
Common Sense Manipulation System

Johnny is a young man who has continually struggled in life. Nothing seems to go his way, as his mother died a few years ago, leaving him with no one to call family. He has since been working a dead-end gas station job and just a few days ago, got fired. He now stands in his apartment, holding a rope in his hands. ‘What is the point? No one loves me, I’m still a virgin at 21, and I can’t even hold a damn job.’ He thought miserably. Just as he was about to do something he might regret; he heard an audible ding before a pink and blue screen appeared in front of him. [Congratulations! You have been selected by the universe to be the beta tester of our new program called: Common Sense Manipulation System! You have been chosen because of your miserable life and virgin status! But do not worry young man, with this system you can finally become someone worth a damn! Fame! Money! Beautiful women! The possibilities are endless!] ——————————————- Every Character is above the age of 18! NO YURI! NO NTR! I try to publish at least 1 chapter a day… Please support me with power stones and reviews. I like watching that funny little view number go up. ;) Also, don’t be afraid to add to your collection and leave some chapter comments. If you have any suggestions for scenes or characters, please let me know. I’ll try to be as accommodating as possible! Cover art is A.I. Generated ;)

WhySoEvil · Urban
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58 Chs

Chapter 19 Cure

{ Johnny Dumbass }

Age: 21

Height: 5 ft 11 in

Weight: 170 lbs

Manipulation Points: 1600

Achievements completed: 20/1000

Quests Competed: 1

Money: $300

Bodies: 1

Minds Altered: 4


'1600 points huh? I can definitely do a lot with that. I might even be able to enact my plan to gain more clients…' Johnny thought, anticipating his grand plan.

[I sure hope it's entertaining…] Aurora said, still curious to what Johnny had in mind.

'We shall see.' He replied.

Looking over at the now passed out Samantha, he sighed and thought. 'Never in a millions years did I think my first date with my girlfriend would end like this… Thank you Common Sense Manipulation System…"


Some time later, the movie finally ended, and Johnny had to wake up Samantha.

"Babe, BABE!" Johnny shouted as he shook Samantha, awaking her from her slumber.

Looking up in confusion, it took her a minute to realize where she was and what was going on.

"P-please don't do that again…" The silver haired beauty said while fixing her ruffled clothes.

Smiling, Johnny spoke. "No promises, but now we have to go. Can you walk?"

"Ummm…" Samantha said while trying to stand. However whenever she tried, her legs would get all wobbly and give out. "No…"

"That's okay, come here." Johnny said while letting Samantha climb onto his back, piggyback style.

Like this, the couple exited the theater and headed to leave the building. As they were leaving, Johnny spotted a pair of 3D glasses, grabbed them, and stuffed them in his pocket. 'I'll use these later…' He thought, envisioning his plan…


Back at the apartment complex, Johnny was carrying a passed out Samantha up the stairs.

Sweating, he struggled up the steps one at a time, keeping a firm grasp on Samantha. 'This is so hard…'

[This wouldn't be so bad if you actually worked out instead of sexually harassing women at the gym.] Aurora commented.

'Yeah yeah I know. I'll do something about that later.' He thought as he arrived at his apartment and entered.

Placing Samantha down on his bed gently, Johnny collapsed next to her before falling into a deep sleep.


'He is so hot…' Samantha thought as she gazed at a sleeping Johnny. She didn't always think so, but after yesterday, she suddenly thought he was the most attractive person in the world. 'I guess that just confirms my love for him…' She thought as she planted a kiss on his forehead.

Waking up, Johnny stared into Samantha's light purple eyes, still wondering if he was dreaming. Reaching his hand out, he grasped one of her tits, causing a light chuckle to release from the big breasted beauty.

"You aren't sleeping anymore Johnny." She said while leaning in to kiss him.

Pressing their lips together for a moment, Johnny's mind suddenly became clear. 'So good… what did I do to deserve her…'

After she pulled away, Johnny got up and spoke. "Well good morning to you too. I'm sorry to cut this short but I have to get to work. I forgot to tell you but I have a job at the gym now."

Frowning, Samantha nodded and spoke. "I also have to get to work, but I didn't just want to leave without saying goodbye. Oh and… congrats on the job…"

After some more small talk, the couple broke off, with Samantha going back to her apartment, and Johnny heading downstairs and to the gym.


"Good morning Olivia." Johnny said as he waved to the young woman sitting at the reception desk.

"Morning Instructor. I'm afraid your only client is still Vanessa, and she is currently waiting in the Yoga room for your arrival. "Olivia informed.

"Ah thank you." Johnny said as he headed to his room.

Entering, he saw Vanessa waiting patiently on her mat, while in the process of tying her hair up in a ponytail.

"Good morning Vanessa, are you ready to get started?"

Standing up a little flustered, Vanessa responded. "Y-yes instructor."


"Then let's begin. I'd like to start off today by once again checking the condition of your vaginal muscles, just to be sure you don't injure anything." Johnny said.

[You are an expert at spouting bullshit, I'll give you that dumbass…] Said Aurora.

With a look of concern, Vanessa quickly took off her leggings and sat down while spreading her legs. "Please make sure that I'm okay instructor."

"Of course." Johnny said as he crouched down and began inspecting her pussy.

Tapping into his best acting skills, Johnny put on a worrisome look. "It… seems to have gotten worse. I'll need to inspect further…" He said, inserting his fingers deep into Vanessa's pussy.

*Mmh* She moaned out, but tried to keep her voice in.

After playing with her a bit, Johnny removed his fingers and sat back with a contemplative expression.

Noticing his gaze, Vanessa asked with worry, "What is it? Don't tell me it's worse than you thought…"

*sigh* "Well, good news is, I think it's treatable. Bad news is, I need to reach deeper into your vagina…" Johnny bullshitted.

With a relieved look, Vanessa said, "That's great! But what do you need to do?"

"I… I need to use my penis to reach deeper inside. I know it may sound odd, but I've encountered this specific condition before and found this method almost always cures it. However if you are uncomfortable with it, I will refer you to a doctor. But I must warn you, that will be very expensive… Whereas my treatment is free." Johnny said while wearing his best mask of kindness.

Thinking for a moment, Vanessa steeled herself and spoke. "I'll let you do it instructor. I trust that you can cure me…"

"Wonderful! Now please turn around and get on your hands and knees. I have found doggy style to be very effective in treating this condition…" Johnny said while taking out his erect penis.

[You…. I can't believe the shit you come up with.] Aurora said whilst Johnny approached Vanessa's pussy.


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