
Code Geass: New Life

Kaushik_15 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

The Army

"A Single unit will have

Commander: The highest-ranking officer in the army, responsible for overall command and strategic decision-making.

Recon Specialist: Highly skilled reconnaissance experts trained in stealth, intelligence gathering, and surveillance.

Combat Engineer: Experts in construction, demolition, and battlefield engineering, responsible for fortifications and breaching obstacles.

Tactical Analyst: Specialists in analyzing complex battlefield data, providing critical insights for effective decision-making and operational planning.

Special Operations Operator: Elite soldiers trained for unconventional warfare, covert operations, and specialized missions.

Medical Officer: Highly trained medical professionals who provide critical care and evacuation in combat situations.

Cyberwarfare Specialist: Soldiers trained in cyber warfare and electronic warfare, responsible for defending against and conducting offensive operations in the digital domain.

Diplomatic Liaison: Officers with expertise in diplomacy and international relations, responsible for fostering relationships with foreign militaries and coordinating multinational operations.

We shall divide the ranks based on this Lucas."

"Nice thought. "How many people do we have now, uncle?"

"We recruited everyone we could and then sorted them into categories, with four people demonstrating exceptional talent in commanding." We also have 800 recruits ready to train with them."

"Oh! Is that correct? That's more than I expected, and I'd like to meet those four in person."

"I'll send them to your cabin in an hour; in the meantime, get ready."



The four recruits Pov.

Room 303 in the Mecha Academy buzzed with anticipation as four individuals sat on chairs arranged in a circle. Erwin, Shikamaru, Shiore, and Aizen, the top recruits of the academy, were waiting for their meeting with the head of the organization. They exchanged curious glances, their minds brimming with their unique stories and talents. Finally, Erwin broke the silence.

Erwin: (nervously) So, um, I guess we're all here for the same reason. I'm Erwin, and I faced discrimination as a half-Japanese in Britannia all my life. It's an honor to be selected for this academy.

Shikamaru: (leaning back in his chair) Hey, Erwin. Lazy Shikamaru here. Nice to meet you. (yawning) I guess we've all got some interesting backgrounds. I used to lead a small gang that stole food. Lazy, but smart, they say.

Shiroe: (smiling) Hello, everyone. I'm Shiore. It's great to see such diverse talents here. I've always had a knack for strategy and planning. Looking forward to working with all of you.

Aizen: (leaning forward, wearing a sly smile) Ah, the introductions. I'm Aizen, probably the most intelligent person among us. Tricking people into giving me money used to be my thing. Looking forward to finding new avenues for my skills.

Just as their conversation began to deepen, the door swung open, and a distinguished figure entered the room.

"Young Master is now ready to meet you four."

It was Jacob.


They notice a figure wearing a mask as they enter the cabin.

"Good day!" "I am the organization's founder and leader; you can call me Cipher."

"Good to meet you." They all stated it at the same time.

"I formed this Organization to obtain greater military strength than anyone else. I have one goal in mind for now, which is Japanese independence, and later have some personal goals."

Erwin" Hmm! I believe that as long as we achieve independence, we will do everything for you. And may I ask why you prefer to conceal your identity?"

"Oh! I apologize; it was only meant to seem cool."

Lucas then takes off his mask.

Everyone's jaw hits the floor.

After they've recovered from his latest trick.

"I summoned you all here to inform you that we have eight hundred recruits, including you, and that I will divide them into four groups." You will all go through rigorous training for the next ten months, after which I will assign you your assignments."

"That's all there is to it. I'll keep an eye on you all."

"Uncle I Leave all their training in your hands I want you to teach them all kinds of things."

"Leave it to me, Young Master."

"Now It is Time to Build some Stuff."


"Let's start with the Giant Arc Reactor."

The Arc Reactor works by generating a virtually limitless supply of clean energy through the process of nuclear fusion. It uses a combination of a palladium core, powerful magnets, and a miniature particle accelerator to create a self-sustaining reaction. The reactor converts the energy from the fusion of hydrogen atoms into electricity, providing an immense power source.

(A few Days Later.)

"Now that the Arc reactor is Done. It is time for me to build my armor.

( 2 Months later.)

"It's finally Done."

The suit is composed of nanobots, tiny microscopic machines that can self-assemble and form various components of the armor.

Here's a breakdown of how Lucas's nanomachine suit works:

Nanobot Deployment: The suit is stored in a compact form, usually within a device like a specialized briefcase. When activated, he commands the suit to deploy, and the nanobots are released into the air or the immediate vicinity.

Nanobot Assembly: The released nanobots respond to Stark's commands and begin to assemble themselves into the desired configuration, forming the armor. The nanobots connect and create a solid structure around Stark's body.

Enhanced Durability and Strength: The nanomachines provide unprecedented durability and strength to the suit. They can form a protective shell around Stark, capable of withstanding powerful impacts, energy blasts, and even ballistic attacks.

Shape-Shifting and Modular Design: One of the key features of the nanomachine suit is its ability to shape-shift and adapt to various situations. The nanobots can rearrange themselves, creating different types of weaponry, such as repulsors, lasers, missiles, or even melee weapons like blades or hammers. This modular design allows Iron Man to be versatile in combat scenarios.

Energy Generation and Repulsor Beams: The suit's nanobots generate the energy required to power the various systems, including the iconic repulsor beams in Iron Man's palms and chest. The nanobots channel and focus energy to create powerful blasts that can be used for offensive or defensive purposes.

Self-Repair and Regeneration: Another remarkable aspect of the nanomachine suit is its ability to self-repair. If damaged in battle, the nanobots can quickly identify and repair breaches or structural weaknesses in the armor. This feature enhances the suit's overall resilience and allows him to continue fighting even under significant damage.

User Interface and Heads-Up Display (HUD): The nanomachines integrate with Stark's brainwaves and provide him with a heads-up display, projecting information about his surroundings, suit status, and targeting systems directly into his field of view. This seamless connection allows Stark to control the suit more intuitively and efficiently.

[He deploys it like Iron Man's mark 50]

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