agility Lv. 2

20% (30%) increase to movement speed.

Dexterity Lv. 4

+8 (12) to dexterity

Night Sight

You can see when there is barely any light.

Are these stats decent or not also that 50% boost of Devourer does it affect the Night sight talent or flight? I hope I figure that out but now I know how to fly. I begin to fly out of the hollow tree and see that suddenly the baby owls have a cocoon formed around them, so I decide to stick around.

{Gained Talent Low-Tier Evolution}

I look at the description of low tier evolution which says " When a creature succeeds the capabilities of its age group by a large margin it shall evolve in the direction of which it has exceeded its age group. This can take anywhere between an hour to a day." I smile and stay with the cocoons for an hour when a racoon starts climbing up the tree towards the nest, so I quickly fly by easily maneuvering through the air and clawing its eyes out which causes it to fall after I attack it a second time.

More predators come after that but most stay away from me and instead tear apart the racoon. I watch over them for 5 hours when they finally break out of the cocoons slightly smaller than me.

{Gained Superior Flight}

{Gained Agility Lv. 3}

{Gained Dexterity Lv. 5}

[Gained Title Prosperous Offspring]