
Cloud Mimicry, in MHA

Aizen Kumo. A young boy born in the MHA world, with one of the most powerful quirk which could exist at this time. He had a precise objective in joining the UA, one of the most famous high school in the world. You will see that being a hero isn't in his schedule at all... but what will he do when the whole world is turning him into one? He does not want to be a hero, but could it be as fun as what he originally wanted? -*-*-*- This world is an AU where a few people will be gender-bent for my pleasure. No harem, don’t waste your time if you think it is one. There won't be any r-rated chapter by the way. Discord server: https://discord.gg/bgvXTQk Discord name: Antlike#8189 (I will probably not reply in the same day)

Antlike · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Meet the circus!

[Everyone loves stories where the hero struggles until the end.] -???


A new day, a new page, a new story.

I woke up from my slumber, thanks to the sound of Eve's calls.

"Good morning master. Today's your first day at Yuei." She remained me.

I did not forget about that, not at all.

And she probably knows that I am not the genre to forget such a crucial event. She did her job as she was programmed to.

Whatever I guess.

Shaking useless thoughts out of my head, I swiftly moved toward the bathroom to take care of my... human needs.

An hour or so later, I was walking through the streets of Musutafu toward the giant building shaped like the letter 'H'.

I was not the only freshman of Yuei as we were more than a dozen wearing the same uniform and walking toward the same place.

I could almost read their thoughts, all were full of hope, happiness, excitement, and nervousness. In conclusion, they were all persuaded that it was only their first step toward fame and a luxurious life.

They probably thought that they were special or something like that. That they were the protagonists of the world, only destined to win in the end, without much effort, only waiting for destiny.

However... I know for a while now, that there is no such thing as a 'protagonist'.

Everyone dies in the end, leaving nothing but memories and bones. Which are also inexorably lost in the ceaseless flow of time.

Everyone... is nothing but temporary. Whether in its ideals, or its very existence.

I stopped my feet and lifted my head. To the onlooker, I was looking at the building in front of me, probably nervous about being in Yuei.

However, I was only recollecting my options.

How much time have I to play being a hero?

I honestly do not know. For now, I have no other choice than wait for Eve to find a way to create a quirk nullifier or to steal it from someone.

From what I could see in Kyudai Garaki's database, they do not have a single thing suchlike.

Shaking my head, I decided to just go with the flow, and find a solution later.

Walking through the large open gateway, I spotted a certain green-haired girl looking as if she was waiting for someone.

Once she noticed me, she quickly made her way toward me.

"Good morning Eizen." She said, lightly smiling at me.

Replying with my own smile, I stepped closer.

"Morning Ibara! It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Yes. It's good to see you in flesh and not through a screen." She commented.

I remember that she is not too fond of technology.

"Same here. Should we go inside?" I asked her.

Seeing her nod, we turned and walked toward the main building, leaving the bystanders shaking their heads at our 'couple' and silently crying over their dead sentimental life.

Ibara and I had a small chat while we were looking for our classes.

"So you are in 1-B? That's the class just next to mine I suppose." I said to her.

"You are in 1-A? I would have like to be in your class." She replied, slightly dejected.

"Well, we are both in the heroic department. We are bound to work with each other I think." I reassured her.

Seeing the name of the next classroom, we both stopped and looked at each other.

"Let's see each other after school." I proposed to her.

Nodding not a second later, she quickly added.

"I would appreciate that."

After saying that, I could see her face reddening a bit before she quickly made her way inside the classroom.

Turning around, I continued to walk toward the next classroom which should be mine.

Not a minute later, I was standing before the almost giant door of 1-A.

Opening it, I stepped inside and saw two persons visibly arguing.

One was Katsura who had her feet on her table, and the other was the guy with the glasses, which looked as if he had a poll too deep in his ass.

Seeing me entering, Katsura turned her head toward me, ignoring the black-haired guy, and simply glared at me intensively.

It was kinda her thing.

Seeing that Katsura was staring at something else, and totally ignoring his complaints, he turned his head toward me.

He looked as if he was gonna present himself to me, so I did the only logical thing when he gave me his hand for a handshake, I walked by him, reaching my place which was just behind Katsura.

I could see Katsura sneer at my antics.

I honestly do not appreciate his behavior. Playing the model child when you are no better, that's... bitchy.

A minute later, Izuku stepped inside the classroom and was besieged by the four-eyed boy whose name I learned was Iida.

Apparently, he had a quirk? And a quite powerful one since he destroyed one of the zero-pointer, even though he was injured in the process.

At least that what the slightly chubby girl who entered just after Midoriya said.

I honestly thought that he was quirkless... Katsura seemed to be as shocked as I am since she turned around, her face asking me if I knew.

Shaking my head negatively, I lowered it, typing a message in my notes, destined to Eve.

Since she was connected to my phone, it was as if I had a personal supercomputer at all times on me.

I asked her to send me videos of the exams if she could.

I could see that some began to download, but I was interrupted when a black-haired man came, asking for silence.

"It took you too long to shut up. If you want to be heroes you will have to do better than that." He said, leaving his sleeping bag.

I could not help but compare him to a butterfly leaving its cocoon.

God. I hate butterflies.

He took some clothes from the now-empty yellow sleeping bag before presenting it to the class.

It was the P.E. uniform, which was blue and white, with the first letter of the alphabet in the front.

"Wear these immediately and then shove off to the P.E. grounds." He said, leaving a second after announcing that.

I could guess for what reason he wanted us to go there.

Eraserhead. From Eve's researches, he is quite taciturn and serious. I guess that he will make us do a little test. From the records, he expelled a whole class last year.

I could sense my smile enlarging a little.

This is going to be fun. Really fun.

1116 words.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

See you next week... or maybe tomorrow?

Next chapter: "I am godlike, and not antlike"

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