
Common Sense Manipulation System

Johnny is a young man who has continually struggled in life. Nothing seems to go his way, as his mother died a few years ago, leaving him with no one to call family. He has since been working a dead-end gas station job and just a few days ago, got fired. He now stands in his apartment, holding a rope in his hands. ‘What is the point? No one loves me, I’m still a virgin at 21, and I can’t even hold a damn job.’ He thought miserably. Just as he was about to do something he might regret; he heard an audible ding before a pink and blue screen appeared in front of him. [Congratulations! You have been selected by the universe to be the beta tester of our new program called: Common Sense Manipulation System! You have been chosen because of your miserable life and virgin status! But do not worry young man, with this system you can finally become someone worth a damn! Fame! Money! Beautiful women! The possibilities are endless!] ——————————————- Every Character is above the age of 18! NO YURI! NO NTR! I try to publish at least 1 chapter a day… Please support me with power stones and reviews. I like watching that funny little view number go up. ;) Also, don’t be afraid to add to your collection and leave some chapter comments. If you have any suggestions for scenes or characters, please let me know. I’ll try to be as accommodating as possible! Cover art is A.I. Generated ;)

WhySoEvil · Urban
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58 Chs

Chapter 26 Melissa’s Metamorphosis (Part 4)

'I can't believe I have to suck Instructor's dick…' Melissa thought as Johnny's cock touched her lips.

But when it did, Melissa felt a jolt throughout her whole body. 'What?! What is this taste?!' She thought before wrapping her mouth around his juicy cock.

'Looks like it's working…' Johnny thought, watching the redhead eagerly suck his dick.

Melissa swirled her tongue around it, sucked it, moved it in and out, all in an effort to savor its flavor.

'This is amazing!' She thought with glee. 'I never knew dick tasted this good!'

Johnny just watched on with a smile and caressed Melissa's red hair. Seeing the woman who thought he was ugly before now suck his dick, made him feel on top of the world. 'With the Common Sense Manipulation System, no one will ever look down on me…'

[I still will dumbass] Aurora retorted, knocking Johnny's ego down a notch.

Ignoring her, Johnny closed his eyes and focused on feeling the great pleasure arising from his cock. 'Ah… It's not as good as when I face fucked Samantha, but blowjobs are still the best.' He thought with bliss.

Still slobbering on his dick, Melissa sucked with more and more vigor. 'This… I feel like this is the best thing I've ever tasted! I can't get enough!' She thought in ecstasy.

However, Johnny felt himself getting closer to orgasm, prompting him to look back down at Melissa. 'Let's see how she likes the taste of my cum…'

Feeling Johnny's dick start to twitch, Melissa deep throated his cock, wanting to taste his sweet nectar of life.

"Fuck….." Johnny grunted out as he came, sending thick, white ropes down the petite redhead's throat.

When he came, Melissa eye's shot open as she moved Johnny's dick out of her throat and placed the tip on her tongue. Cum filled her mouth as he orgasmed, which she swished around with delight. 'This is delicious!' She thought, still holding the sperm on her tongue.

Having finished cumming, Johnny took his dick out of her mouth and spoke. "Now Melissa, I know that you might love the taste of my semen, but you need to swallow it for the treatment to work."

Hearing this, Melissa pouted a bit, but ultimately complied with her Instructor's wishes and swallowed.

Taking a moment to savor its flavor, Melissa then opened her eyes and spoke. "Umm… Instructor, is cum supposed to taste this amazing?"

With a smile, Johnny replied. "No. Mine only tastes that good because I am extremely healthy. I know I don't look it, but it's the truth. I'm not a fitness instructor for nothing. That's why you should never judge a book by its cover."

[Bullshit…] Aurora commented.

'Oh… Perhaps I made a mistake. I didn't know instructor was this awesome.' Melissa thought, looking at Johnny in a new light.

"When will I have to drink your sperm again Instructor? I don't feel like that was enough…" Melissa said while twiddling her fingers. She mainly just wanted to get a taste of it again…

With a smirk, Johnny answered. "On Monday during our next session… Unless you'd like to make a deal with me… "

Her expression lighting up, Melissa eagerly asked what she could do. "What is it? I'll do anything, I promise!"

'I have to taste that again! I feel like I'll go crazy if I don't!!' She thought, noticing the pull on her mind.

"Well… Being a very healthy man, I frequently need to cum in order to maintain my health. My girlfriend, as much as I love her, just doesn't have the time to take in all my sperm. So I need someone else to fill the roll. This is something that you, someone that needs my sperm, can fill perfectly. So, I am asking you to be my personal cum dumpster." Johnny spoke with an amused look.

Looking a bit hesitant, Melissa considered the offer. 'While I do wish to drink more of his cum, I don't want to just be his cum dumpster. I… I think I love him… But he already has a girlfriend… So maybe being his cum dumpster is the best thing I can do to be close to him…' She thought, giving in to her feelings.

With a determined expression, Melissa replied eagerly. "I'll do it. I'll be you cum dumpster!"

An evil smirk on his face, Johnny caressed her chin and spoke, staring into her eyes. "Now then… Text your mother and tell her you won't be back home tonight. You are coming home with me…"


Arriving at the apartment complex, Johnny entered into the lobby area with Melissa in tow. Looking at the front desk, he noticed a bored Samantha sitting there in her phone.

'I didn't know she'd be working today.' He thought, approaching her.

Hearing someone coming, Samantha turned only for her expression to light up. "Baby!" She said, leaning over the clerical desk to give him a kiss.

'Her lips never get old…' Johnny thought after pulling away.

"Who is this?" Samantha asked, looking at the petite redhead standing behind Johnny.

With a kind smile Johnny said, "Oh this is just one of my other women. I already told you I'd be seeing others remember? This is Melissa. Melissa, meet my girlfriend Samantha."

Realization dawning on her face, Melissa moved forward and shook Samantha's hand. "Umm… Hi there, I'm Melissa…"

Smiling innocently, Samantha shook back and greeted her. "Ah yes… I'm Samantha, Johnny's girlfriend. He already spoke with me about seeing other women and I'm fine with it. I hope you two get along well."

Finishing up their conversation, Johnny then left with Melissa, heading up to his apartment.

Entering, he made his way into the bedroom and sat down, gesturing for Melissa to do the same.

"Alright, now that we're here let me lay down some rules. If you wish to receive my cum on a frequent basis, you will obey these rules, got it?" Johnny spoke sternly.

Looking resolute, Melissa replied. "Yes instructor."

His expression softening, Johnny began spouting out his requirements for his personal cum dumpster.