
Coming of the Apocalypse Queen

In the year 2XXX, a blue meteor from outer space landed on Earth and signaled the dawn of the apocalypse. More than 60% of the population was wiped out by a mysterious disease. Plants and animals turned into mutants. People gained powers and abilities. The world and the government collapsed and turned into a world where only the strong is respected while the weak are doomed to die. Lilian Mo didn't have a good life during the apocalypse. She was reduced to being a possession of her fiancé and became his glorified bed warmer. He kept her locked up in his villa and rarely allowed her to go out, keeping her around as his pet that he took care of. Though it was considered a luxury to be able to eat three times a day and drink clean water in the apocalypse when all the water sources are contaminated, Lilian Mo sneered at this kind of life and escaped her confinement meeting people along the way and gaining an ability on her own. She found 'friends' during her journey and fought alongside them through life and death, only to be betrayed by them. Lilian Mo died tragically when she was pushed to a group of mutant animals by her so-called 'friend' whom she treated as a sister. When it seemed like everything was going to end for her, she opened her eyes and went back to her sixteen-year-old body, two months before the apocalypse. "The heavens have not forsaken me." Lilian Mo swore to grow stronger and take revenge on those that betrayed her trust. Lucky for her, she was reborn with the knowledge of the future and given her own special dimension. Her golden cheats allowed her to sail through the apocalypse without worrying about food or water. After waking up two months before the apocalypse, Lilian Mo decided to set her eyes on the people that wronged her. ▪▪▪ A story about a girl's journey to becoming stronger while trying to survive in the apocalyptic world and facing the man of her past. ▪▪▪ Reminding my readers that this book's rating is [No One 17 And Under Allowed] which means it contains mature content not suitable for young readers. Read at your own discretion. This also includes gore, violence, abuse, and explicit content because the setting is an apocalyptic world. The MC is a heartless person who kills without hesitation but has a soft spot for the people she cares about. If this bothers you, feel free to drop the book. There are no major misunderstandings between the characters. Face slapping is reduced to a minimum and there are no exaggerated or draggy arguments. I only write happy endings ;) This is pure fiction. Don't expect it to be realistic. My third language is English--hoping that the Grammar Nazis would be gentle with me Cover photo not mine. I only edited it.

Mira_Diem · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
188 Chs


"Momo, where are we going next?" Mu Qingqing yawned. Because they've been awake for the entire night and it was already morning, she was feeling sleepy.

"We're stopping at another gas station since I need to refill the car's fuel. The weather will drop down by midday. It'll be no different than winter. There are coats and quilts at the back. Make sure to wrap yourself up when the time comes. After you kill the mutants, you'll be allowed to sleep."

Lilian Mo looked at them in the eyes without a trace of kindness. "Both of you are stronger than most humans because of the water I gave you but you lack experience. That's why you two will kill the mutants this time. I'll only watch and step in when necessary."

Mizuki Rei nodded. "That's fine with me. But having knifes as our only weapons make it difficult to kill those things.."

"Tch. You're so weak. Even a crowbar is enough to eliminate a low ranking mutant. If you were to encounter a rank one at your current level, you'll be plant food for sure. There are weapons at the back..."

'This scary girl is so brutal with her words... ' Mizuki Rei inwardly comforted himself.

Anyway, he would work hard and show this scary girl that he was no pushover.

'Just you wait, Lilian Mo! I'll definitely grow stronger than you!'

The group of three arrived at the gas station. They were surprised to see that there was a group of people there, about thirty of them.

"Don't talk to anyone. Don't show weakness to anyone. It's too bad that there aren't any mutants here but we need gas, badly."

"I'll help." Mizuki Rei got out of the car while Lilian Mo nodded, and allowed him to fill the car. They could feel the gazes of the people staring at them.

Mizuki Rei ignored them and so did Lilian Mo. Mu Qingqing glanced at the group of people but Lilian Mo blocked her view and stared meaningfully at the girl.

