
Chapter 5. Echoes of the past

Opening Vlad's eyes, a bright light struck from which he closed his eyes again and turned off, he listened, someone was saying something, but he could not make out anything, it was like in a fog. When Vlad opened his eyes again, there was no bright light anymore, he looked around and realized that he was in some kind of ward, and he was connected to a drip, after looking around the whole room Vlad stared at the ceiling and tried to come to his senses. At some point, the door to the ward opened and a woman appeared there, she silently approached Vlad and checked the drip, then she said:

- How are you feeling?

- My head hurts. - Vlad replied, not looking up from the ceiling.

- It's okay, turn your head towards me - The woman said and took out a small flashlight from her breast pocket. Vlad turned his head, and the woman began to check the pupils.

- Fine. - Said the woman and removed the flashlight. - Rest, I'll come back later.

- Fine. - Answered by Vlad

The woman left the room. Vlad was so exhausted that he was not afraid and his head was not visited by thoughts of where he was and what was happening, he closed his eyes and fell into a dream. When he woke up, he looked around the room again and tried to remember how he got there, but his head was still buzzing. He looked at the dropper, which had already been changed, after lying there it was not clear how long the door opened and a woman entered the room, took a chair and put it on the bed. Vlad looked at her, but didn't know what question to ask, so he just looked at her.

- Awoke? the woman asked.

- It seems to be - Vlad answered.

- Well - Said the woman and showed two fingers - How many fingers?

- Two - answered Vlad.

- Well - The woman said and took out a pen - What color is the pen? the woman asked

- Blue - answered Vlad.

- Yes. Follow her with your eyes - The woman said and began to drive the pen in front of Vlad's eyes.

After several movements, the woman put the pen in her pocket and asked:

- Do you remember your name?

- Yes.

- How?

- Vlad.

- Fine. - The woman said and leaned towards Vlad's hand - Let's take it away - She continued and took the needle out of Vlad's hand, she threw the end with the needle onto the counter and sat down on a chair.

- Let's get acquainted, my name is Alisa Volkova.

- Mg. Vlad said and nodded his head.

- You are now in your college on the fifth floor.

Vlad looked around again.

- There used to be offices here - Vlad said.

We've made a small change.

- It's clear.

- Tell about yourself

- About Me? Yes, I don't even know what to say an ordinary student.

- What do you like to do?

- It's hard to say, I don't have such a hobby, I do what I like. I want to read - I read, I want to draw - I draw.

- Interesting. Volkov said.

Suddenly there was a squeak.

- It's lunch time, it will be brought soon, you wait until you can't get up yet, I'll come later.

- Fine. - Answered Vlad.

Volkova left the room

- What's going on? Vlad thought.

- Now he is in a state similar to derealization, but will be back to normal soon. Volkov said.

- Okay, you can go. - Said the man, sitting at the table.

Volkova turned around and left the office.

- Are you sure it's a good idea? - Said the man standing and looking out the window.

- Yes. The man at the table replied. "Plan 23-C can now be put into action.

Several days have passed since the last events, all this time Vlad lay and did nothing to all his requests to call or go home, he was told that it was too early, he could not leave the ward because the door was closed and he had no choice but to, how to wait. He tried to find out what was the matter with him and what they wanted from him, but he was told that he would find out later. And then one day, as usual, Volkova came to him and called him with her. For a long time, Vlad left the ward and they went to the room in which the assembly hall used to be, going inside Vlad was surprised, the audience was changed beyond recognition, there was some kind of equipment everywhere, where there used to be a stage, now there was a room similar to the control room behind which there were several people, and in a straight line from this room there was some kind of car and several capsules in which a person could easily fit. Volkova told Vlad to sit on a chair and wait, while she herself retired to a room where there were several people. Vlad sat down and waited. A few minutes later Volkova returned and said:

- All is ready. Went.

Vlad got up from his chair and they approached the car.

- Get in here - Volkova said and pointed to one of the capsules.

- May I know what will happen to me? Vlad asked.

"You'll find out later," Volkova replied.

- It's clear. - At that moment, Vlad realized that he would not be answered such questions. - It hurts? - He asked.

- No. Volkova answered.

As much as Vlad didn't want to, he didn't have a choice, he didn't want to resist, because it's not clear what the consequences could be if he refuses. Therefore, not even though he climbed into the capsule.

- Comfortable? Volkov asked.

- Yes - Vlad answered

- Relax. It won't hurt. Volkov said.

- Mg. - Vlad said, trying to contain his fear.

Volkova pressed the button and the capsule closed. There was total darkness in the capsule, Vlad lay and did not move. Meanwhile, Volkova returned to the room.

- Kostya, indicators? Volkov said.

- Fine. - Answered Kostya, sitting at the table, the view from which went straight to the car.

- Fine. - Said Volkova and went to the table, standing to the right of Kostya.

- Are you ready? Volkov asked the girl.

- Yes. - Said the girl.

- Max, how are you? - Volkova said looking at Maxim sitting to the left of Kostya.

- Yes, I'm also kind of ready - Maxim said rubbing his forehead.

- Christina, - said Volkova, leaning towards the girl - be prepared that he will need to be abruptly turned off.

- Good - Christina answered.

- I remind you, we'll just run it without load, okay? Volkova said loudly.

- Yes - It was heard in the room.

- I hope - Volkova thought. - As I say, run. - Volkova said, and silence hung in the room for a few seconds.

- Launch! Volkov shouted. The machine hummed, and data began to appear on the computers.

