
into the studio

after a while of living with Joey, the kids started to get worried about their parents. they tried to act like nothing was wrong but they started to get illusions, so others could tell something was wrong. one day their school assigned a work project on old cartoons, so they decided to use Joey as a resource for their project, but when they gave out their questions Joey started to get angered and knocked out the kids. 

when Lorra woke up, Lorra saw that they were somewhere else. Lorra also noticed that she had changed, her skin was a strange yellow and her clothes were black as night, but she could also see through both of her eyes! Lorra continued to walk around while her friends were still asleep, Lorra had found a dead Boris with a wrench in it's chest, the strange machine that Joey had kept in his room, and that there was a way to turn on the machine. Lorra turned back to her friends and woke them up. "guys, i think we're in the studio." she said and Timothy darted up to his feet. "why, why would he throw us into here?!" he yelled. Lint had to get Timothy to calm down and let Lorra tell them what she saw. 

after Lorra explained what she saw, Lint suggested that they see what Joey's machine could do, so they all took two of the objects that were needed. But when they had to get the ink flow, poor Timothy got sprayed by ink that was in a pipe that exploded from the pressure of the ink flow. they were able to get the ink to stop dipping into Timothy's mouth and eyes, so they continued to the machine. when they got there, the entrance was blocked. Lorra tried to get closer to the block entrance when a demon came out of nowhere and tried to grab Lorra but Timothy grabbed Lorra before the demon could get her. they tried to get to the exit but the floor collapsed making them fall on top of a man. he looked pretty old but he seemed to have been in the studio for years. the man didn't seem hurt by three eight year old kids falling on top of him. the man introduced himself as Henry but sadly it didn't seem that he recognized Lorra.

the kids felt that the man was safe, so they followed him to the music department. though they nearly got attacked multiple times, Henry was able to protect the kids. but when they needed to get something for the wheel, he went to find it, but when he got back he couldn't find any of his friends.