
Collecting Titles In The Apocalypse

Having been confessed by the person you madly in love with must be a dream come true. That happened to me. However, I found out later that the confession is not meant for me but for Kyzer, my handsome and popular classmate. It all happened because of the tiger costume I am wearing at that time. Feeling defeated, I went back home with a bleeding heart. On my way toward home, a white van stopped in front of me and abducted me. I was abducted because they thought I was Kyzer thanks to the costume. A series of misfortunes befell to me one after another. When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in an unfamiliar room. Then I become the subject of a weird experiment. In the next day, I woke up in my bed by a loud ringing and discovered some weird widgets floating in front of my vision. I learned later that the peaceful city I was living till today is now in an apocalyptic situation. Zombies were running everywhere, chasing the people around me. Using my System, I will survive in this apocalypse.

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Naked spotless

"Wait, Henry, I think calling him Ordinary is doing him a huge favor. Did you know that most people call him Defective Copy?!" Said Marco, one of Jenkins' friends.

"I heard about that too. This fool has the same supercomputer on him as Kyzer Jones. But his is garbage. Hehe!" Henry added.

"A poor copy of the protege!"

"That's it."


They laughed boisterously.

Did they think I'm a pushover? This defective system was forced on me, though.

Contrary to the two, Jenkins still had a sour expression on his face.

"Trash, if you don't take my warning seriously, you'll end up regretting it one day. Remember that!" Jenkins angrily pointed at me before turning his back on me.

When they finally disappeared from my sight, I touched my face. It's painful. It also seemed like it was swollen.

"Damn, that idiot. I almost lost consciousness."

That was the punch of a Rank C Awakener. Even though I could feel he was only using a slight power in that punch, it almost instantly took my life. These Awakeners… can kill us ordinary people easily, like stepping on an ant, if they like.

This is what is difficult when a wrong person gains superhuman powers. They can threaten you for real.

I was still lucky that none of my teeth were crushed this time.

When I arrived at the Medical Center, Doctor Gwen immediately checked my swelling face.

"Why is it every time you come here your face is like that?" She asked in amazement.

"It can't be helped if you have this handsome face. Some envious lowlife wished to ruin it," I said jokingly.

Hearing that, Doctor Gwen pressed harder the cotton on my swelling face.

"Aw aw aw… p-please mercy!" I tried to struggle.

"You should tell Melody about this. She's the main reason why they did this to you, right? Let her handle them."

I fell silent for a second.

"I can't involve Melody in this. She's doing her best right now as the captain of her squad. Also, my pride as a man won't allow me to rely on a woman," I said proudly.

Doctor Gwen sighed.

"The woman you're talking about is stronger than gorillas. And the man you spoke about is flimsier than spaghetti."

"Wadapak!" I exclaimed.

She smacked my head lightly with the papers that she forcibly took from my hand.

"I'll take it. This is your main reason for coming here, right?"

"Ah, yes yes. Sorry, I forgot to hand it first."

"It's alright."

I was about to leave when I heard Doctor Gwen say, "You should rest well. There are dark circles under your eyes."

Uh, she noticed. "If I were to die of stress, please sue the manager for overworking me."

Doctor Gwen replied with a slight chuckle. "Fufu."

After leaving the medical center, I went to Melody's place. She told me to visit Mai Mai from time to time. Mai Mai had grown attached to me after saving her, so it can't be helped. Since Melody was busy with her assignment as the squad captain of their team, I often helped her in looking for Mai Mai. It was also one of the reasons that she grew very attached to me.

Arriving in front of their unit, I pressed the button on the side of the door.

After a doorbell, I heard someone rushing inside. A second or two later, the door was pulled open.

"Big brother!"

A cheerful face greeted me. "Eh? What happened to your face?" She noticed the bandage on my face.

"I bumped into something. Don't mind it," I already prepared for such a question so I replied without lagging. It helped lessen any suspicion.

"I see…" she tilted her head before pulling me inside. "Come in, big bro!"

"Big sis! Big bro is here!" She shouted.

"Ehh!? Awawa~ wait! Don't bring him here yet!"

I heard a panicked voice. However, it's too late. Mai Mai already pulled me into the living room.

"Waaah!" I heard Melody raise her voice as she rushed away.

I gawked with my mouth and eyes wide open.

Seeing Melody, now I understand why she was panicking. Her body was only covered with a towel. Probably, she just came out of the shower.

However, before she could run away from my sight, she tripped on something and she clumsily fell over.

I stared at her with wide eyes. Melody was now lying on the floor and the towel fell apart. I saw her naked spotless back and her voluptuous side. My eyes grew wider at the unexpected view.

In her quick reflexes, she threw a comfy pillow directly into my eyes.



I fell over like a bowling pin. Even though it was a soft comfy pillow only, she was a rank A Awakener after all. The throw had enough power to knock me out.

My consciousness faded like a dead fish. When I opened my eyes again, a pair of round eyes were staring at me.

"Big bro…?"


Uh right, I blacked out.

"Big Sis! Big bro is reborn!" She shouted suddenly.

"Wait, Mai! When did I die?"

Later, Melody repeatedly asked for forgiveness for what she did.

"Sorry, Dan, please forgive me," she said with a beet red face.

"No, it's fine. I am glad actually."

"What do you mean?"

"Thanks to it I've rested a little."

"You're overworking yourself? Also, what's wrong with your face?"

"I bumped into something."


I rubbed the back of my head and laughed drily.

"Ahaha. It's no big deal."

"Please be careful next time."


We have a lunch party after that.

Aside from practicing her combat skills she also practices cooking. She said since she needed to raise her sister alone, she must learn how to cook.

"This curry is much better than before," I said.


"Yes?" I gave her a big nod.

I saw her eyes twinkle in excitement.

"Big sis, this curry is delicious! Yum~"

"Finally, my hardwork paid off," Melody said happily.



We enjoyed our lunch.

I went back to the SGS Headquarters after that and reported to Manager Sai that I successfully handed the papers to Doctor Gwen.

Manager Sai asked me how I ended up having bandages on my face. I told her, "Because I'm handsome, jealous people wanted to ruin it."

She stared at me with a deadpan expression on her face.

"Stay away from trouble next time," she said nonchalantly.


After that, Manager Sai asked me to go with Lena Wyte. She wanted us to visit the Military Camp.

When I heard Lena's name, I nodded furiously.


I could finally see my crush!