
Commitment With The Devil

{WARNING - MATURE CONTENT} "What is your wish?" Gazing into his violet eyes, I ask. Inside deep down, hopes grow. Please don't be something off the line. I can't handle such things like that. It is against will. "There is a massage I want to try out" Zander voices and takes his hands back. I finally get to escape the tight embrace. "Get in the car. There is a place I know" Turning around, I begin to walk away. Yet, his strong arm holds me back. He forces me to face him. What again? "We are not going out, miss independent" He grins. Alone with the evil smile, I can sense the mess he will cause with requests. "I don't know how to massage" A frown displays across my face. I really don't. He should just walk out of my house. "Who says you have to?" Zander raises his right brow. And I quiet down. No fucking way. "I am the one who is going to massage you... your breasts" The last two words he continues, feel like a lightning striking me in the middle of summer day. I knew this devil would ask for such sensual things! "No. Pick another wish. I am not permitting stuff like that" I instruct. Attempting to shove the man's grip away from my arm. "Don't you recall my statement, darling? You are not allowed to decline either" He brags. Of course, I am aware. But seriously? I have had sex for a few times only in my entire life with all the men I wasted my extra time on. I don't find the contentment in that area. "I am getting impatient, love. Let's commence already" Zander flashes his dimple smile. Picking me up in bridal way which catches me off guard. "Put me down!" With the strength I gained before, I try to get away. But still, he won't let me. "Don't move. Otherwise, I might end up doing much more worse thing than the massage to you" The whisper hushes me down. He is a devil, the type to do as his words. I better remain calm. There will be a chance for me to slip through this situation. Yes, I have to wait. "Good girl..." He grins down at me once I cease struggling. Jerk. His steps enter my bedroom. And he places me on the bed. "Strip now" He orders. His hand already has the oil bottle to begin the massage. He is really quick with everything. What should I do? "Come on, my gorgeous" He whines like a child begging for the sweet candy. "Are you certain this is only a massage?" I shoot a slight glare. Maybe it is fine to enjoy this. Also been a long time since I have spent a night with a man. I guess there is nothing to concern to have some fun with this devil. It is not like I can run away. "I would never lie to you" Zander assures. Well, I don't see anything wrong with these wishes. There are no feelings involved as well. I can use him for fun. Right. Think in positive way. "Are you going to observe me take the top off?" Over my query, the man's lips curve up. "Finally..." --------------- Violet Ravena, the fearsome mafia leader, was poisoned by her husband and his lover brutally. It turned out he had been planning to possess her belongings since the very beginning. Till the last breath, she wished for second chance, to avenge her husband who used her love. Soon, the desire was fulfilled by a flirty devil, Zander Gavril, who offered a contract out of interest. In return, she had to satisfy his one wish every day as he helped her accomplish the goal to venge the husband, Damian and his mistress, Nesta. [The story is written in characters' point of view for your information. In view of the fact that english is not my first language, there could be errors. If there were several mistakes in the chapters, I deeply apologize for those]

Hera_Cordelia · Urban
Not enough ratings
166 Chs

You taste so good


A moan escapes between my lips. My grip upon his shoulders tightens. Why? Why is this man's touch driving me insane? A smirk continues to play across Zander's face. He tenderly caresses my clit to send pleasure inside me. "Aren't you enjoying this too much?"

A whisper from him permeates into my hearing sense. Me? Relishing this? No. My brows furrow as legs begin to quiver. I am not. He is spouting nonsense. I feel nothing at all. "Oh, nothing?" The man lets out a chuckle. His next motive stuns me entirely. He leans down.

Burying his face in my neck to suck. The hickeys are everywhere thanks to him. "Mhm..." I can't help but moan out loud. "Ah" The moment his tongue licks my neck, the tingles conquer me. Numbing my feet. How am I supposed to run away in this kind of condition?

His fingers are slowly stroking my clit too. Despite the panties I am wearing, his touch puts me unstable incredibly. This devil, where and when did he learn to please a woman in such a way? How many women did he even sleep together with? I commence to doubt.

"Lay down, love"

Yet, Zander's voice pulls me back from diving into the deep ocean of thoughts. He guides me to settle on the bed. "I will erase your doubt" His murmur spins around my head. How? How is he going to? I lay on back without any other choices under his instructions.

The heavy breathing sound echoes in the room. "Ugh..." Gritting teeth, I lean my head back beneath shut eyes. He has taken my skirt off along with panties in a quick moment so that I failed to catch him doing. "Shall I put it in?" A question comes up from him.

Drawing my attention to open eyes. He is topless already. Smirking down at me with full of intentions. Is he waiting for me to beg?! "No. Don't even think about putting- ugh!" The goddamn devil denies to listen to me further more. He did what he wanted.

Sliding his two fingers inside my vagina. "Ugh... You jerk. I told you not to" Through clenched jaw, I shoot a glare up at him. Howbeit, he leans down, ignoring my sentences completely. His tongue makes contact upon my breasts. Wait, I am naked already?!

This man is really quick with these!

