
Chapter 4. A sleepless night

While classes were canceled in college, Vlad was bored to death, he sometimes sat all day doing homework and reread books on philosophy, since he was too lazy to go for new ones, and there was not much money left. And then the next day, Vlad went into the kitchen to eat and drink pills, and when he went into the kitchen and opened the jar of pills, it turned out to be completely empty. Vlad decided to call his mother because he has been drinking these pills all his life and it is not clear what will happen if he does not drink them. He tried to call, but she didn't pick up.

- M-yes. The subscriber is not a subscriber, - Vlad said - it was necessary to call earlier, how could I not have thought of it - thought Vlad.

- Okay, she should be back soon, so I think if I miss a couple of days, nothing bad will happen.

With these thoughts, Vlad continued to go about his business until the evening, and now it was time to go to bed. Vlad washed and went to bed, but he couldn't fall asleep, he tossed and turned, drank milk, but nothing helped, and he began to count until he fell asleep.

- One two Three…

And so he thought almost all night.

- Nine hundred ninety-eight, Nine hundred ninety-nine ...

And that's when hundreds were replaced by thousands

- Four thousand eight hundred ninety-one, Four thousand eight hundred ninety-two, Four thousand eight hundred ninety-three ...

Vlad yawned and finally fell asleep, it felt like he slept for less than a second, and he woke up from the fact that his hand itched terribly.

- Why are you itching so much - Vlad said through his teeth, scratching his hand. - Well, you need to eat and sit down to do your homework, otherwise tomorrow you will have to go to college.

Vlad brought a mug of coffee from the kitchen and sat down at his desk. As the computer started up, he took a sip of coffee.

What a disgusting taste he has. Didn't it dissolve? - Vlad pushed the mug away and began to watch and do tasks, but closer to dinner he got worse, he began to sneeze in addition to everything.

- Allergy or what? - Vlad thought, but did not betray anyone.

A few hours later.

- What would you! Why doesn't it work?! Vlad shouted and threw the notebook at the wall.

- Damn you! - Shouted Vlad, hitting the table - So okay, I think I reworked. Need to rest. - Vlad pushes the keyboard towards him and touches the mug.

- Oh, you! Vlad said through his teeth, then grabbed the mug and threw it at the wall.

- I hate it! Vlad shouted and hit the keyboard with his fist.

Then everything was like a blur. Vlad came to his senses because of the sound of breaking glass. Looking at his hand, he noticed that it was covered in blood, raising his head, he saw that he had broken a mirror that hung on the closet.

- I hate it! I hate! I hate! - Vlad said through his teeth and fell to the floor, clutching his elbows.

- Hurt. – croaked Vlad.

He lay on the floor and did not understand how much time had passed, he did not feel hunger, fatigue, the only thing he felt was an insurmountable pain all over his body, it seemed to him that a little more and he would be torn to pieces. At that moment, his whole life flashed before his eyes.

- Bet! – I heard somewhere in the distance.

- What? Where is the voice from?

- Won't take it! - Another voice was heard, and with every minute the voices became more and more

- Who is this? - Vlad began to remember where he could hear this voice, but the pain did not allow him to concentrate

- Let's play?

- 243 come with us!

- What is it?

- When more!

- Let it be Vlad

- Vlad, Vlad, Vlad.

There were so many voices that they all mixed up into one mess of sounds and it was already impossible to make out anything.

- Yes, what is happening to me!? Vlad screamed and hit his head on the floor.

After that, the voices in my head subsided, and Vlad found himself in complete silence. And in this silence, he felt that something other than pain, this feeling was fear, he held him so tightly that he did not writhe in pain, but lay motionless.

- What is happening to me? The voices in my head scare me, I don't... I don't know what to do... Mom. Vlad began to mutter.

Then Vlad again fell out of time and was brought to his senses by a phone call. Until the last moment, Vlad ignored the call, but someone was very persistent. With the last of his strength, Vlad crawled to the phone. Taking the phone in hand, he was surprised how the phone was still working, because it was in an extremely deplorable state. Vlad picked up the phone and a voice was heard from there.

- Hello, where are you?

In response, Vlad was silent because he did not understand what to answer and who was talking to him.

- Are you alive there at all?

After a couple of seconds of silence, Vlad somehow squeezed out a sound.

- Mg.

- Are you sleeping or something? Let's go to college, we're on our second day of classes. We have the following philosophy so let's pull up.

