
Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

[COMPLETED NOVEL] Living together with my ex-husband? Sarah never thought she would one day meet Michael, her ex-husband, again in the operating room with his body full of wounds and needing treatment from her. They were already divorced for three years, and Sarah didn’t have a good memory of the man. If she could… she would have let him die. However, she was a doctor, and a doctor's job was to save patients. Sarah immediately regretted her decision to save the man because it turned out that Michael had amnesia and remembered that they just got married! To make matters worse, she stupidly accepted her ex-in-law's request to pretend to remain Michael's wife while taking care of him. Why did she do that? However… during the time she spent with her ex-husband, Michael's attitude was very different from what Sarah had last remembered. He was very gentle… and loving. It made the feelings she thought were gone, come up to the surface. Would Sarah be able to deal with her feelings? What would happen when Michael's memory suddenly returned? Would his attitude stay the same? ============= EXCERPT: "Wifey," Michael called, looking at Sarah who was lying beside him. “Hm,” Sarah answered curtly, not looking at Michael. "I think I'm healthy." Sarah's body stiffened when she heard that. Was Michael healthy? Did that mean he had remembered everything? Would he scold her for tricking him? "Wifey? Why are you silent? I think I'm healthy and I can do it," Michael said quietly. "What do you mean?" Sarah finally looked at Michael with raised eyebrows. “Do what?” "Making babies." ============= Ps: The cover does not belong to me, credit goes to the owner. You can tell me If you want it to be taken down. Pss: Check my other stories in English 1. Superstar Husband & Genius Wife 2. The Lady Vampire and Her Lover 3. Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband 4. My Beautiful Queen is Vampire

FallenAngel4869 · Urban
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387 Chs

Christmas Eve


Sarah, who had just come out from the kids room to give them a goodnight kiss, turned when Michael called her. Her face was slightly surprised to see the man outside the balcony and standing near the balcony railing..

What is Michael doing there? Isn't he cold?

However, seeing that the man was smiling broadly and moving his hand to call out to her, it seemed that the air wasn't as cold as she had imagined.

Well… the man is also seen wearing a blanket over his shoulder.

"Come on! Hurry up!" Michael called excitedly.

Sarah finally stepped out onto the balcony and walked over to Michael when she saw how excited he was calling her. 

Well… She did want to meet the man after putting their kids to bed to ask him to go out and buy the Batman car, a present her youngest son wanted.

Normally, Sarah would never buy her kids expensive toys, but tomorrow was Christmas, and she'd better keep her kids innocent about Santa's existence.