
Human Evolution

Around three years ago, some sort of wide spread illness or contagion had infected the world, giving people special powers; However, through further research on the brains of healthy people and those with powers, scientists had discovered that it is an extraordinary evolutionary trait that the human brain has developed to combat the virus. Scientists were baffled by this find, and thought that one of the reasons why this has happened is because since the world is slowly dying. The body is aware of this fact and is evolving to give us these powers.

But it's just a theory, and not even the smartest minds on the planet know why the human body suddenly made this extreme evolution. Some theorizers have even speculated that that the human body is also preparing us for a war against intergalactic threats, though it is simply shrugged off as a big conspiracy theory. Although no one truly knows the reason why this has happened to humanity, people have started to make a profit off this.

By acting like heroes and saving the day, even though this is all new, people don't seem to be fazed by it, even though its all new to them. So this evolution is slowly infecting all humans on earth.

That's why its usually illegal to try and force superpowers in some countries. Because they will always come naturally. But since this "World ending devastation" theory is still, a theory people aren't worried much.

So since people have been doing heroic deeds, a new work choice for people has appeared, Being heroes, is usually what most people want to be as kids. But since back then, it being an imaginary dream, They can now actually become heroes. Of course as any job is, you need to be a graduate and get tested if you're strong enough to be a hero, and because of this reason there have been multiple students across the globe that are passing school in high honors.

But as usual, with every hero. There is a villain, with people passing school and being tested as a hero but failing. They grow a hatred for heroes, because you can never take the test again, so they pursue a different career, as villains, but becoming a villain can also be related to the need to be powerful, or greed.

Villains who rob people and their belongings, as well as occasional homicides, so its also a heroes duty. To stop villains in their path and save the day, so this is where our story begins.

This is my really late entry for the writing prompt because there are lots of things going on already like school and writers block. A dark place will be out soon cause its a really long story but see you later!

DEAZvcreators' thoughts