
Close Combat Summoner: It's Not Easy To Cultivate

A once in a millennium event is currently being anticipated by all the people of Vesmir. They are outside of their own homes waiting for a special phenomen to happen. They gaze above the skies and saw the one of the two moons of their planet, slowly covered the sun. Suddenly the azure colored sky of Vesmir was hastily change its color into a dark crimson. When the sky of Vesmir became dark crimson, the people of Vesmir was amazed by the phenomenon they are seeing. After a while million of stars twinkle around the moon, slowly turning the dark crimson sky to its original azure color. Among those millions stars there were less than 0.0001.% star that shines brightly compared to the other stars. However, if you look closely as if the dark crimson sky was fighting the million of stars they get a stalemate. People then saw the second moon covered the sun. Suddenly the whole world was casted by shadow and darkness. All of the people of Vesmir suddenly felt feer and safe at the same time. Then after a while the sky returned to its original azure color because it was still in the afternoon. There is no million of stars. There is no dark crimson sky. In a old hut at the top of the mountain, an oldman with a white clothes. The oldman looks like a benevolent and you can see a white aura flickering on and off out of his body. He witness all this phenomenon at the hut's window. The catastrophe that was delayed are happening.The seal of the world are slowly weakening. That race will find this world. No, they already find it. The sacrifice that they made to hide this world from them this is lonely weakening. Alas it would still happen. Are all those sacrifice they did, are for these generation to face?" He asked weakly. No one answered. The oldman looks at his body. He saw his body was very slowly turning into dust. "I do not have much time. I need to inform the guardians of all the races about the impending storm that is coming. They need to focus to armed the new generation especially the Chosen Ones. They would be the the sword that would purge the chaos and shield that would protect it's people of this world from the chatastrophe that would happen. Those who have been sealed cannot do anything, the only solution is to train those new generation." Looking at the window, as he gaves at the sun. "The structure of the universe is gonna completely change in this era. Can this world survive?" The old man did not include the shadow in his premonitions and just bypass it. The old man stands weakly, get his walking stick then go wherever he plans to do. *** Argus Orpheus an orphan who survive from a Gate break. He lives for 10 years alone. "Argus Orpheus, Unique Class Awakener, Type: Summoner." A class that is said to be average by many. Argus was also walking a path of summoner no one has succeeded thus far. Argus awakened a power that was no being should possess. As he begins his journey, Argus slowly uncovers the truth of this mysteries about himself. Watch as Argus embarked his chaotic journey.

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Chapter 9 - Chase

Astelle on the other hand also finish her training. She was also heading back to their place to eat breakfast. She then saw a familiar silhouette not far away from her. Realizing who is that person she immediately dash to attack that person.

Argus intuition rings, and he felt something is going to attack him so he immediately side step from that place. He take a battle stance and look on who is the attacker.


Argus lips started twitching when he saw her attacker.

"Why did you do that? Are you insane?"(Argus)

"Who is insane you bastard?! You saw it didn't you?!"(Astelle)

"Saw what? What are you talking about?"(Argus)

"You! Are you feigning ignorance?"(Astelle)

Astelle thinks that Argus was feigning ignorance.

"My my my.... My body! You saw it right?!"(Astelle)

When Argus heard what she says. A memory was brought out again on his mind. Then he unconsciously nod his head. Realizing this, he hurriedly shook his head and was about to deny it when Astelle attack her again.

"You did see it! Bastard let me hit your head so you can forget about it!"(Astelle)

Argus lips twitch. Astelle attack her using martial arts. Argus just dodge or defend her attacks.

'She's stronger than I thought.'

Although Astelle can't land a solid attack on him. The punch and kicks he blocked are enough to knock out their peers.

'What's the deal with him, he can dodge and block my attack easily. This guy... is strong. He is not even taken me seriously.'

Astelle was also shocked that an Awakener of their age can block his attacks without being send flying. Astelle is not arrogant, their race is one of the strongest. She and her sibling Kelvin is the top genius of their race but a human of his age can go toe to toe with her, which was a big shock to her.

Of course she also not serious in fighting him. Astelle just wants to teach him a lesson.

"Don't be unreasonable you're not naked and I only saw your belly butto-."

When he heard him, Astelle immediately became more pissed.

"Shut your mouth!"(Astelle)

The fight still continues. Astelle increase her attacks on Argus but nothing change. They are still in stalemate. Argus while in battle is thinking on how to get out of this situation. He observed his surroundings.

"I apologize for what I did. That will not happen again. Can you forgive me?"(Argus)

'That's all your fault though. Why am I the one apologizing. Tsk'(Argus)

"Let's just hit your head twice now, I swear you will forget that thing happened afterwards. Do not dodge!"

