
Common Sense Manipulation System

Johnny is a young man who has continually struggled in life. Nothing seems to go his way, as his mother died a few years ago, leaving him with no one to call family. He has since been working a dead-end gas station job and just a few days ago, got fired. He now stands in his apartment, holding a rope in his hands. ‘What is the point? No one loves me, I’m still a virgin at 21, and I can’t even hold a damn job.’ He thought miserably. Just as he was about to do something he might regret; he heard an audible ding before a pink and blue screen appeared in front of him. [Congratulations! You have been selected by the universe to be the beta tester of our new program called: Common Sense Manipulation System! You have been chosen because of your miserable life and virgin status! But do not worry young man, with this system you can finally become someone worth a damn! Fame! Money! Beautiful women! The possibilities are endless!] ——————————————- Every Character is above the age of 18! NO YURI! NO NTR! I try to publish at least 1 chapter a day… Please support me with power stones and reviews. I like watching that funny little view number go up. ;) Also, don’t be afraid to add to your collection and leave some chapter comments. If you have any suggestions for scenes or characters, please let me know. I’ll try to be as accommodating as possible! Cover art is A.I. Generated ;)

WhySoEvil · Urban
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58 Chs

Chapter 25 Melissa’s Metamorphosis (Part 3)

"Alright, now hop in the shower with me. It's a bit small, but it's big enough for us to have sex." Johnny spoke, entering the shower.

Turning on the water, Johnny positioned Vanessa directly under the faucet and stood behind her.

The shower was small enough that they were pushed together, with Johnny's dick pressing against Vanessa's tight ass…

'This is really small… But instructor should still be able to fuck me just fine. I'm interested to just how affective sex in the shower can be for my fitness…' Vanessa thought with anticipation.

'Now all I have to do is cum inside her and Vanessa will fall in love with me… This is too easy.' Johnny thought while pushing his dick into Vanessa's pussy.

Vanessa bent over as he did this and leaned on the wall, sticking her ass out into Johnny's crotch. 'Who knew working out can feel this good?' She thought as he penetrated her…

Grabbing her ass, Johnny started thrusting. He didn't bother going slow, as Vanessa was a lot more experienced than girls like Melissa or Samantha.

'Fuck… Fucking a virgin is great and all, but an experienced woman still has her merits…' Johnny thought, comparing the women he has fucked so far.

'Now… I want to manipulate all the woman of my harem in a different way. What should I do for Vanessa?' He thought, brainstorming ideas.

Samantha was sexually aroused by kisses and he already had plans for Melissa…

'Wait I've got it… I won't be able to make use of this right now… but later this will come in handy.' Johnny thought before speaking to the CSMS.

'Vanessa will feel great pleasure when having anal sex with me and having her asshole played with. No pain at all, only immense pleasure from having her ass fucked and toyed with.' Johnny said to the CSMS, prompting a ding to resound in his mind.

Smiling upon his success, Johnny began focusing on cumming. Speeding up, Vanessa let out moans of enjoyment as he fucked her.


Shortly after he started speeding up, Vanessa reached orgasm, squirting clear liquid all over Johnny's cock.

'Hmmh. Fucking a squirter feels really good…' Johnny thought as he reached climax.


Cumming inside Vanessa's pussy, Johnny reached around and grabbed her tits, pulling her close to his body.

Pumping her full, Johnny held her for a few moments, feeling up her tits.

With Vanessa breathing heavily, they both stumbled out of the shower and dried off.

"That… was amazing instructor! I didn't know that sex and showering could be so efficient! But I still have one question… Why did you cum inside me?" Vanessa asked.

"Well Vanessa… Cum is a great form of nutrition, especially when administered vaginally. It only served to further improve your workout." Johnny bullshitted.

"Ohh okay…" Vanessa replied while nodding in understanding.

'Of course that's why. Why didn't I think of such a thing? But there's one thing that's still bothering me… Why do I feel so attracted to instructor right now?' Vanessa thought, noticing the pull on her heart strings whenever she looked at Johnny.

However before she could speak anymore, Johnny ushered her out. "Thank you for your time Vanessa, but I have stuff to do." He said.

Realizing she was now intruding on Johnny's time, Vanessa apologized. "I'm sorry instructor, and thank you so much for teaching me. I'll be going now."

After Vanessa left, Johnny plopped onto his bed and a pink and blue screen appeared in his vision.

{Achievement Earned: Shower Sex! Have sexual intercourse in the shower! 200 Manipulation Points have been added to your status!}

{Achievement Earned: Wet Sword! Have a woman squirt on your dick while fucking her! 300 Manipulation Points have been added to your status!}

'Nice… 2 more achievements and 500 points. With this, I should be able to successfully manipulate all the members of my harem.' Johnny though with an evil grin.

But before that, Johnny checked on his status.

{ Johnny Dumbass }

Age: 21

Height: 5 ft 11 in

Weight: 170 lbs

Manipulation Points: 900

Achievements completed: 25/1000

Quests Competed: 1

Money: $900

Bodies: 3

Minds Altered: 8


'Not bad. Earned some more money and points, all I need now is to complete the quest…' Johnny thought before getting ready for bed.


Waking up in the morning, Johnny got dressed and headed for the gym. Sessions weren't held over the weekend, but he had plans to meet with Melissa…

Arriving at the gym, Johnny entered the yoga room and found a fidgeting Melissa waiting for him.

'Instructor was all I could think about last night. It's almost like I'm… in love with him.' Melissa thought before spotting Johnny entering.

Standing up quickly, she greeted him. "G-good morning instructor! I'm… I'm ready for your treatment again…"

Smiling at her, Johnny snapped his fingers before speaking to the CSMS in his mind.

'Melissa here will find the taste of my penis irresistible and addictive. She will think my cum is the greatest thing she has ever tasted…' Johnny thought.


With a grin, Johnny started his private session with Melissa…

"Okay Melissa… Today we will be doing something else. You have ingested my sperm vaginally, but now you must receive it orally. It is imperative that you receive my sperm mainly through the mouth as it is more effective at treating your condition…" Johnny said in a serious tone.

'I have to suck his dick? Well, that isn't so bad…' Melissa thought, now not as repulsed by Johnny because of the CSMS.

"O-Okay instructor… I've never sucked a penis before, so I might not be very good." Melissa said shyly, embarrassed about her inexperience.

"That's just fine." Johnny replied while pulling his dick out. "If you can't make me cum then I'll just take over…."

With a sinister smile, Johnny moved over to Melissa who was now knelt on the mat. Arriving in front of her, Johnny looked down at her with anticipation. 'Let's see how you act when you are begging to suck my dick…' He thought, eager to make the redhead pay for disrespecting him.