
Coming back next year Wsa

What would you do when you wake up in another world with an Analysis system backing you up? A young man fell victim to assassination in his apartment which led to him reincarnating after his death. After waking up in another world, he found out about the amazing feature her was reincarnated with... An analysis system With the help of this system, that helps him store skills and knowledge about the world of fantasies, he goes from a weak being to being one of the strongest. From ruling over elves to building an entire nation with the help of his analysis system, beautiful maidens and subordinates, He soon found himself being formidable. With his success soon known around kingdoms that posed to be a threat to him as he climbs up the rank. He must now protect his people from Demons, Kings, and even gods as he raises amongst the ranks to become the strongest Ruler. Note: This is a kingdom building, so if you like battles between villages, respect and strong subodinates, be sure to try this book. ¶Additional tags|| Magic||Master servent relationship|| Revolution|| Mystery|| War|| Mythology|| Ecchi.

Kirito_K5 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Getting my skills ready.

"That's all I have to do? So basically no different from the Dark mist skill I used earlier?" Lumin asked, seated on the ground with his legs crossed.

[Affirmative, host can use the skill 『Consume』on the Celi slime walking on the tree beside you].

Luminis immediately turned his head towards the right, where he could see a green worm-like parasitic creature climbing the tree at a slow pace.

"I'm supposed to use the skill on that? And kill it?" Lumin asked, staring at the slime as he wondered what he could possibly gain from absorbing mana from it.

[This is known as a Celi slime, they are known to merge with objects and alter their shapes and textures, probability of gaining similar skills are 98%]

"Hmm… is that so? Okay, let me try it then."

Lumin began to crawl towards the Celi slime, observing as the slime crawled its way up the tree, its movements were extremely slow, similar to that of a snail.

Getting close, he stretched his hand towards the slime with his palm open, his eyes filled with concentration as be uttered,

"Here goes,... Consume!"

Immediately, a bright light shone on his hand, before red threads began to whooshing out from the tip of his fingers.

Lumin gulped down his saliva.

The glowing threads danced in the air as they wrapped themselves around the Celi slimes body,

He could feel the immense rush of magic power leaving his body and flowing out of his fingers before forming into the threads that tinged in the air like stars.

With the threads now enveloped around the body of the slime, it began absorbing the slime's mana at a rapid pace.

It didn't take more than a second before the Celi slime fell from the tree and collapsed to the ground with its pale skin palpable to Luminis.

"It worked!" He yelled, the threads slowly drawing back into his fingers with the absorbed mana in their cores.

The slime that he had just used the skill on had already regenerated its mana and was slowly escaping away from Luminis.

With a smile, Lumin uttered as he watched, "Good thing it didn't die… I guess."

[Notice: The skill 『Merge』 has obtained, this grants host the abilities to merge with things which also involves magic, skills and inanimate things, Warning: Using skill on Non living things may lead to unpredictable situations].

[Notice: The skill 『Alter』 has been obtained, this grants the host the ability to alter types of equipment, surroundings but needs to be evolved for stronger influence]

[Notice: The skill 『Mana restoration』has been obtained]

Lumin was speechless throughout the whole thing, all he could see were the multiple flashes of diagrams in his head, each repeating the skills he had just earned and the process.

[Would you like to merge the skill 『Consume』 and 『Imprison』together?]


He had no idea what was going on, but went along with it since the voice had helped him ever since arriving to the new world.

[Confirmed, The skill 『Devour』has been obtained after merging The unique skill 『Consume』 and the skill 『Imprison』]

'I can merge skills? That's sick",

"What about the rest of the skills, are those not mergeable?"

[Negative, compatibility with skills are below 20% and would result in failure]

"I see. In that case!"

Lumin leaped up from the ground, dusting his clothes as he looked to the sky,

"Doesn't seem like the wolf lady would be coming back, I better find my way around here, even though it's going to be a pain in the ass".

Suddenly, he heard the rustle sound coming from the bushes behind him.

"Oh? Seems I spoke too soon." Luminis uttered with a smile, before turning behind him, to see the wolf girl walking out of the forest.

"Oi! Me is back with food, hope you're hungry…." The wolf girl suddenly paused, shock driven with a dead deer in her hand as she spotted Luminis standing in front of her with a smile on his face.

"Happy hunting?"

The wolf girl suddenly gritted her teeth, her defense now up. She tossed the dead animal to the side and immediately brought out her claws.

"I don't know how you freed yourself, but I'm getting you back there!"

But before she could do anything, Luminis flickered behind her and with a swift move, smacked her at the back of her neck which rendered her unconscious.

"Just as I thought, my strength and speed have increased too." Lumin utterred to himself, with a smug look on his face.


After a few hours, the wolf girl was finally waking up, her eyes gradually opening with low grunts leaving her mouth.

"Look who's finally waking up, and here I thought you were going to sleep the whole night away."

As soon as she heard Luminis's voice, her eyes jerked open, only to see herself, sitting on the ground with her arms tied behind her back.

"You! If I break free, I swear I'll kill you!" The wolf girl yelled, her anger whooshing out as she violently tried to free herself from the ropes.

"Now that's not a very nice thing to say, considering you tied me up first." Lumin spoke with a teasing tone.

He was sitting close to a fire he had set up, just above the fire was the roasted meat of the animal the wolf girl hunted.

Tearing a huge chunk of meat from the thighs in his hand, Lumin stood and slowly began to walk towards the girl.

"See, I need your help, I'm kinda new around here, so you can imagine I know nothing about this world, would you be so kind as to share a few information with me?" He asked with a smile on his face before he bent in front of the girl.

"No! Untie me!!!"

Luminis sighed.

"You can at least tell me why you tied me up to begin with? And what do you mean I don't smell like any other races?".

The wolf girl looked to the side, her cheeks puffed before she responded, "I don't feel like answering you".

"Is that so? Well, I guess I have no choice then." Lumin stretched his hand towards the fire and brought out a burning wood,

He placed it close to the girl's face, her eyes immediately widened in fear.

"W…what do you tbh you're doing?! S…stop!".

"Remember, you brought this on yourself, but don't worry, this will only leave a scar or two." Lumin replied with a grin on his face as he kept pushing the hot gushing wood closer.

Until she broke.

"Okay fine I'll talk! Don't hurt my face! I'll talk, I'll talk!!!".

"Yosh!" Luminis utterred with a satisfied expression on his face.