- How is he? Volkova asked.

- Normally - answered Kostya.

- It seems to have begun - Vlad thought. With every second, the sound of the hum increased, and a white light began to flash before his eyes. Vlad closed his eyes.

- Passed the first stage - Christina said.

- BP is rising, but still in the normal range. Kostya said.

The humming did not stop, as everything suddenly calmed down. Vlad opened his eyes and realized that everything around him was white.

- And where am I? Vlad said looking around.

- Passed the third stage. - Christina said

- Indicators are normal. Kostya said.

- I confirm - Maxim said, taking a sip of tea.

- All right, we'll pull it out in five minutes, but for now, connect me to it. Volkov said.

- Moment - Maxim said - iii ... Done. - Maxim said, hitting a key on the keyboard with his finger.

- And what am I to do here? Vlad thought.

- Vlad, can you hear me? - Heard from somewhere.

- A? - Vlad began to turn his head - Yes, I hear - He answered, still trying to understand where the sound was coming from.

- Well, how are you feeling? the voice asked.

- Fine. Vlad answered. Thinking for a second, he realized whose voice it was. He decided to pinch himself to check that it was not a dream, but when he pinched himself he did not feel it, he tried again and again, but it was all to no avail. And then he asked:

"Is it normal that I don't feel anything at all?"

- Yes - answered Volkova.

- Interesting - Vlad thought.

- Get ready now we will pull you out - Volkova said.

- Well - answered Vlad.

It began to get dark in the room, Vlad stood motionless, and when the room plunged into darkness, he closed his eyes and even through his closed eyes he saw a flash of light. When he stopped blinking, Vlad opened his eyes, but there was nothing besides darkness, then he closed his eyes again, but before he could do it, he heard steps, and then the sound of the opening of the capsule, but even after the sound the light did not appear, then near him something buzzed his head and a bright light hit his eyes, blinking, he saw that Volkova was standing over him, who asked:

- Everything is fine?

- Too dark

"Get used to it," she said. – Help?

- No, I'm on my own. - Said Vlad and began to climb out of the capsule.

- Is your head spinning?

- No.

- Okay, you can walk if you want.

- Uh-huh, thanks.

Vlad headed towards the exit, leaving the office, he looked around and saw a sofa in the distance, and went towards it. While he was walking, he looked around, it was still his college, but the offices were filled with some kind of equipment and people who were doing something, Vlad shuddered from the sensation, the unknown, it was extremely difficult for him to get used to any new circumstances, and then they say to do it is not clear that because of this, the feeling of defenselessness and fear has become even more aggravated. Sitting on the sofa, Vlad lowered his head and began to think about all the latest events. He wanted to know what was going on, who these scientists were, and what kind of pills he had been taking all his life. What would happen if the pills ended before all these scientists appeared. All these questions gave him a headache. While Vlad was gathering his thoughts, he heard steps approaching him, but before he had time to raise his head, he heard:

- Hey, are you okay?

- Uh-huh - Vlad answered, leaving attempts to raise his head

- Have a drink.

And there were pills in front of Vlad's nose.

Are these the same pills?

- Yes.

- You can't drink too much of them.

- Yes, but the last time, do you remember when you drank them?

- No.

So are you going to drink or not?

- No.

- Well as you know.

- A familiar voice, where did I hear it? Vlad thought as he tried to remember whose voice it was. This someone sat on the couch next to him. And then Vlad was able to turn his head to understand who it was. It was Yulia.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

- Normal - Vlad answered.

- How do you feel during the experiment?

- It's dark.

- It's clear. Let's go?

- Walk? Come on.

Vlad and Julia got up and began to walk around the college

- I haven't been here for a long time.

Julia grinned but didn't answer.

- Where is everyone?

- It's Sunday at seven o'clock.

- Completely out of time - thought Vlad

They walked a little more in silence, and then Vlad noticed the numbers "004" on Yulia's neck

- What are these numbers?

- Number

- Number?

- Yes. Don't you?

- Where?

Yulia thought for a while, looked at Vlad and smiled somehow, and said:

- So Yes.

For a second, Vlad noticed that Yulia had a white dot on her pupil.

- Listen, what's in your eyes?

- In terms of?

- Well, you have small, white dots on your pupils.

- And you're talking about it. I have it since birth.

- It's clear.

When they returned back to the floor, Vlad saw a guard with a machine gun, Vlad became restless and had even more questions, but the guard did not pay attention to him. Vlad pulled the door handle, but it was closed.

- Do not get - said Julia.

Vlad looked to the left of the door where a card reader hung. Julia took a card out of her pocket and brought it to the device, the door opened and they went inside.

Do you remember where the room is?

- It's vague.

- Went.

Julia and Vlad reached the ward.

- Well, here you are "at home" - Julia said and showed a gesture meaning quotation marks.

- Thank you.

- Uh-huh, see you - Julia said and left the room.

After standing a little longer at the exit, Vlad sighed, closed his eyes and leaned his back against the door and slowly began to crawl.

- At home ... - Vlad said quietly.

- 013 passed the test, the performance is normal at minimum load. Volkov said.

- Okay, continue the experiment - said Diesperov

Volkova left the office.

- If 013 and 004 get close, then there is a chance that 013 will be the same as 000 - Said the man sitting to the right of the table and reading a book.

- There will be no such consequences. – said Diesperov.

- And the committee?

- Everything's under control.

- I hope - Said the man and closed the book - I hope.