"You are so gorgeous, love" He sucks on my nipple and pinches the other. Causing me to moan out loud in surprise. "Ugh! Slow the fuck down!" I raise my tone as soon as he pushes another finger inside me. Playing with his fingers inside my vagina as he pleases.

Is he aiming to make me cum?! "Gosh, Verena. You are giving me a hard time..." Zander mutters while licking my breasts. I cannot process furthermore and I cannot stop moaning in pleasure! I just realized not only his dick but also his fingers are long. "Ugh, I can't!"

I grip his hair tightly. Toes curling as his fingers dip deep inside me. "AH" At last, I cum. Wetting the bed against my will. My favorite bedsheet is soaked under my cum now. "ha... ha..." One single cum and I already feel like passing out. My first time in two years.

This is my first time cumming in two years once again. This devil reminds me of that man whom I bumped into two years ago at the sex club. "We have yet to enjoy this fully, princess" I was wrong to believe I can finally rest. This man is a devil with high sex drive!

"Zander, let's take some res-"

Staring up into his eyes, I attempt to cease his desire. Still, he cuts me off sharply. "No, darling" His lips curve up into a smirk. He seizes a box placed on the table beside the bed. And my whole-body freezes over the sight. The condoms?! Are we finishing all of them?!

Shock runs down beneath widened eyes. Only to earn a light chuckle back from the man. "You want to?" He tilts his head. His thighs squeeze my body between as he kneels above me to trap me under. Putting out one pack, he rips it off with his teeth like a beast.

I can see myself screaming all night now. "No, not all" I shake my head. That night two years ago where I finished the whole box of condoms was the first and last time ever. I am never doing that again because it is exhausting as fuck. "You have been denying since beginning"

He smirks. "Yet, here you are, trembling under me with a pair of curious eyes. Are you interested what position we are going to play out?" His right brow raises. The dimples taking place on both of his cheeks at the same time. Fucking lord. Who made this man so attractive?!

I can't.

I cannot turn this down if he continues to beam at me with those dimples. I have to look away in this case! My eyes shift to the side to break the intense eye contact. But he lifts my chin to force me. Now, our eyes lock. "Look in my eyes and tell me you don't want to carry this on"

His order falls upon. I feel numb. Though my original plan was to deny him at all cost, my body is accepting him instantly. Did he cast a spell on me perhaps? Why do I feel like having sex with him would please me enough to put me to sleep right away without sleeping pills?

"One more round is sufficient, right?"

Rolling my eyes, I respond to the man. It is when Zander flashes a grin in satisfaction. "Let's see if I can make you roll eyes once again" He smirks beneath a mumble. Wait, what? Before I can consider, he leans down. Licking my neck to make me clench jaw. This.

This feeling. My body cannot take his tongue. It drives me crazy simply. His fingers are tracing around my clit with the purpose to wet me down there. And it is succeeding I would say. I can the pre cum dripping on my vagina. "Wear protection" I instruct.

Frowning while gritting teeth over the sight of the man groping my breasts. "I will, princess" Zander sparkles with a smile. He then goes in for a kiss while aiming to push his cock inside my vagina. "Mhm!" My eyes widen as soon as he puts all in at once.

Attacking with full of agony. "ugh..." Tears swell up in my eyes. I cannot take this. His dick is just too big, lord! Without any other options, I wrap my arms around his back. It hurts so bad, but it also makes me yearn for more. I guess my brain has stopped working.

"Ugh... Mhm..."

Zander lets out several moans in my ears while wiping the tears off of my face. "You are doing fine, love" He whispers. Planting kisses everywhere on my face to soothe me. The agony I have to endure just to take his cock is unbearable. "Slow down! Slow down!"

I shout. Due to pain, my fingers scratch the man's back accidentally. The speed he is going is making my whole-body tremble beneath him. "I can't, Verena. You taste so good" He admits through gritted teeth. Sucking my neck and licking to mark me.

Gosh. This man is a fucking beast in bed. He really is making me want to cry out loud in agony mixed with pleasure. "Ha... I am... I am going to cum" His breathing becomes quite heavy. Clenching his jaw to shoot his cum out. And we finish the one round.

Finally. "Ha..." I sigh. Relief flows inside me to realize I can rest in the end. There will be no more fucking round! I vow with a determined gaze. Zander's whole-body presses against mine as he lets out sighs near my hearing sense. I feel petite under his huge body.

"Can I go for another round?"

As expected of this man! The murmur from Zander pushes me to furrow brows. "We are done for tonight. Let go of me" I pat his arms. Sweats are running down. I need to take shower or bath. "Let's bathe together" All of the sudden, the man pulls himself up quickly.

Eyes gleaming in bliss and hope. Hell no. Why is he behaving like a child unlike his beast self in bed? "Dream big. Now, get off of me" With my hands grasping onto his shoulders, I try to push him away. Yet, he lifts me up in bridal way and gets out of the bed instead.

Startling me entirely. He acts so quick! "What are you doing?!" I yell. Struggling in attempt to escape. "I have to take care of my girlfriend in return after she allowed me to enjoy the night. It is a well-known fact. Also, don't you like to be taken care of after sex?" I quiet down.


"You frighten me sometimes"

I murmur beneath a scowl,

while he chuckles in amusement.