
Coldest Heart Warmer

A beautiful girl whose name is Angel Moon was hated by everyone, but not mostly hated by those who really knows her. Her heart can be as cold as Ice or atleast it is what she believes, but it can get warmer like the Fire. A tall handsome man named David Green whose wealthy and successful without the help of anyone and was always strict of everything has became more interested of Angel Moon since he saw her that day. Can a Strict Independent man handle a short tempered girl whose heart is as cold as Ice? Will they manage to stay until the end? who knows... Well guess what dear reader, you'll see...

Zheia0016 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Third Person's P.O.V.

The M'sP Corporation Main building was now crowded with media teams and reporters that are hungry for today's news. The collaboration of G&I and M'sP made a huge hit at the business industry, this is in fact an unexpected event to be seen.

Reporters are scattered around the area but they soon came together when a black car followed by another three black cars arrived.

The cameras are flashing as the men in black gathered around the car, seeming to protect whoever is inside in that said car. The door was opened by Liam Smith and then stood a tall handsome man with a formal attire looking straight to the entrance not paying any attention to all the questions that surrounds him.

Inside was a very beautiful lobby full of different paintings from all the famous artists in the world. The current President Calvin Moon stood beside his father Chairman Ronald Moon, waiting for the C.E.O. and President of the Green's & Invention, Mr. David Green who now had finally arrived.

"Thankyou for your presence today Mr. Green" said Ronald, he then held out his hand to signal them to proceed. Ronald and Calvin are both walking behind David who is being guided to a certain area.

"Where is she? Is she attending or not?" Ronald said almost whispering to Calvin. "We shouldn't expect anything from her dad after all we are the future of this company" Calvin replied.

The room that is filled with chatter from media to shareholders was interrupted by the entrance of David Green, the most successful man in business industry.

Both of the parties soon discussed about the contract, and after agreeing with the terms and conditions of both side, the reporters who are just outside the room can be heard talking. The cameras began to flash, attracting everyone's attention.

All of them including David Green looked confuse but still didn't move from his seat. What they saw or maybe who they saw entered that two big doors made them all shocked or at least only two among them.

David's P.O.V.

As the noise grew louder outside, I can't help but to look at the main door of this four cornered room. The doors opened and after that enteres a very beautiful woman. The famous Angel Moon.

She is the majority shareholder of Moon's Pride Corp. no wonder she's here... I heard she's blind, but I didn't care about that rumor either, not untill I saw her here.

I looked at Ronald Moon to see him got up from his seat. "It's good to have you here Ms. Angel Moon, my dearest niece" said Ronald, I then tilt my head a little bit to see Angel's reaction. I was never wrong, The Moons are really interesting!

"Why do I feel like you're not happy at all Mr. Ronald MOON" she give the emphasis to their surname Moon with no trace of emotion on her face nor in her eyes. The Moons are interesting, but Angel Moon is the most interesting among all of them.

Angel started walking towards Ronald's direction with the help of her secretary as it seems, wich was beside me. She was close to his ears whispering "I think that seat belongs to me, or do you want to keep it?" her voice was loud enough for me to hear, but I don't think about the others.

I smirked, Angel looks at my direction for a moment, it seems like she can sense anything that I do, almost like she's seeing me. Ronald turn his head down, and Angel walk her way beside Ronald's seat. Is she mocking the chairman of the top 3 corporation?...

I should know more about them, now that we are connected with our businesses... I should know who am I dealing with.

Angel's P.O.V.

From the moment I entered this room I felt like someone was staring into my soul since then. The fact that I know everyone was staring at me, that one stare felt like something, it can sent shivers down to my spine.

I ignored it anyway. If only I can see. I hate this eyes! They're useless! I tightened my grip at my skirt trying to hold my anger back.

It has been a very long time since my parents death. The M'sP Corp. that they kept for so long, needs to be kept in the rightful hands. I will regain what's mine! I'm done with them, I gave them so much time already!...

The contract signing went great. It is not my plan to ruin the investment. After all G&I is the best corporation if you're talking not only in this country, but also at some. We can benefit a lot from them. The name was very known that companies rushed for M'sP for investment because of the news about the investment of the G&I in less than a week.

Third Person's P.O.V.

People started to leave one by one and so as Angel. She's wlking with Melisa when someone called her "Angel we shall talk" Calvin said pissed by her cousin's behavior. "There's nothing to talk about." said Angel with her emotionless face as always.

Calvin took a step towards her "You said you're not coming! Now what is this?!" he said almost shouting but still controlling his tone, someone might hear. "If I ever change my mind... Should I call a press conference to announce it?" silence was all Calvin could give at this point, he's staring at her angrily. "If I ever change my mind about your position... Then I should let everyone know..."

