
Coming Down From Olympus

"Time erodes gratitude more quickly than it does beauty." -Vito Corleone "The Godfather" Discord: https://discord.gg/Bv5NqaqNwp For character and god illustrations and to ask me anything and communicate!! Other Book: The Time I Got Reincarnated As An Extra ____________________________________ An orphan taken under the care of an organization and brutally trained to become the history's best assassin; their masterpiece. Yet when he retired, all that he loved was taken away from him by the same people who had taken him under his care. His family brutally murdered and then he was also no exception, erased along with his home and memories into the vast pages of time. The history's greatest assassin's life comes to an end but fate doesn't permit him to die. ______________________________________ Far up on the mountain of Olympus - the tallest mountain of Greece - an assembly of imposing figures were seated in a magnificent palace to witness the decision of a certain god. "We must get him, this is the last time" A god also banished from his domain and when gods set out to exterminate him he reincarnates to another world in the form of a boy. The same boy who was the vessel for Ray Vixen's soul reincarnation. As a mortal and god end up in the same body, they will have to face the threat on the gods in the near future, one that could certainly exterminate the world and its people. Their paths will conflict and they will come to face truths about the banishment and their reincarnations, and various obstacles will emerge on that path if they were to strive towards a peaceful future. Their individual tales were sad but with their combined fates, a new path awaits for them in a new world. A path filled with revenge, hate, sorrow, guilt, joy, envy, greed that would be way more life threatening than before. ______________________________________ IMPORTANT:[THIS NOVEL WILL USE ELEMENTS OF GREEK MYTHOLOGY AND OTHER MYTHOLOGIES, BUT THEY WILL BE EXPLAINED BY ME AND IF YOU STILL HAVE SOME QUESTIONS FEEL FREE TO ASK] _________________________________________________________________ Points for the Novel: 1.No Harem 2.Balanced MC 3.Only Greek Mythology will be used, with some reference to others that will be explained 4.Novel is well paced but if it slows down or gets fast it will be for a good reason 5. The first few chapters might have info dumps scooped up but please bear till the first 12 chapters and you would understand 6.MC isn't edgy or straight off evil like you may think because of villain tag, it will take in effect gradually 7.If you guys enjoy the novel any and all kind of support is welcome as this novel is competing in WSA 9.THERE IS A GOOD REASON FOR HIM HAVING ONLY 12 YEARS AND IT WILL BE EXPLAINED AND FIXED PLEASE DONT WORRY 10.Discord link: https://discord.gg/Bv5NqaqNwp 11.If you have read the novel a review about your thoughts and what I could improve on since I'm just a first-timer.

Tsukasa0 · Fantasy
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139 Chs

A Little Sister and Answers

Right now, Arthur sat in his room wearing a casual dress after his bath to wash off the fatigue and sweat of his training. He was ready to get answers from Hades about the questions that neither he or his family knew. So he casually started his conversation,

'I need the answers to some questions, you know as well don't you?'

A moment later, Hades's reply came as if he was expecting him to ask some questions,

[Yeah I understand. Go ahead, ask away]

Arthur nodded inwardly and asked his first question,

'Although I knew this would happen since you are the God of Death and also my [Guardianus] and so there was 95% chance I expected to get the [Death] element, but what does it mean by unmanifested?'

The answer to his first question came instantly after,

[Simple, due to me being your [Guardianus], just like you suspected you got got the [Death] element but remember when I said I won't be able to affect you or help you much, until a certain point. It was this point, the reason it's unmanifested is that, although I'm your [Guardianus] but I have a soul and we are basically two soul in one bodies due to which we have two elements. But like I said, I forcibly reincarnated in this body due to which I can't do anything unless you manifest my own stigmata. Our souls aren't properly in sync and this is why my element is unmanifested and until you choose to manifest it, we cannot properly sync together and my help for you is also limited because of this.]

Listening to Hades's long explanation, Arthur affirmed to his answer with a simple nod and understood why the god said he couldn't affect him before, but if it was like this, then he wanted to ask one thing more,

'So can I just manifest the [Death] element right now?'

This time there was silence from the god's side and after a minute when Arthur was about to give up and thought that he wasn't going to answer, Hades finally answered his question. But the answer wasn't what he was expecting in the least, which just made him realize the power of a supreme element, so he quickly changed his decision and moved on to the next question.

'Why are my both elemental affinities at the [Deity] level? as far as I'm aware, this level of affinity has never been mentioned in any of the books I've read in the library?'

According to the books he had read in the library, the level of elemental affinities basically determined how much efficiency and output you were able to receive from an amount of Darkness mana. Their levels were Low < High < Elite < Eminent < Transcendent. An example was that if two same rank and same element Fahrs were to use a basic spell of their element but the affinity of one was [Low] and the other was [High] then the difference between the output and the potency of the two spells would be by leaps and bounds.

