
Collab lists

The First stories we are collaborating together will be about the two MC's of our original stories "The Overpowered Mage: A New Age Of Magic" and "The Demon Sorceress"

Chara_and_Luna · Others
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First Collab


This is IceValkyrie's story "Luna on this profile" MC is called "Wolf Flame Dragon" he is a very strong mage with five different elements under his control. He has a familiar (Later on in the story) called NightFlame who is tied to him because of their destiny. ~Luna


This is Chara's story MC is called "Loki Keket Morana" She can kill anyone with a single spell if provoked. She is often called The Demon Sorceress. -Chara

Before we actually start on this we are gonna do some more of the originals story, But this is Chara's idea to start this collab account since we always spin off from each others stories, so might as well share them! :) ~Luna

This Story takes place in Symathios, before that, lets get a little deeper. Wolf starts in his world Xzavia but upon something happening he gets teleported to Sympathios, on the other hand Loki starts out in her world, but upon he being driven from everywhere she could go to, she teleports to another world with her pet snake, hoping to get a fresh start ~Luna

We will add the actually story once we get some more chapters done on our actual respective stories. Go Check them out if you want! :) ~Luna



Chara_and_Lunacreators' thoughts