
Enraged Maniac

"How the f*ck did you lose her again this time?" Eric growled at his subordinates. He had her in his grasp in that town, how the hell did two grown men get defeated by a harmless sweet bunny like Lily? It was beyond him as to how that could even happen. "Boss, she's a highly skilled ninja boss!!!" Said the man who was driving the car that Lily managed to crash without driving even driving. He was impressed with the punch he got handed by the so called "fragile flower", there's no way Lily did not receive some sort of training. The driver sustained minimum injuries during the crash but not the same thing could be said about his partner Ducky, he face looked it was smashed in cartoon style and had a few teeth missing in his mouth, he had been given black eye in both eyes by the little flower and on top of that, the driver thought that he might've become retarded after the ordeal because he kept mumbling nonsense on the way back to the boss' office in country A. Ducky did not even notice that he was standing in front of Eric, little miss Lily really did a number on him the driver had to be impressed by how messed up Ducky was after a 10 minute encounter with the little bunny, it was almost hilarious seeing his dear partner actually losing his mind like that. "So you're saying that only the two of you went after her when I actually sent 15 of you in that town to get my precious woman" Eric was losing his mind as well, but he was losing it to anger. He spent a year looking for Lily, he poured a lot time and resources just to get to her. He knew that for her to hide that well for that long she had to be extra careful not to create a trace or a link for him to find her.He was only able to find her because of the mall footage he received from one of business partners who owned the mall she was working in. It was pure luck because he only mentioned her once to the man and showed him her picture even though he knew that lily would probably change her appearance every time she moved to another place but he found her and this was his chance to be reunited with his love. He had personally sat down with his goons and devised his plan to catch her but there was no point in the end since they went there and did the opposite of what he asked. The plan was that they'd wait for her to enter the mall and into the store that she worked in and then tie her up in the store and bring her to the car waiting outside with back up. Eric knew that his woman had developed a sixth sense to danger so if she noticed something fishy she'd immediately be on alert and find a way to outsmart him, his plan was airtight and had they followed through with it, he'd have her in his cage by now and making love to her. Now he had to wait and only God knows how long he would have to wait til he got her. Eric took out his gun from his desk drawer and then put a silencer on it, he then pointed it to Ducky who was still basically delirious. He did not need such incompetent employees in his organization , he might as well do the work himself even though he had failed to catch her multiple times before as well. He put his finger on the trigger and was about to shoot when the driver blurted that he had more information that could possibly be of use to him, "boss, boss, don't shoot Ducky, he already had been punished by little miss, I can give you information about Miss that you can find helpful hey???" The driver said as he stood between the gun and the absent-minded Ducky. "Oh, .. what information could you possibly have for me dead meat?" Eric said in a low but chilling voice. "Miss, Miss, Miss has a b-boyfriend!" The driver immediately fell to his knees after uttering those words. He felt the room get so dark and heavy with diabolical energy, he was being suffocated by the air literally! "What did you say?" Eric picked up the driver by his nick that had been punched earlier that day and put him against the wall violently, "I said repeat your words dead meat!!!" It was as if Eric had heard that someone had stolen his most valuable and favorite toy ever, his ears must've been lying to him. The dead meat must be lying! " b-boss, we actually saw her coming out of her apartment with the dude, he even k-kissed her and gr-gr-grabbed her bum bum, boss!" In that moment, the driver regretted every word he said, why didn't he just let Ducky die? Looking into the eyes of his boss, was like looking into the pits of hell and he was about to be sent there for saying such insolent things to him, but it was true and the boss had to know. Garret who had been in the same room as the boss and the two idiots the whole time finally stepped forward to stop Eric who had now put the gun inside the driver's mouth "boss, don't kill him yet!, we need to hear what he has to say" Garret had been Eric's right hand man since they were in high school, he knew how much he loved Lily, no scratch that, he knew how much he obsessed over Lily and such information would have him burning the entire city! He had to pacify him and quickly. "Eric, calm down, you can punish her and her boyfriend once you get her back, right now Ducky and the driver are our only real leads to her, they saw the guy she was with" said Garret, honestly speaking he was tired of his boss chasing Lily all over the world. He knew that even if he caught her the love was still one sided, Lily hated Eric from her very core, she was disgusted by his touch and the smell of him in spite of how good looking and ridiculously rich he was. He never could figure out Lily, she definitely wasn't your every day typical girl. Eric finally let go of the driver, he ordered them to give him the pictures they took and any more information they had on this "boyfriend" that his woman had found. He planned in his head how he was going to have her punished for having a boyfriend, and if this guy could kiss and grab her precious bum in public without retaliation then she must have had sex with him already. His mood got even darker he finally sat down and started imagining another man touching lily, he couldn't believe that another had actually managed to get inside his woman, he had tried to get inside her since she was 16 years old and he failed at every attempt. But now there's some douche bag that had possibly deflowered her. He then got up from his chair with the edge of his table in his palms and threw it upside down, he destroyed everything in sight and even tried to beat up Garret in a rage, fortunately he managed to leave the room before he got caught in the crossfire. The expensive paintings that cost millions of dollars on walls were destroyed in a matter of seconds and not even his chair was spared he threw it through the window thats how enraged he was. After he had destroyed everything in the office he stood by the broken window and took out his cigarettes to smoke and calm himself. He then took his phone and called Garret to prepare the car, he was going to pay his in laws a visit, he was not done yet. Of course Garret knew that next stop was the Dukes mansion, every time he got mad about Lily the Dukes would be on the receiving end of his anger. Eric then grabbed his suit jacket that was lying on the floor with broken shards of glass, he dusted it off and ran out of the office grounds and to the car. Garret drove at a high speed, he did not want to be in the same space as Eric when he was this mad. He finally got to the mansion and Eric let himself out and ran to their door. He continued to shout and kick it until the butler opened up for him.