
Commitment With The Devil

{WARNING - MATURE CONTENT} "What is your wish?" Gazing into his violet eyes, I ask. Inside deep down, hopes grow. Please don't be something off the line. I can't handle such things like that. It is against will. "There is a massage I want to try out" Zander voices and takes his hands back. I finally get to escape the tight embrace. "Get in the car. There is a place I know" Turning around, I begin to walk away. Yet, his strong arm holds me back. He forces me to face him. What again? "We are not going out, miss independent" He grins. Alone with the evil smile, I can sense the mess he will cause with requests. "I don't know how to massage" A frown displays across my face. I really don't. He should just walk out of my house. "Who says you have to?" Zander raises his right brow. And I quiet down. No fucking way. "I am the one who is going to massage you... your breasts" The last two words he continues, feel like a lightning striking me in the middle of summer day. I knew this devil would ask for such sensual things! "No. Pick another wish. I am not permitting stuff like that" I instruct. Attempting to shove the man's grip away from my arm. "Don't you recall my statement, darling? You are not allowed to decline either" He brags. Of course, I am aware. But seriously? I have had sex for a few times only in my entire life with all the men I wasted my extra time on. I don't find the contentment in that area. "I am getting impatient, love. Let's commence already" Zander flashes his dimple smile. Picking me up in bridal way which catches me off guard. "Put me down!" With the strength I gained before, I try to get away. But still, he won't let me. "Don't move. Otherwise, I might end up doing much more worse thing than the massage to you" The whisper hushes me down. He is a devil, the type to do as his words. I better remain calm. There will be a chance for me to slip through this situation. Yes, I have to wait. "Good girl..." He grins down at me once I cease struggling. Jerk. His steps enter my bedroom. And he places me on the bed. "Strip now" He orders. His hand already has the oil bottle to begin the massage. He is really quick with everything. What should I do? "Come on, my gorgeous" He whines like a child begging for the sweet candy. "Are you certain this is only a massage?" I shoot a slight glare. Maybe it is fine to enjoy this. Also been a long time since I have spent a night with a man. I guess there is nothing to concern to have some fun with this devil. It is not like I can run away. "I would never lie to you" Zander assures. Well, I don't see anything wrong with these wishes. There are no feelings involved as well. I can use him for fun. Right. Think in positive way. "Are you going to observe me take the top off?" Over my query, the man's lips curve up. "Finally..." --------------- Violet Ravena, the fearsome mafia leader, was poisoned by her husband and his lover brutally. It turned out he had been planning to possess her belongings since the very beginning. Till the last breath, she wished for second chance, to avenge her husband who used her love. Soon, the desire was fulfilled by a flirty devil, Zander Gavril, who offered a contract out of interest. In return, she had to satisfy his one wish every day as he helped her accomplish the goal to venge the husband, Damian and his mistress, Nesta. [The story is written in characters' point of view for your information. In view of the fact that english is not my first language, there could be errors. If there were several mistakes in the chapters, I deeply apologize for those]

Hera_Cordelia · Urban
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166 Chs

Craving for his touch


A frown displays across my face over the sight of Zander gripping onto my hand while driving on the other side. I cannot focus on the roads due to agony, the reason why he is now returning to the apartment. But before I slowly pass out, his touch brings me back to reality.

The warm grasp that is making sure I stay alert. He is being considerate. "We are heading to the hospital. Just stay awake with me for a few minutes" He requests beneath a scowl. Huh? I don't recall instructing him to lead to the hospital. "No. I only want to sleep"

I mumble out loud. It is not accurate of course. Stomachache is cooperating with migraine to murder me inside. I shouldn't have skipped lunch! "You can lie all you wish, love. But your thoughts remain visible to my sense" Zander replies and stops the car moment after.

Oh shit. Right.

He can read mind. The man promptly gets out of the car to open the door for me. "Hold onto me tightly" He instructs. His hands seizing my arms for support. Wait. I don't even have injuries on my feet or legs. Why is he acting as if I lost my legs? "I can walk on my own"

Scowling in pain, I proclaim. Yet, Zander refuses to listen to me. He straight up carries me out of the car in bridal way. It panics me. Why?! This is so extra! "I am not being over, Verena. Your vision is blurry with migraine. I am attempting to help you" He explains but in low tone.

I just noticed something about him. I thought he had a deep yet tender voice. But I was wrong. When I heard him speaking with Damian, his voice was really deep and low as if his intention was to frighten people. With me, he uses softer tone. "Why are you smiling?!"

As I dive into the ocean of thoughts, Zander's lips corners lift into a beam. I don't see any reasons for him to grin at all. "It is a relief you notice that much, princess. I am honored to be recognized" He lets out a mutter. Causing my brows to pull each other together in perplexity.

What is he talking about even?

Everyone would notice it easily if they were in my place. The mystery is why? It is probably not because he is in so-called love, so, what could it be? Man, whatever. These thoughts are paining me more. "Are you sliding one request tonight?" I narrow my eyes.

Look at me. Blurry vision along with stomachache. At least, he knows how to show mercy, right? He would not push my body to accept; I guess. After all, I am not well currently. He better expresses some concern as a partner in contract. "I will decide upon it later"

Zander responds.

