
CLOUDED:Story of a Robot Hybrid

Psych_Reedah · Fantasy
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2 Chs

You're now Half Robot

While I was on the hospital bed,a woman came in after all the other people in lab coat left and she introduced herself has Mary,she told me she saved my life after I was hit by a van,she said because my injuries were so bad she had to give me some robotic parts and with excitement laced in her voice,she shouted "You're now Half Robot", Cool right?

When she told me I was very sad

I didn't want to be half robot,even though I act like a tough girl, I still wanted to give birth but the first thought that came to my mind was can I still eat food because I really love eating and I don't play with my stomach

She told me that I am absolutely fine that I can reproduce,eat and I can perform all the functions normal could perform,that the robotic parts I have are mainly my right arm and leg.

Afterwards,she told me she would cover it up for me,so that I could go to school and continue with my normal life,she also said I should keep it a secret for my safety, when you talk about secret to me ,you mean Jammal and Rachael would definitely know about this..

She gave me instructions on how to control my body and then asked of my age in which I told her I was 15years ,I found it weird but I just put it at the back of my mind,she told me to always come and visit her if anything strange happens. We said our goodbyes, I grabbed my bag and headed to the orphanage.

When I got to the orphanage the scene I saw was really shocking, I saw my friends waiting in the front porch with police everywhere. Rachael came running to me and started bombarding me with questions..."Where have you been?were you kidnapped or worst rapped". I told her to calm down that everything was fine that I was hit by a car and a nice woman helped me which was partially true and I told the police same.

After the police left our house keeper Aunty Joy filled me with so much food that I could literally burst. When I was done with the food I headed to my room on my way to my room I felt a little fellow stick to my leg and I knew for sure it was Ayra, I carried her and she told me she missed me so much,I don't know but I have had a very strong connection with her since she was a baby. I kiss her and carried her to our room. After all this rollercoaster of a day I went to bed, said goodbye to the world and went straight to La La Land.