
Turn on

"So all this time when I asked why your body muscle was getting bigger and firmer, you were actually working out?" She with a stunned look on her face. She then slapped him on his shoulder "knowing that you went so far for me it's .. it's actually a turn on". Lily quickly got up on top of him spreading her legs between his firm, warm, and smooth body. She started grinding her bum against his crotch to wake up the little beast in inside chris' pj pants. "How about you show me what you learned in those lessons with Mo" then she went down to kiss him and then nibble on his earlobe and breathing in his ear to get him into what she was doing. Chris just smirked, the woman was injured and yet there she was stirring trouble in his pants "I don't want to hurt you, not in this condition " he said as he kissed her back and took her by her shoulders pulling her back onto the bed. Of course he felt sorry her, she doesn't call him man beast for nothing, he earned that title through hard work and dedication to craft. But lily didn't care, she really was turned on, she wanted to unleash the man beast as a reward for the training he did all these months for her sake , she wanted to say thank you using her body plus she was super horny in that moment . Truth be told, she was scared of sex before she met Chris due to Eric's attempting to rape her multiple times in the past, even in her own home and her parents turned a blind eye to the whole thing, she was their money ticket why would they say anything about it.As far as they were concerned Eric could do whatever he wanted to her, they were going to get married anyways why stop him? He came close many times but she always managed to get away, usually tears would work in veering him off and sometimes she'd just lay completely still. That would sure make Eric lose his interest, he wanted her to fight back so that he could have her forcefully, he wanted to control her by taking over her body and soon her mind.But Chris was very different, he a had soft approach, especially after he found out what she had been through with that maniac, she may still have been a virgin when they met but she still had trauma. Their first time was actually initiated by Lily herself, it wasn't under a romantic setting or anything like that. She one day just decided to let go of her fears and trauma and love Chris with her body in a way that she could never love Eric, in a way, she wanted to heal her mind of the ill attempts that Eric had with her. She wanted to enjoy making love and having sex with Chris without having any regrets or withdrawals in the end. Even though Chris was the type of guy to do it anytime and anywhere, at this moment he just wanted to hold her tight and make her feel warm and safe. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him, more than ever in his life he wanted to be her life line, he wanted to be someone she can rely on and think of first when she was sad or happy, and especially when she's in danger. As horny as she initially was, she calmed down and decided to enjoy his warmth in silence.The past year they shared together was amazing only because Lily stayed far from Eric's radar, they enjoyed walking freely in the streets and eating At restaurants, though Lily insisted that they have no friends Chris was okay with that because he never had time for friends anyway. From what he heard from Mo Eric was growing increasingly impatient with Lily, he was now bringing out his big guns and he might come looking for personally as well. Just relying on her uncle and his people won't be enough, he would need to come up with his own ways to keep his love away from that monster that gave his woman nightmares. He knew that the apartment that they currently staying at wasn't too safe, the airport had cameras and Eric somehow knew where they were headed, he could use that airport footage and the street footage to get to them easily. It was just a matter of time before he came kicking the front door and grabbing his woman and taking her away from him forever. These thoughts alone made his heart darken to a pitch black color, he wasn't going to wait for the worst to happen, that's when Lance came to mind, he remembered that Lily said he was especially good with computers and built spyware to spy on his parents. If he could build a software that would help them track Eric's movements, they can stay ahead of him and plan accordingly. Contacting Lance wouldn't be easy since contacting her family was a complete no no, her parents would give her up in no time, Chris was pretty sure that Eric kept Lily's parents under surveillance to ensure that they don't keep lily or any information away from him. He'd had to call Mo the next day and find out the best way to get to Lance quickly and unnoticed.