
Coldest Heart Warmer

A beautiful girl whose name is Angel Moon was hated by everyone, but not mostly hated by those who really knows her. Her heart can be as cold as Ice or atleast it is what she believes, but it can get warmer like the Fire. A tall handsome man named David Green whose wealthy and successful without the help of anyone and was always strict of everything has became more interested of Angel Moon since he saw her that day. Can a Strict Independent man handle a short tempered girl whose heart is as cold as Ice? Will they manage to stay until the end? who knows... Well guess what dear reader, you'll see...

Zheia0016 · Fantasy
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10 Chs



"Who's there?" Angel ask, It's like she's talking with the wind, but little did she know that there was a girl not too far away from her doorstep, trying her best not to be notice...

As Angel walked back inside carying the small box, the girl sighed in relief. She looked at the entirety of the house. "So this is Amorevole Mansion" what she said was almost like a whisper. She enter a white car that seems like she owns and drove to leave.

Angel's P.O.V.

I was sitting beside the window here at my living room for almost 10 minutes. The voice! It started again! I cover my ears with my two hands and closed my eyes tightly. Why can't they stop!? I hate it!

"Be free... Save yourself, do it!" they say

"NO!" I shouted, even I was shock, why can't this voices just leave me be!

"No? You don't want me here? Ok I'm leaving" I was pause for a moment when I finally recognize the voice. "Where were you?" I ask Melisa as I turn around. "Well, you have no one here. No maids, no chef. What should I do? I've been to the market to stack some food!" she answered.

I raised my eyebrow "Should I fire you then so you can live the happy life without me?" a moment of silence was given to me, before I could add another sentence, she laughed. "What?" I asked irritated.

"Nothing, it's just that you're acting like a 6 year old kid who didn't get what she wanted" she continued to laugh, but I didn't say anything. Soon as she stopped laughing I gave her the box that I got earlier. "Tell me what's inside of this thing" I ordered her as she took the box and I could hear it opens. "Well nothing special" she said.

I hate her answer, no she didn't answered my question. "Did I ask for any of your opinion?" she sighed deeply. "What can you do without me?" she said, but I just crossed my arms, I didn't want to argue anymore.

"It's a paint brush that is broken..." she said it as if she regret it the moment she said it. I just nodded. "Where did you get this?"she added "I'll just throw it if you like"

I got up and and took the box from her hand. "I'll take care of this, it is a gift."

I got into my room and took the paint brush. 'So, a paint brush it is?' I tightened my hold of the paint brush that it almost broke, I heard a crack from its handle.

'How dare that person!' I was angry deep inside but I kept it well hidden, I forced myself to hold the tears but my eyes can't. Whoever that person was... That person must be satisfied.

Melisa's P.O.V.

I was outside Angel's room, sticking my ears to the door just to hear her, I can't afford to peek at the door because she have a strong senses, she can tell when people's watching her and she hates that.

I can hear sobbing behind the door, she must be upset. Whoever sent that gift knows her so well, what am I saying! That's not a gift! That's a flaming arrow that was shot straight into her heart!

Angel Moon, she used to be an artist. She loves painting since she was 10 years old. Painting the nature has always been the cure to her broken heart. Now I felt so bad for her. Even worse, I felt sorry for her Mother. I felt sorry I can't even protect her, or share her pain with me. I cn only feel bad for her, and cry with her when she feel like it. I can't even grant my promise.

I was deep in my thoughts that I didn't even realize I was crying. I wiped the tears off my cheeks and smiled. I'm all she have right now, even though she's always pushing me away, and pretends that she don't need me at all, which I know she do.

I was back into reality when I realized the sobbing had already stopped. I opened the door slowly just to see her laying on her bed. She must be tired for today. I shall leave her to rest for awhile.

Someone's P.O.V.

Infront of me was my secretary Liam explaining my schedule for the whole day. For goodness sake I need a break from all of this thing.

"One more thing Sir, the current President of Moon's Pride Corporation  requested a meeting with you" said Liam. I was paused for a second. What does he wants? Obviously I have nothing to do with their business, after all in the world of business, the Moon's Pride Corporation was in 3rd place! They were literally under me.

"Interesting, let's see what they've got for me. Cancel my lunch with Jenna, I will meet Calvin Moon" a smirk can be seen on my face right now. How interesting Moons can be?

Angel's P.O.V.

"Where am I? Is it storming again?" I opened my eyes to see the celling, I get up slowly. I'm so tired how long have I been sleeping?

I found myself walking at the empty hallways of my house. Why is it so empty? Did a robbery just happen? "Melisa!" I called Melisa, I need an assistant right now, my head hurts!

"Did she took care of you?" I paused to a sudden voice. Was it... I lift my head a little bit and looked at the end of the hallway. I can see a black figure standing at the other side of me.

I can't move... I was froze to where I was standing. "Why did you turn your back to me again cupcake?" I turned around to see another figure standing behind me this whole time.

"Mom... Dad..." I murmured. Why are they here? They look terrifying!

"Stop it dear you're scaring my poor cupcake away!" Mom said almost laughing. "No please!" I started to cry, tears are rolling nonstop as it drops on the floor...

"Dad.. Mom... Forgive me" What's happening?! Am I going crazy! I looked at their direction again but they're nowhere to be seen...

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Melisa suddenly appeared and hugged me. "What on earth?! Everywhere!" I looked shock because why would she look for me everywhere?

"Shhh, open your eyes" I looked at her confused but she just smiled at me.

"What!?" I got up from my bed. It was just a dream! I never get used to it. I sighed and facepalmed. That's not the weirdest dream after all.