Arthur wasn't a braindead fool. He concluded that the [Deity] level affinity was at a higher level than [Transcendent] because the word "Deity" literally meant "God" and Hades was the God of Death so it made sense that his affinity for the [Death] element to be unparalleled. And just like he had expected, Hades also gave him the same answer that it was because of him.

But then why was Arthur was asking? It was simple, it made sense that his affinity for [Death] was at the [Deity] level but there it made no sense that why was his [Darkness] element at [Deity] level as well and though he was happy about it, he did not want to be an ignorant fool and just believe that it was because of his [Guardianus].

'But why is my [Darkness] element at [Deity] level too, and don't give me a false excuse. I know that it's not because of you is it?'

Arthur thought that he just heard Hades cursing his intelligence and perception in the back of his head, but he shrugged it off and Hades's answer came soon after,

[That's a question, I cannot give you an answer to. Don't get me wrong, it's not because of my own will but the Laws of Destiny Restraint. All I can say is that all will be revealed in due time, so please trust me.]

Arthur raised an eyebrow at his answer but then shrugged it off. Even if the god was lying, it wasn't like he could get the answer out of him. But Arthur trusted him a little due to his past 3 years when he had received a lot of help and guidance from Hades but it was obvious that he didn't trust him blindly of course. After all, It was not like Sam had been rude to him in his past life, he was the same as the god and look where that had led him to.

But Hades's answer was not for naught, because if he couldn't tell because of the Laws of Destiny Restraint, this proved one thing. It was that whatever the cause might be, the [Darkness] affinity was going to play a significant role in his destiny and so he decided to pay extra attention and keep an eye on it.

Just as he was going to move to his next question, Arthur remembered one more query to ask to the god,

'Wait, if you being my [Guardianus] can turn my affinity to a [Deity] level affinity then does this mean that when the gods descend on the people they want to make their incarnations, will their normal level affinities be upgraded to [Deity] level affinities as well?'

Hades's answer came instantly,

[Yes, that is true. But its not necessary because the affinities that are awakened by a human's stigmata will not be only determined by their [Guardianus] but also the body on which they descend on. If they want someone to reach the [Deity] level from a normal level, then the human vessel's body must be highly compatible with the respective element as well.]

Arthur's eyes widened a little. This was new information to him because if it was just like Hades said then didn't that mean, that his body was highly compatible for the [Death] element then. It was understandable for his [Darkness] element because he was a Blade but why [Death] as well.

'Why is my body highly compatible with the [Death] element?'

Arthur sometimes wondered that why had Hades descended on this body out of so many people on the world. He thought that it was maybe because of the Blades [Darkness] affinities and because [Darkness] had a relation with [Death] maybe. He wasn't sure of what to suspect because he had no clues about this question.

Unfortunately, the answer was also restricted to him even though he kind of expected it because, it was obvious that his body would be important in his destiny,

[I'm sorry I cannot answer that question as well.]

But he quickly shrugged it off and moved to his last question,

'Last question, my [Empyrean] talent, is this because of you as well?'

Arthur expected the answer to the be the same as the last question as well which would also mean that the gods descending on their incarnations would also upgrade their talents to [Empyrean] rank. In addition, the last answer of Hades just made him again think that for the talents also the gods would have to find a compatible incarnation who would also have a significant talent in their elements. But what he wasn't expecting was the one word answer of Hades would be completely opposite to what he was expecting and it would destroy his analyzations,



[After 2 Years]

Now Arthur was 5 years old but now there was little addition there family of three. Two months ago, his mother had given birth to his little sister, who his parents decided to be given a name by Arthur. Arthur, just like for his parents, felt an overwhelming affection and warmth towards this little angel who had just entered his life, this was because he never had a sister in his past life. Even, for his parents, it could be said that he understood the feeling because he was also a parent.

A parent to two beautiful daughters that he whole heartedly cared for, just as much as his parents did for him. But never did he have a sister in his life, not even a friend close to that. So when he saw his sister, he made a vow to protect her at all costs from this world's cruelty. He named her Amelia, after his younger daughter because she was so similar to her in her appearance and was reminded him deeply of her.

Thus, Arthur gained another member in his family that he grew up to care about deeply.

But the highlight of today was that Arthur was deeply nervous right now. This was because it was finally the day now, today he would go to the royal capital to display his talent and if his [Empyrean] talent would come to display, this would cause an uproar in the royal capital that he did not want to cause in any condition. He also couldn't avoid it no matter, since every citizen had to go to the capital to analyze their talents otherwise they would be declared an enemy of the Kingdom if they didn't do so in one month.

He tried to think of various ways but there were none that could work and before long his parents finally arrived and departed for the royal capital with them in their carriage.

He released a big sigh. There was nothing he could do, if he had to reveal his talent then so be it.


Hello! Author here I just wanted to apologize if some things do not make sense right now or if the descension of the gods is too early but please trust me these things are necessary for the future plotline and they are necessary for me to do. I hope you understand and trust me. In any case, I hope you are enjoying the novel and just like before please leave a review if it is to your liking :) :>

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