
Commanders From Other Worlds

The victory of Azur Lane over Crimson Axis reformed the alliance, and they once again reaffirmed who their enemy really is. Still the reality is that they are still back-foot as they haven't been able to replace the commanders, and the training centers being disposed of by the sirens. Fearing the collapse of morale, the alliance extensively researched the wisdom cubes to try something what can only be read in fiction, summoning people from another world. After much perseverance, they succeeded in summoning, and securing capable commanders for each faction, except for the Eagle Union, whose future commander is summoned on an island somewhere west of the base. Will these commanders bring the coveted victory or will they also fall like their predecessors?

Erica_Arcadia · Video Games
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19 Chs

Trouble in the Skies

Enterprise's group joined up with Hornet's as they arrived at the Makur islands, or atolls if you will, where they set up a temporary base to rest on. The locals are elated as this the first time in years that they had direct communication with people from outside ever since the SIrens invaded.

Usually the Eagle Union, or Sakura Empire sneak in some relief aid via their subs, but unfortunately only to the islands near alliance held territory. The Sirens may have an unbelievably large force, but constantly patrolling a large area would still be difficult if not impossible.

In order to secure their hold here and the neighboring islands, a group needs to hold an island group while the rest go on the offensive. For the one they're currently on, Enterprise's group is decided to be the ones to defend it.

"I'll be supporting your group from here as much as I can" Enterprise told the attacking group.

"Thanks sis. Hopefully, Andy's planes arrive as well" Hornet said. All of them are currently unaware of Guam's airfield princess' limitations and have misplaced hopes for their newest ally.

"They should be here anytime soon"

"Somehow I'm getting excited all of a sudden" Columbia said while looking at the sky.

"Right?! I can't wait to see them in action" Cleveland added. Both are apparently waiting to watch the new planes in action. Everyone else in the group are also excited, though on different levels.

Only a few of the Eagle Union girls have actually seen the princesses in action when they are assigned to visit the headquarters of their allies. It's described as huge waves of large aircraft flying over the ocean as they beautifully maneuver in the skies in perfect formation.

These descriptions made assignments to allied nations very popular in the Eagle Union.

Today, the group is expecting to see that and more in this operation, but unfortunately Guam's airfield princess has a limited capacity.

"Well sis, we're off" Hornet waved at Enterprise before turning to leave with her group.


Above the seas near the Makur islands, the 15 heavy aircraft of Andy, steadily made their way to the position where Hornet, and Lexington's group should be. The lead fighter of the group is currently the one acting Andy's eyes as they try to find the group they're supposed to support.

The air group then entered large cloud formations, blocking their view of the ocean below, but's it's not really a concern for now as there not detecting anything at the moment.

Back at the base in Guam, inside Sophia's office, Andy is currently lying on the sofa seemingly sleeping, or that's what it looks like, but she is currently in direct control of her fighter.

"Hmm, I see nothing yet. You sure this is where they should be?" Andy asked.

"Based on the time, you should be able to see them" I answered without looking back at her as I'm busy reading and writing reports at my desk.

"Did I get lost or something? These damn clouds are blocking my view" She opened here eyes and sat back up.

I noticed her actions in my peripheral so I subconsciously looked her way "You didn't make a turn mid-way, right?"

"No, they were on auto-pilot while I slept for a while"

What did she say? "Wait, you were sleeping this whole time?"

"Yeah, there was nothing around anyways" She said nonchalantly despite her aircraft heading into a warzone.

And here I was trying my best not to disturb her for the last couple of hours and she was just lying there sleeping. My face was probably showing what I'm thinking as she then reassured me.

"Don't worry. The planes immediately alert me when they come across something"

And immediately after, she begun to panic and blurted out just two words. "Oh crap!"


As Andy' aircraft exited the clouds, Siren planes attacked from above resulting in the loss of 2 of her P51s, including the lead and one B29.

The heavy fighters broke formation and pursued the enemy fighters while the bombers continued on.

Seeing that her units are vastly outnumbered, Andy decided to micromanage all of her remaining aircraft especially the ones being pursued by multiple enemy planes.

One of the fighters she maneuvered dived down then banked heavily to the right straight into the path of another one of her aircraft. She then had these two fighters do horizontal spins in order to avoid enemy bullets.

As the two fighters neared each other, she had one of them do a half-loop while the other one started firing, taking down some of the pursuing Sirens fighters.

The fighter that did the loop rolled to correct itself, dived, and started firing at the other pursuing Siren fighters taking down some of those as well.

Meanwhile machine gun fire erupted from her bomber group as they attempted to take down as many pursuers as possible. Unfortunately, without proper escorts it will be a matter of time before they are annihilated.


"Crap crap crap crap" Andy is currently in a panic. She knows her planes won't last long with many enemy fighters swarming them. "What should I do!?"

She doesn't have the luxury of time to think of a solution as her planes go down one by one. She needs to act fast before her forces are wiped out.

"Sophia, I'll be going out for a sec"

"Where are you going?"

"The front lines" She answered then disappeared from the office leaving a mist in her place, startling her commander.

She materialized in the cockpit of one of her fighters and made it dive straight down all the while trying to dodge enemy bullets and continued until she's only hundreds of feet from the ocean where she pulled up and leveled the plane's altitude.

"Alright, this should work for now"

She opened the cockpit's door and jumped on the wing, using wind magic to cancel out her air resistance. She then materialized her bow and arrow and started shooting at the pursuing enemy aircraft.

It sounds ridiculous, but her arrows are made of icicles that defies laws of physics and she can accelerate it using wind magic as she releases it, making it a deadly projectile that can bring down an aircraft.

"Alright, that's all of them" She de-materialized her weapon and stretched her right arm to her side. Icicles formed in the air around her with large spaces in between.

These rods made of ice floated in the air covering large area, but not enough to have the Sirens notice what's going on below them allowing them to finish of the remaining planes from Andy's original air group.

The icicles launched and transformed into 15 P51s which immediately climbed to face the remaining Siren fighters that ambushed first air group.

Andy sighed in exhaustion. "I guess that's it for my remaining energy. I should find a way to increase my magic capacity"

She disappeared from the plane's wing, and reappeared in Sophia's office replacing the mist she left earlier, scaring Sophia who is observing the mist.

Due to her exhaustion, she collapsed in Sophia's arms and lost consciousness.

"What happened!? Are you hurt somewhere?" Sophia asked frantically as she tried hard to keep herself from falling down due lack of physical strength.

Meanwhile, her new planes successfully defeated the Siren fighters with the loss of an additional three and is now in sight of an ongoing battle between the Eagle Union and the Sirens.