
Don't Need to Be a Hero to Save Lives

Its been three years since this strange evolution had taken place, and the beginning of this story begins in a regular town. An explosion of a supermarket had happened, and from the smoke, is a figure that blasted out of the building in a shockwave, pushing the smoke away revealing a figure. It is a man with an incredibly muscular body, and wings that looked like they were made from scales like a dragon, with bags of money on him.

He yells "HA! You'll never catch me!"

Then, from an adjacent building, is a man in a trench coat, speaking into a walkie talkie, "He is on the move! I repeat, he is on the move. Pursue at all costs." He then quickly sprints toward the direction were the villain had ran. The villain then landed on top of a small building, proceeding to dump cash on the street for anyone to get, then he flew away to hide in a nearby abandoned building.

Catching his bearings, the winged man caught his breath, heaving. He enters the abandoned building, but inside he saw a small kid, about fifteen, in front of him.

The kid spoke, "You're a villain, right?"

Shocked, he flew himself backwards, hitting some furniture and knocking it down. It was a loud ruckus, enough for one of the police officers' dogs to hear it. With sirens wailing in the distance, he quickly grabbed the kid; and soon after that, the building was swarmed by officers and three heroes.

An officer stands out, and on a loud radio, says, "Give up. We've gotten you surrounded theres nowhere to go!"

The winged man then yells "Never! Unless you want this boy to get hurt!" He then holds the boy up, and then jumps out of the window flying to the roof, holding him by the nape over the ledge.

The policeman on the radio then says "O-okay we'll let you fly, just let the boy go!"

"Alright" the villain said, slowly he walked backwards, placing the boy on the ground. As soon as he did that, the boy grabbed his arm, and pivoted his foot, causing the man to be lifted on his shoulder and pounded to the ground. The boy then ran away as fast as he could.

The police took advantage of it then sent the heroes up their, so the heroes ran up there as fast as they could, with one of them encasing the villain in iron bars, while the other one, put some sort of device on his foot. So slowly the mans wings began to shrink back in his body, as if shutting down his powers. Once the area was secured, the villain was brought to a containment truck, then it drove away.

The police officer looking on, then turned to the kid. He proceeded to ask him questions, "I'm going to need to take a statement from your sir, especially after your... feats. How were you able to perform such acts of strength, and why were you inside of that building?"

The boy then responded with "The reason I was at the house? Well... that used to be my old home before I moved, and it'll be demolished soon. So I come here often to remember my old memories." Then he answered his second question. "How I was able to do that...? The answer is pretty simple, really. I know Ju-do, and I practice fighting by sparring with big enemies."

The officer then told him, "Well, what you did there was dangerous. Even though you know how to fight, you should let professionals do the fighting. After all, you're still a student, so you don't have the proper papers to be a hero."

The officer then crossed his arms, "But I'll let it slide for now... you know why?" The boy then shook his head no. "Well, that man is part of a small gang that steals money, and pretends to give it to others. In reality, they're just gathering minions by giving out counterfeits, and being called 'saviours in disguise'... and you just stopped them. Do you know what that means?"

The boy then said "I... I'm a hero...?"

The policeman smiled, then told him, "Yeah. It means you turned into a hero, and saved the lives of plenty of people by stopping him."

After being asked more questions he was let go and sent home. When he arrived home, his sister was there cooking some food and then asked him "Oh! Hey Heiwa, what'cha want for dinner?"

He then said, fatigued, "Fried fish... with soy sauce. I'm beat today..."

"On it..." his sister replied.

After a fulfilling dinner, he then entered his room and shut the door.

He then began to think about what the police officer said.

Echoing in his head, "You saved the lives of plenty of people by stopping him..."

He looks up on the ceiling, drifting into sleep, "So you don't need to be a hero to save lives, huh...?" After thinking that, he began to fall asleep and call it a day.

Fast writing: 100

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