"Hehe.. Momo, I was only looking.." Mu Qingqing tried to laugh it off. Lilian Mo didn't pursue it anymore as she waited for the tank to be full.

When they were done, they all entered the car.

"Get some rest. I'll watch."

The couple didn't have the heart to refuse. They were both tired from all of the fighting and was willing to lie down and have some shuteye.

Lilian Mo closed her eyes and began to meditate.

She started to absorb the fire and earth elements in the air into her body. She remembered the warm fire that protected her and the strong earthen rocks that supported her.

She did not know how long time has passed but when she opened her eyes. She could feel the sudden coldness in the ari.

It was only July 5th, the first day of the apocalypse but the weather had gone cold.

The other two woke up because of the sudden presence of cold air.

Lilian Mo rolled the windows up while she went outside and opened the trunk. She grabbed some quilt and winter coats.

When she got back inside, she handed them to Mu Qingqing and Mizuki Rei.

"M..Momo...You were right..It's so cold. It's like winter!" Mu Qingqing hugged herself and shrank backwards.

Lilian Mo opened the car again and went inside the passenger seat, squeezing between them.

At a close distance, the two could people the warmth radiating from Lilian Mo's body despite the clothes she was wearing.

"Momo, you're so warm!" Mu Qingqing gushed excitedly as she hugged Lilian Mo who offered her other arm at Mizuki Rei with raised brows.

"Don't be a sissy. It's only an arm," she said when she saw the boy's hesitation.

"I'm a fire ability user so this much isn't a big deal."

With her words, Mizuki Rei felt assured and leaned closer. His face was red but he tried to act calm about it.

Lilian Mo's body was indeed radiating warmth like she was some kind of heater. It felt comfortable. The two fell asleep again.

After two more hours, Lilian Mo woke them up.

"It's time to eat lunch. We missed breakfast."

Mu Qingqing rubbed her eyes and yawned. It was quite adorable. She was like a little kitten.

Mizuki Rei on the other hand was alert and he wasn't as tired looking as his fiancé. He went to open the boxes behind and rummaged for some water and bread.

Lilian Mo raised a brow at his actions and grabbed open some other boxes. She stuffed an apple each in their hands.

"Bread, an apple and a bottle of water. Momo, this is no different than a diet!" Mu Qingqing started to munch on the bread like a little hamster. Her cheeks were bulging, making her appear much cuter.

"Little girl, slow down. The food won't run away. I promise to cook a decent meal for dinner. For now, make do with this."

"Momo, don't go back on your words!" Mu Qingqing felt happy upon hearing them and was quite contented after eating.

"Oh yeah.. Momo, where did you put all the things that you bought before when we went to shop?" She curiously asked.

Lilian Mo bit down on her apple. She thought for an answer and mulled it over. She couldn't tell the existence of the space just yet. Not until space ability users appear.

"Later, I will tell you. But now is not the time."

Mu Qingqing didn't press her. Although she really wanted to know the location of the goods, she has a feeling that it would only upset her Momo.

She turned towards Mizuki Rei instead but was surprised when she saw that he was perspiring. His face was red and he looked like he was having trouble breathing.

"Reirei! What happened?" Mu Qingqing started to panic when she saw his appearance but she also started to feel heavy.

Her body temperature spiked up to the point that she couldn't feel the cold anymore. It happened so suddenly. She was not prepared.

"M..Momo...I don't feel good.." She murmured.

Lilian Mo placed the girl's head on her lap. "Don't worry. It's only a fever. Overcome this and you'll gain an ability."

She also placed Mizuki Rei's head on her shoulder so the young man didn't have to worry about a stiff neck.

Just like this, she watched over the two who were burning up that touching their skin alone was akin to touching fire.

Lilian Mo hummed softly, allowing her voice to calm them down and set their minds at ease.

By July 6th, seven in the morning, their fevers broke and the two people were reborn anew, gaining stronger bodies and an ability.
