
Code Geass: New Life

Kaushik_15 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Bloodstained Euphy

In Lucas's sprawling laboratory, the air crackled with energy as he meticulously worked on his latest creations — powerful mechas that would bolster the strength of his knight orders. Surrounded by a team of skilled engineers and technicians, Lucas was focused on perfecting the designs and ensuring their efficiency.

Erwin, Aizen, Shiroe, and Shikamaru, each leading their respective knight orders, were gathered in the laboratory to witness the progress firsthand. As they observed Lucas's work, their eyes gleamed with anticipation, knowing that these mechas would greatly enhance their capabilities on the battlefield.

Lucas, clad in a lab coat, looked up from his workbench and greeted his commanders with a warm smile. "Welcome, my esteemed commanders! I trust you're as eager as I am to witness the birth of these magnificent machines."

Erwin, the valiant leader of the first knight order, named the Silver Ravens, stepped forward. "Indeed, Lucas. The Silver Ravens stand ready to deploy these mechas to protect our cause and lead the charge against our enemies."

Aizen, the cunning and manipulative commander of the second knight order, known as the Shadow Serpents, nodded in agreement. "These mechas will bring a new level of strategic advantage to our operations. With their capabilities, the Shadow Serpents shall strike fear into the hearts of our adversaries."

Shiroe, the brilliant strategist at the helm of the third knight order, called the Azure Scribes, interjected with his calm voice. "Lucas, I have studied the blueprints extensively. The Azure Scribes are eager to deploy these mechas in battle and witness their potential unfold."

Lastly, Shikamaru, the master of deception and leader of the fourth knight order, named the Night Shadows, spoke up. "I must admit, Lucas, I'm intrigued by the possibilities these mechas offer. The Night Shadows will utilize them to execute precise strikes and outmaneuver our enemies."

Lucas's eyes sparkled with excitement as he listened to his commanders' enthusiasm. "I appreciate your unwavering dedication and belief in this endeavor. With the addition of these mechas, our knight orders will become an unstoppable force."

As the conversation continued, Lucas explained the unique features and capabilities of the mechas. He showcased their advanced weaponry, impenetrable armor, and enhanced mobility. The commanders, their eyes wide with anticipation, eagerly absorbed every detail, envisioning these machines' impact on the battlefield.

Meanwhile, amidst the bustling laboratory, Jacob, the leader of Lucas's strike force, meticulously selected and trained his team of 200 recruits. He instilled in them the values of loyalty, discipline, and unwavering commitment to the cause. Jacob knew that they would be at the forefront of the upcoming battles, and he spared no effort in preparing them for the challenges that lay ahead.

Days turned into weeks, and the laboratory hummed with activity as Lucas and his team worked tirelessly to finalize the mechas' construction. As the finishing touches were made, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The knight orders, the recruits, and Lucas himself were eager to unleash the power of these machines and turn the tides of war in their favor.

The stage was set, and the world trembled with anticipation. New alliances were formed, and battle lines were drawn. The moment had come for Lucas's knight orders, supported by their powerful mechas, to step onto the battlefield and change the course of history.

"Phew! Great work team, we have been inactive for way too long, It's about time Euphemia Declares her plan to create the special zone, Aizen Come I have a mission for you. Meet me later." Lucas.


"Master, I can confidentially say that all the recruits are Strong enough to take out 10 people by themselves. They are finally ready to step into war." Jacob.

As they were talking they heard a knock on the door.

"Lucas-sama it's me Aizen."

"Come in Aizen."

"I have come for my Mission."

"Hmm, Listen very carefully Aizen I want you to Meet Kirihara also known as 'Kyoto' and gain his trust. We will be needing his Sakuradite in the future. Our reserves are close to empty, Persade him using whatever means possible."


"And also Prepare X12 Jacob I will be taking it for my next big appearance."

"Yes sir."


"Everyone who calls themselves a Japanese can you please Die?" Euphemia.

"Oh! It looks like I have arrived at the perfect Time."

Immediately after saying that Euphemia shot a civilian first.

"Lelouch, Man Learn to control your Intrusive thoughts, bro."

As Euphemia shoots a man(Andreas Darlton) on the stage for trying to stop her" there Came the sound of a Huge Boom in front of the stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen You can now be fearless. Why? Cause now I am here."

A Huge Black and White Knightmare was standing in front of the stage Aiming its huge Gun towards Euphemia.


"Hmm! Are you Japanese too Please Kill him, soldiers?"

As she says that the Knight mare Raises its arm. It then transforms into what seems like a Blaster.

" Let's see how strong Your Knightmares are. Come."


n the heart of the stadium, Lucas stood tall within the cockpit of the colossal black and white Knightmare, his eyes focused on the chaotic battlefield unfolding before him. The deafening sounds of destruction echoed throughout the air as he skillfully maneuvered the powerful machine, using its blaster to fend off the encroaching enemy Knightmares.

The stadium had become a refuge for the frightened masses seeking safety from the conflict. Lucas knew that protecting these innocent lives was of paramount importance. With each precise shot from his Knightmare's blaster, he obliterated the enemy units, creating a safe path for the people to escape.

As the crowd of panicked individuals made their way toward the designated exit points, Lucas's commanding voice resonated through the stadium's loudspeakers. "Remain calm! Follow the designated routes to safety. We will ensure your protection!"

People, both young and old, clutching their loved ones, hurriedly followed Lucas's instructions. They moved swiftly, seeking solace and security beyond the confines of the stadium. Lucas's towering Knightmare served as their shield, standing as an imposing barrier against the relentless assault of the enemy forces.

Despite the chaos and destruction, hope glimmered in the eyes of those fleeing. Lucas's determination to protect them instilled a sense of confidence, assuring them that they were not alone in this struggle. The people's fear transformed into determination, propelling them forward toward safety.

With each passing moment, the number of individuals remaining in the stadium dwindled. The deafening roars of the enemy Knightmares clashed with the resounding blasts from Lucas's Knightmare, creating an atmosphere of relentless intensity. But Lucas remained resolute, his focus unwavering as he fought to the last breath to shield those seeking refuge.

Finally, the last person made their way out of the stadium, stepping into the embrace of freedom. A collective sigh of relief swept through the crowd as they witnessed the extent of Lucas's unwavering protection. The stadium, once a battleground, now stood as a testament to his valor and selflessness.


As Lucas was Busy destroying the Knightmares and Protecting the people Lelouch Approached Euphemia and Shot her.

"So it's Over now."Lucas.

"Hope you are watching this Charles. This marks the beginning of your End."


Cornelia Won the max votes by the way.

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