
Coldest Heart Warmer

A beautiful girl whose name is Angel Moon was hated by everyone, but not mostly hated by those who really knows her. Her heart can be as cold as Ice or atleast it is what she believes, but it can get warmer like the Fire. A tall handsome man named David Green whose wealthy and successful without the help of anyone and was always strict of everything has became more interested of Angel Moon since he saw her that day. Can a Strict Independent man handle a short tempered girl whose heart is as cold as Ice? Will they manage to stay until the end? who knows... Well guess what dear reader, you'll see...

Zheia0016 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

One Thing Special

It was a stormy night, I woke up terrified with the loud sound of thunder... I guided myself to the window, I touched the edge of it and starts opening without thinking and there were voices in my head.

'Jump! Jump!" they say.

I shook my head terrified with the voices. "STOP!!! STOP I DON'T WANNA!!" my screams fills the entire house, maids rushing over to my room. "Ms! You're fine we're here!... You're fine..." said Melisa, my assistant and also a friend. I looked at her recognizing her voice and hugged her tight, tears rolling down to my cheeks.


A week had gone so fast after that night. Some of the maids were in the kitchen still talking about that incident.

"Poor Ms. Angel, I never saw her in that state before!" said one of'em. "Shhh someone might hear you!.. But yeah I agree she never been like that or I guess that is what we think so... 'Cause we all know she's a total devil not mentioning her name." said the other one, the two of them giggles but it didn't last long. Soon as they heard a loud scream coming from upstairs they ran towards Angel's room again.

"AHHHH!!" She looks shock and angry at the same time, she looked at her maids direction, or atleast she thinks where they were. "WHO DARES TO STEAL MY HANDKERCHIEF?! I swear I put it right next to me! I ALWAYS DO!" She shouted as everyone started looking at each other and ran around to check where it was.

Melisa ran inside the room and asked the maids what was going on, they answered her clearly as she approach Angel. "About the handkerchief, I took it earlier while you were in the bathroom, I just thought it needed to be clean" Melisa said in a shaking voice.

Angel's P.O.V.

I was sitting at the edge of my bed trying to calm myself down, but what Melisa told me was enough to make me angrier. "So you're doing whatever you want now?" How could she dare do whatever she thinks of doing after seeing me in that state. Does she think that I can't handle anything anymore? She thinks I'm not capable of anything?...

I was so confused of what was going on in this room. I can't hear anything from them. "Angel stop being a spoiled brat" That word of Melisa made me look at her direction. "What did you say?" I got up "Everyone. FIRED!"My voice echoed at the whole entirety of the room. I took my guiding stick to go to the laundry room downstairs.

I was struggling to get down, I heard footsteps behind me. "Angel you can't just fire everyone here! Look at you, You need someone to hold to!" I kept walking not minding what Melisa just said, or should I say I pretended not to hear any of her words.

I walked in the laundry room and searched hard for that Handkerchief... It's hard to tell where it is but I found it! The feeling of the fabric on my hands makes me recognize it. I can't afford to lose this, never!


My Mom and Dad were dancing romantically under the lights of our big and tall Christmas Tree. Their smile was pure and full of love.

"Are you ready to open your pressent my cupcake??" asked my Mom as the clock hits 12 midnight, "I would gladly open my pressent Mom" 7 year old me smiled happily as I ripped off the gift wrap.

"Wow!! It's so lovely!!! Thanks Mom and Dad for giving me this! I will cherish this forever!" I said and hugged them tightly


I smiled bitterly to myself as I enjoyed remembering those memory, happy memories!

Melisa's P.O.V.

Sometimes I can't understand Angel, she never told me where she got that Handkerchief and has never wanted to lose it, it gotta be very important to her. I watched her smile bitterly while holding the handkerchief close to her heart. I just stand at the door waiting for her to stand up. The maids were behind me, looking at me as if they were begging for their jobs.

I signaled them to leave us alone for a moment and they did, I walked silently to Angel but as expected she noticed me. "I told you all of them were fired, If you're jealous of them I can fire you as well" she said calmly yet I know she's not... or maybe she is, who knows what's going onto her mind.

"We've been friends for almost 3 years and yet I still don't know you that much." I said then sat on the floor with her

"You'll never know me, because you'll never understand my situation" I felt bad for her. "You don't know how much I love you Angel, you're like a daughter to me, I would gladly do anything for you, just to understand your pain" It's true, I am willing to try and understand her "Well maybe you should lose your eyesight if you're that desperate" said Angel and then walked slowly out of the room.

'If I could Angel, I would' I said to myself

Angel's P.O.V.

I still don't get why Melisa kept wanting to understand me, she'll never understand, and I don't want her to. She should leave me or else I would end up hurting her feelings. I tapped my head strong enough for me to get hurt. 'Why did I say that to her.' I asked myself but even I don't know the answer.

I sighed deeply and touched the sofa for me to sit. I always look straight to my direction, I don't even know where I'm looking at. All of a sudden I felt anger inside me. Why am I like this? I don't know.

I lost everything since that day... The day she gained everything. That woman.

My thoughts were gone when a sudden knocking was heard on my front door. 'What the heck?' I said to my mind, don't they know how to use the doorbell?

I was just sitting on the sofa in the living room when someone knocked again. I don't hear anyone rushing to the door so I stood up. I slowly walked to the door, even though I can't see, I know my house pretty well.

Soon as I opened the door, I was waiting for a word, but no. I walked forward just a little and I almost stepped into a box, I think. I looked around as if I'm seeing anything. "Who's there?" I asked but no one answered.

I bend down to pick up the box that was on the ground. I opened it and tried to feel it with my bare hands, but I have no idea what it was.

"Melisa!" I called Melisa to ask her but no signs of her either. How dare she! I took a step backwards and shut the door. Why is no one answering me? I was about to get furious but then I remembered...

'I fired them all' I whisper to myself. "Who cares! I don't need all of you!!" I shouted in frustration trying to convince myself.

But where's Melisa? I didn't fire her didn't I? or did she take mywords earlier seriously... I don't care.


I just want you to know that I write for fun and this story is not my first one to write.

But this story is indeed the first story for me to post and to let everyone read. As I am so conscious of my writing skills.

Please bear with my grammar as English is not my primary language.

I'll gladly accept any kind of feedback about this story and will try to improve in time.

Zheia0016creators' thoughts