
strange prophet

when Lint found his friends, he saw the strange man that was watching them in the recording room. he was saying crazy ideas that the Ink demon was going to free him but the only way to do that was sacervicing Lint's friends to the demon. Lint thought that was stupid. "the demon is made of ink how does it free you from it?" lint muttered and took out his flute and started walking towards the man when the whole building started to shake! the man said that the demon was coming, so he left into the room to the right.

after the man was out of sight, Lint ran to his friends and untied them. Lint told them to go on without him, but Timothy refused to and tried to grab Lint's hand, but Lint back up. "no, I think this man only needs some help, so I'm going to stop him! Either by knocking him out with my flute or talking to him." he said getting Timothy to finally give in.

After his friends finally decided to leave without Lint, he heard a scream from the room the man was in, so Lint opened the door to see the Ink demon trying to hurt the man! "hey you, how about you pick on someone your own size!" Lint yelled and tried to hit the demon but it left, so Lint grabbed the man and ran out of the room.

once they got to his friends, Lint asked for the man's name. "Sammy, who are you? I've never seen you before." the man answered putting a hand on Lint's. before Lint could answer, Sammy started to say that Lint must have been the one to save him. Lint tried to tell Sammy that he was just a kid that had no ability to free him, but Sammy wasn't believing him. "fine, my name is Lint, please don't hurt my friends. ok?" Lint said giving in to Sammy's strange ways. Sammy agreed to not hurt Lint's friends and even called Lint "lord". Lint was slightly annoyed but couldn't get Sammy to stop calling him that, so Lint just dealt with it when they met Boris who was super sweet. Even Timothy was talking to Boris, yet Lint teased Timothy for the fast bond.