Angel left after saying those words. While Calvin was left there clenching his fist tightly. How can a weak blind girl threaten him.

David's P.O.V.

I saw Angel walking away from Calvin. Why do I keep looking at her? At some point she looks helpless. But her attitude towards Ronald earlier makes me feel she is something.

I looked at Calvin whose noow clenching his fist. I'm not surprised, maybe Angel did the same to him like Ronald's. I smirked at my thoughts. Can a girl really that brave enough, and we're talking about a blind girl. Now it's getting more and more interesting.

I walked straight to my car and called a friend of mine. "Steven, I want to know everything about Angel Moon, who she was and everything that connects to the M'sP Corporation." I ordered Steven Keed my private investigator. "Wow looks like you're back to business after being away for so long" I hang out the phone not wanting any of his stupid jokes.

Yes. I've been away for quite a long time. That's because I have some important thing to do. And that thing can't be done by those idiot men.


"Arghhhh" In this dark four cornered room, all you can hear was screams! People groaning in pain as the burning metal touch their skin.

"So no one's answering my question?" I said standing in front of these three men as I watch them suffer. "We already told you, we know nothing!" said the man in the middle. How dare he raise his voice on me! "Punish him untill he spit that name out of his mouth!" I said then left.

I walk upstairs from my basement. Liam turned to me "Sir. Ms. Jenna is here, she's waiting for you at your office" I glared at him. "You fucking let her in without my permission?!" Liam just looked down. I hate his behavior, I must replace him soon.

I threw my coat onto the floor whilst walking to my office, the smell of blood from the basement can be smelled at the coat.

I opened the door to see Jenna sitting at the couch waiting for me. "Mom told me to come and visit you here" Jenna said shyly. Tsk! Why being so shy when she likes what our parents wanted us to be! "You should go now, I have no interest in talking about marriage" I said as I sat on my swivel chair and turn to face the window wall.

I can feel her getting close to me, slowly walking behind me. "Can we just atleast try? I mean... I'll be a good wife!" I almost laugh at her statement. "Didn't I said that I have no interest in marriage? More specifically... You" I don't care about what she thinks or what she'll feel. I need to talk to my parents about this!


I got so busy trying to find out who tried to sabotage me. At the same time dealing with that girl Jenna. I sighed deeply as I facepalmed. I'm loosing it.

Angel's P.O.V.

I'm at my Dad's office at Amorevole Mansion, I was touching all of his belongins just to feel it and remember his smiles. I sat on his chair that is now a bit fragile. I kept his office as it was when he left so I could still feel him in this house.

I smiled bitterly but my smile faded when a sudden knock interrupted me. "Come in" I heard the door opened and footsteps walking towards me. "Dr. Lee gave me a phone call earlier" I looked at Melisa's direction when I heard her news.

"Then?" I asked. I was hoping for a good answer. "There is already a donor for your cornea transplant!" I got up from my seat and slightly smiled.

"That person... Make sure they won't cancel the donation, I can't lose this chance again" I said as I remembered how all of the cornea donor had cancelled their donation.

I sat again on my dad's chair and opened his drawer. I took the picture out from the drawer. Our family picture, I can't even remember what it looks like. And I wanna see it again.

Hours had passed and I'm still thinking about the donation. I can't think anything but negative. I've been through a lot of negativity whenever they said they found a donor, but then soon after they'll cancel it. Are they mocking me! I'm sure they did that on purpose... That Ronald and his son Calvin!

I woke up at a loud sound of thunder, again! I looked around "voices, voices... nooo" I murmured. I got up to the window. I can't see anything but Images started to show in my head.

"NO MOM!!! DAD HELP!!! MOM!!" I shouted so loud I don't care if someone hears me I want to save my mom! "HELP SOMEBODY!!" I shouted for help but no one answered!

"Jump!! Jump!! Free yourself!" I climbed over the window ready to jump. "I want to be with you... Take me with you! Why do you have to leave me alone at this state! WHY!" I was dumbfounded seeing my mom laying on the ground from my window covered with blood. I jumped!

I hit the hard floor from 2nd floor and layed beside my mom. I hugged her tightly as I could. I missed her! Now I can finally be with her...

..... ....

"Angel!" I suddenly got up from my bed. "Nightmares?" Melisa asked I didn't answer because I know she already knows the answer.

I was dumbfounded again... thinking about that nightnamare. It felt so real... So real that It felt like, I was born again. What am I saying?! I'm going crazy!