
Coldest Heart Warmer

A beautiful girl whose name is Angel Moon was hated by everyone, but not mostly hated by those who really knows her. Her heart can be as cold as Ice or atleast it is what she believes, but it can get warmer like the Fire. A tall handsome man named David Green whose wealthy and successful without the help of anyone and was always strict of everything has became more interested of Angel Moon since he saw her that day. Can a Strict Independent man handle a short tempered girl whose heart is as cold as Ice? Will they manage to stay until the end? who knows... Well guess what dear reader, you'll see...

Zheia0016 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


David's P.O.V.

I'm currently sat on my swivel chair at my office here in G&I's main building. My phone rang, I got up from my seat and looked outside the big window. It was a one sided window, anyone outside the building won't even notice that this wall right here is actually a wall of glass.

I looked down to one of the bulding where its light is always flickering, but it was actually a secret way of communication, the Morse code. I can't afford to trust any kind of phone call as there might be someone listening, who knows.

I piece together the patterns and then smiled. "I get it, great job. Now you can do anything you want to them. Kill them if you want to." I said then turned off my phone.

'Took so long for those three to realize they have no choice but to sing their master's name' I said to my self smirking. "So it's him. The nerve, the audacity of that man to get on my way! Well let's see what you got and where will your courage take you!"

My deep dark thoughts were interrupted by a knock. "Come in" I said as I sat on my chair again. Steven entered with a smile on his face and walk towards me. "Well you have a taste! She's too beautiful, close to perfect yet she's defective." he said out of nowhere.

I raised my eyebrow "Angel Moon. Not only that she has a non-functioning eye, she also have a crazy brain" he added. I crossed my arms "Why do it sounds like you're humiliating her? I thought she's almost perfect"

Steven stopped for a second and took a seat. He handed me all the information he gathered this past three months. "Yeah she is indeed close to perfection, but her personality?? Nahhh I can't handle a girl like that bro"

"Did I say you can have her?" why does it sounds like a warning? I'm not even sure why I'm irritated right now. I didn't bother to look at Steven's reaction and just continued looking at the files he gave me.

"Do you like her already? That fast?" I looked at Steven whose now confused. What?! Me? Like that girl? "Whatever I say you don't have any right to question it. And no! I don't like her... I just thought that she might come in handy in the future" I stated

"Future what? As your wife?" I instantly glared at him. "Don't you dare test my limits!" I warned him but he just laughed. "Oh well I have to go, I have a lot of girls waiting for me at Green's Sweet Hotel ciao!" he tapped my shoulder then left.

That man never gets his lesson, he's always there to piss me off. But Angel Moon... She's so familiar. I think I've met her before, I just don't know when and where.

My head started to hurt , it hurts so bad that I knelt on the floor. "LIAM!!" I shouted, Liam rushed to me and then gave me pain killers. It happened again!

Angel's P.O.V.

I am aware that I'm awake now, but I can't open my eyes. I heard footsteps approaching me. "Who's there?" I asked. "Good thing you're now awake Ms. Moon, its me Dr. Lee"

Hearing Dr. Lee's voice I can now remember it clearly.


I am laying on a hospital bed waiting for the anesthesia to work. Beside me is Melisa, I can tell she's smiling as if she was the happiest person in the world. "I'm the one to get cured but you seemed so happy than I should be" I said calmly, I'm starting to feel sleepy because of the injection.

"Well I told you before, you're like a daughter to me so I am the happiest person" I looked at her direction. "I told you don't act like my mom... But thankyou, because you're here" I said awkwardly and turn to the other side.

"Promise me... Don't shout after waking up from the surgery. Calm yourself down... And don't cry when you can finally see. Try to smile" she said. I can tell she's crying and also breathing heavily.

"I will... And I will tell you how beautiful you are" I said and smiled to her. I closed my eyes as my eyelids started to feel heavy.


"Melisa... I need to see Melisa" the first thing that came out of my mouth is her name. I want to see her for the first time, the only person who didn't leave or betrayed me despite of my condition.

"You should rest first. You can meet her later" I slightly turned my head to Dr. Lee's direction. "I said I wanted to see her... Bring her here!"

"Ms. Moon! Listen to your doctor!" I was shock by his sudden behavior. I heard him walking away and shut the door closed. What is wrong with him!

I got up and removed the eye pads quickly. I opened my eyes slowly...

It's bright...

And blurry...

I took a step forward. For almost 16 years I never got a chance to witness myself growing up. I can't believe I look pale. I started walking out of the room still struggling, my vision are still blurry I can't see anything clearly.

"Where are you going? I told you to get rest!" I looked up to see Dr. Lee standing infront of me. "I can handle myself, I need to see Melisa, we can share happiness togeth-"

"Melisa is gone..." I looked at him furiously. "I was in the middle of talking how dare you cut me off!" I shouted. "Now where's Melisa? Why is she not here! She told me she." I paused when I remembered what Melisa told me before I went to surgery

"Promise me... Don't shout after waking up from the surgery. Calm yourself down... And don't cry when you can finally see. Try to smile"

"She's gone Angel. Melisa died due to stage 4 lung cancer." said Dr. Lee...

"No... She... She's happy and fine when I left. How can you say such thing! Why can't you just tell me where she is!" everyone at the hospital were looking at us but I don't care neither do Dr. Lee care! He's eyes were in tears almost make me believe what he said but no! That's not true! Right?

"She's at her funeral... She's been there for 2 days." I shook my head in disbelief. I ran outside the Hospital and Dr. Lee followed.

We arrived at the funeral... I don't want to go but I want to convince myself that Melisa's not there!

I slowly walk inside.. As I walk, tears started rolling down to my chin. I was halfway through, but I couldn't move. I felt so weak. I felt powerless.

I sat on the floor not minding everyone's attention. "How did this happen?" ... "WHY DIDN'T YOU TOLD ME ABOUT HER CONDITION!!" my voice echoed as I shout to Dr. Lee.

"She knows her illness before... But when her doctor informed her that her cancer is on stage 4 and has 3 more months to live. She decided to give her eyes to you" Dr. Lee explained.

I got up and walk again to Melisa. "Is this your way of punishing me?" I ask. The tears that was over flowing earlier has now disappeared.

"I'm grateful" I made my way outside. Leaving everyone with something to talk about. Hate me as much as you can! I deserved it.

Third Person's P.O.V.

Everyone started talking after Angel left. Dr. Lee remained silent looking at Melisa's picture. Crying for the one he just loved. Too bad they can't be together.


David Green was just on his way home when the car suddenly stopped. David glared at the driver for being so careless, the driver was shaking in fear. "What is it?" said David irritated. He looked at the front of the car to see a girl standing right in front of his car.

"Throw that crazy girl aside, I don't have time for this" the driver nodded and walked out of the car. David looked at the two but he got angry when the driver is dumbfounded not doing anything.

David stepped out of the car and approach the two. "Sir. She is Angel Moon right?" said the driver. David looked at the girl in shock but still with anger on his face.

"Are you planning to die? Don't do it here. If you want to die you should atleast stand in the middle of the road" but Angel didn't look like arguing with anyone right now.

She looked at David straight where he was. "I can finally see..." she smiled bitterly. "Can I afford to die after losing a family and gained this eyes?" her tears started to fall down again. "I told her I'm grateful even though I'm not" she continued "How can I be grateful when I don't have a chance to see her in person even once!" she lost all her braveness.

She cried in David's arms. Not sure why but she felt safe in his arms. David pat her back as she cried. "Now you're crying, you surprise me everytime I see you." said David.