Vlad hung up, leaned back against the wall and slowly began to slide down. Once on the floor, he again began to hear voices in his head, Vlad closed his eyes and ears.

- Look look!

- 756

- Why... Why!?

When he opened his eyes again, he did not immediately realize where he was. Turning his head, he realized that he was on the street, but he could not understand exactly where. Suddenly, in the air, he smelled some kind of smell that both attracted him and was disgusting. He began to try to go to him, after a while he heard a voice.

- Pass!

- I don't understand anything - Vlad thought.

- Young man can you hear me, hey

- What? - Somehow squeezed Vlad out of himself.

- Show me your pass!

- Pass. Pass. Same…

- I have to wait a long time - Someone persistently continued.

- Tired! Got it! I hate! Vlad shouted and grabbed the man by the neck standing in front of him. Raising it as far as Vlad could, he shouted:

- Creature! I'll break all your cervical vertebrae!

- G-g-growth. - The man said hoarsely.

Vlad threw the guard aside that he lost consciousness.

- - Geek. - Vlad said in a hoarse voice and began to try to climb the stairs.

- Hello - Said the teacher

- Hello - Said the guys sitting in the audience.

- Open notebooks and write down the topic "Philosophy of Aristotle". - Said the teacher, opening the journal of the group.

At that moment, the door to the auditorium opened and Vlad appeared in the doorway. He slowly began to walk to his place, paying no attention to anything.

- Vladislav, are you all right? The teacher asked.

Without answering, Vlad went to his seat. The teacher did not know how to react and decided to start the lesson.

So Aristotle's philosophy was...

- Hey, are you okay? Valery asked worriedly.

- Shut up. - Somehow Vlad answered, since the cough could not let him speak normally.

- You look unhealthy. I'm coming to you ... - Before Valera had time to finish, Vlad jumped up and grabbed his friend by the T-shirt, shouting:

- Are you stupid? I told you to shut your mouth! I'll gouge out your eyes right now!

Everyone in the audience began to look at Vlad. Silence hung in the air, after a few seconds Vlad finally let go of his friend's T-shirt and sat down. There was deathly silence in the audience, everyone was afraid to move.

- Hello - It was distributed throughout the audience.

Everyone except Vlad and Valera shifted their gaze to the side where the sound came from, and Vlad lay his head on the desk and covered himself with his hands, while Valera looked at his friend, not understanding what was happening to his friend.

- Hello - Said the teacher.

- May I come in? the man in the doorway asked.

- Yes, sure. - Said the teacher, trying to understand how he would continue the lesson.

A woman in a dressing gown entered the auditorium and stood in the middle of the room.

- Hello - she greeted the students in the audience.

Most of the students remained silent, others simply nodded their heads.

- Guys, who wants to help us in some business?

Everyone was silent, after a few seconds one of the students raised his hand.

- Are you a young man? the woman asked.

But before he could answer, he heard:

- No, I don't want to be with him.

A second later, a girl entered the audience.

- Julia, have you already looked around? the woman asked

- Yes - the girl answered and began to sniff.

She began to follow the scent. The smell brought her to Vlad.

- His. - Yulia said and pointed her finger at Vlad.

The woman looked at Vlad.

- What's wrong with him? – Asked the woman, looking at the teacher.

"I don't even know how to explain…" At that moment, the teacher hesitated.

- It's clear. - Said the woman and went up to Vlad

- Julia, move away - Said the woman.

Julia moves away, and the woman holds out her hand to Vlad, but before her hand touches him, he grabbed the woman's hand and said:

- Just touch it, I'll erase your hand into powder!

"Okay, okay," the woman said.

Vlad let go of the woman's hand. The woman looked at her wristwatch.

- Is he always like this? the woman asked, not taking her eyes off Vlad.

"It's the first time," the teacher replied.

- He is usually the calmest - said Valera.

- How long has he been like this? the woman asked

- Don't know. He just came today, although our classes have been going on for the second day.

- Yes? Hm. - Said the woman and pulled her hand to Vlad. This time he did not grab her and it seemed that he was sleeping. The woman measured Vlad's pulse, then threw back his head and opened her eyelid. And froze for a moment.

- He needs to go to the infirmary. Will I take it? - Asked the woman, looking at the teacher.

- Yes, of course, of course - Said the teacher.

"They'll come for him now, otherwise I won't be able to do it myself." And can you for a minute.

- Good - Said the Teacher and went towards the exit.

- Julia, go with him - Said the woman and left the audience.