He sounds unwilling to decline. Don't tell me he is going to request no matter what. "What's the matter with the patient?" The ER doctor approaches to witness me being carried as if I had lost the ability to walk. "She skipped lunch and now stomachache is occurring"

Zander details the situation before I can. Well, it feels great to have someone else talk on your behalf sometimes. I quietly observe through my blurry eyesight. My arms wrap around the man's neck firmly. "Oh" The doctor's voice lowers when she hears the reason.

Gosh, this is embarrassing. Why is this man making things awkward? "Please follow after me then" The doctor leads the way to check up. The whole time, Zander stands by the side in silence to assure my safety. Before I could realize, I had passed out from exhaustion.


A groan escapes between my lips. Eyelashes peel apart, to encounter the scene of my ceiling. Yes, my apartment bedroom's ceiling. The black and white themed room which the man designed though I never admitted what design I required. Wait, huh? How did I get home?!

Realization hits me so hard to the point where I widen my eyes. Glancing around the room, the man enters my sight. He is there, on the lounge, with the book in his hand. "Zander?" The moment his name comes up from me, Zander's eyes shift. Filling with the exultation.

"Verena!" Instantly, he rushes up near the bed after throwing the book away. "I was so worried" He caresses my cheek, holding my hand. "How did I reach home?" The one and only query I want to know, echoes. It is when the man lets out a sigh. "I didn't like the way male nurses treated you"

What the fuck. The most unreasonable reason I have ever heard. A scowl takes place upon the expression. "Are you being serious right now?" I shoot a glare and shove his grip away from my hand. "Love, how could I endure the scene of them wiping sweats off of your forehead?"

He makes another excuse.

I swear. He better stops treating me as one of his girlfriends. "You are not hilarious at all, Zander. Quit spouting nonsense and tell me what time it is" At last, I ignore his unfunny reasons. Getting up from the bed to have some water. "It is one in the morning right now"

Zander's information hushes me down. So, I was unconscious for five hours? "You should go to sleep. I will be all right on my own" Suggesting him, I step out of the bed, only to lose balance. "Shit" The sudden fall I encounter causes me to seize the man's arm in hurry. But he holds me first.

His arm slides around my waist to help me, grasping my hand tightly. "Darling, you certainly are not fine on your own. Command me what to do. I am here for you" Zander attempts to coax me into ordering him around. Howbeit, I cannot focus. The dizziness comes back. What is happening?

Didn't I just return from the hospital? Everything should be all right now since I also slept for five hours. Yet, I am suffering at loss of energy again? No way. No way. Squeezing my eyes, I hold his hand. Lifting eyes to meet his concerned gaze. "Love, is there anything bothering you?"

He notices the oddness.

"Zander, kiss me right now"

Yes. The problem is the weak body made out of this devil's half soul, which means I have to inhale the energy. My instruction seems to have confused the man. He quiets down. Lord. What is he hesitating for?! I thought he liked to be kissed. Not my point but still he should concur!

Soon, the man's lips form into a smile of amusement. Thank goodness, he reacts. "You never fail to drive me insane, love" Murmuring beneath his breath, Zander leans in. Pressing his lips upon mine and parting his lips after for me. I shut my eyes, inhaling the energy from him.

Oh gosh, now I feel alive. This is the feeling of satisfaction. My hands upon his shirt tighten. Gripping onto him firmly. More. I need more. No. It is not me who crave for it. This body requires more. I just want to suck all the energy from him. I just want to pin him down and take the energy away.

The kissing sound echoes in the entire room. For a moment, I forgot I had to inhale the energy only. His tongue brings me in for a rough kiss so that I got drowned. His kisses tenderly with roughness. Making me unable to describe the feeling he gives me just from a kiss.

"Ha..." At last, we pull away from each other to catch for breath. Gasping for air together. "It appears you are all fine now, my princess" Just from the words and smile on his face alone, I can sense the shivers running down my spine. Shit. Don't tell me he is still waiting to get his request fulfill!

"No, my legs are quivering still"

The lie escapes between my lips instantly. It is the moment the man lets out a cackle. Jerk. His laughter is annoying me. "Are they?" Zander's right brow raises as he wraps his arm around my waist once again. His strength is unbreakable all of the sudden. The devil is perilous.

How can I forget it?

"Let me go" I order. Eyes gleaming with vexation. "I love your gaze, darling" Yet, a whisper comes up from him. Pushing me to gulp. What is his aim? The nervousness flows through the blood beneath a curious gaze. Am I going to be fucked? The only question crosses my mind.

Knowing damn well that I should be disgusted by the thought alone, my body shakes slightly in thrill instead. What's wrong with me?! "You are trembling" Zander smirks. His fingers slowly shift down near my vagina. Causing my whole body to freeze. Fuck no.

"Stop. I am not in mood tonight" I furrow my brows. Yes, I am not interested. Let's gaslight my own self like that. "You are getting wet already" He murmurs with his gaze piercing through mine. How could someone be this appealing? "No..."

I grit my teeth and slam my head against his hard chest. My face is heating up in embarrassment as my hands grip onto his shoulders firmly. Something is wrong with me. No, my body is wrong. It seems to be craving for his touch. No way. No fucking way.

"I have decided my wish, darling"

He whispers as I moan under his touch.