"You're being unreasonable again. I already apologize!"(Argus)

Argus saw a big tree near them. A plan was immediately formed in his mind. He is not of the planner type but he wants to confront his enemies head on but Astelle was not one of his enemy.

Argus using the momentum of Astelle's attack as a propeller, to take a distance from her. He then dash to the direction of the big tree. The big tree has 2 meter trunk and Argus mad use of that to hide from Astelle. While running he pick a branch for his other plan.

"Don't run you bastard!... Let's just hit you twice... No at least once!"(Astelle)

"As if I'd let you."(Argus)

Astelle then saw Argus runs behind the big tree. She hurriedly followed and look behind the tree but she didn't find anyone.

"Huh, where did he go?"(Astelle)

A few seconds past and she heard a rustle of bushes in the direction of the Gate.

"What he's already there. Wait for me you bastard!"

Astelle immediately dash on the direction where she heard the rustling of bushes. Seeing Astelle heading that way, Argus immediately jump down above the tree.

"Sigh... I never think this will work."

Thinking on what he did...

After going at the back of the tree. Argus hurriedly throw the branch he had pick up on the direction of the Gate. Then he hurriedly climb up the tree. He waited for a while since he didn't his plan will work but it was successful.

"That woman is unreasonable. Let's make sure to avoid interacting with her."

Argus then runs on different direction. He plans to stay for a bit in this forest before heading back inside.

{Astelle's POV}

"Can't believe I have been deceived by a simple branch. That bastard is so cunning!Coward, do not think of returning inside the house!"(Astelle)

If Argus heard her he will immediately roll his eyes. Astelle after calming down returned home to eat. Of course she did not returned peacefully. She was sometimes approach by youngsters of her age but she manage to avoid or ignore them.

{Argus's POV}

"It should be alright now."(Argus)

Argus waited for an hour thinking of his plan for the next month. It should have been done yesterday night but he just read novel before he sleeps. His plan is consist of taking a quest and training at the same time. His daily training will now turn to his daily warm up routine.

He plans to start seriously leveling up. Leveling up for the day, reading and resting during the evening. Argus wants to train how to utilize his Mana but that can wait till he form his own core.

Beginner Realm as the name says is just the beginning of the Cultivation System. The Awakener in this level will just starts to understand how the system and skills works. You will be called an Awakener if you formed your own Mana Core.

Argus starts walking back. After getting inside, he saw a restaurant and he enters it to eat breakfast. He then head back to his own room to take a bath and change.

'I also need to buy my own armor.'(Argus)

Argus did not buy an armor when he was in black market with Rex. They tried to enter armor shops but Argus is not satisfied on the leather armor that they are selling.

'Let's buy later. Rex also gave me many schrouding cloaks and the 10 m radius space ring.'(Argus)

After fixing himself. Argus heads to the Adventurer's Guild. Fortunately the siblings are not inside the house. Each one of them has keys so the problem being lock out is not an option. This house is also enchanted that a normal Awakener cannot destroy it.

After wearing a cloak Argus enters the guild and choose hunting tasks with his 'Fallen' identity.

[Hunt 0/1000Horned Rabbits(G)]x10

[Hunt 0/1000 Wild Chickens(G)]x10

[Hunt 0/1000 Wild Squirrel(G)]x10

[Hunt 0/1000Wild Raccoon(G)]x10

[Hunt 0/10,000 Slimes(G)]x10

The x10 and x5 beside the mission is means superimpose quest. Meaning he take the quest many times. The guild has this system for the Awakener to easily rank up but if you fail to finish the mission before ethe deadline. You will also pay 10x the reward so no one really does this anymore. Only those confident on their ability will do what Argus was doing. Although it looks so many. The mission has a 1 week deadline which was enough for Argus to finish, even earlier is possible.

As long as he kills he can level up and become stronger and faster which makes his task more easier to finish. The receptionist Miffy also says that he take the mission too much and warned him to be careful. .

Argus plans to head deeper in the forest starting today and return before dusk. The deeper he are in the forest the easier this monsters show.

+5 Exp

+5 Exp

+8 Exp

+7 Exp

[Hunt 5/10,000 Slimes(G)]x10

After reach the forest he immediately head to the deeper parts and starts hunting.

Name: Wild Squirrel

Category: Normal Monster

Level: 10




•Lower presence

«Wild Claw»

•Enhance the sharpness of claws

Name: Slime

Category: Normal Monster

Level: 12




•Lower presence

«Sneak Tahrow»

•Reduce the presence of throwing weapon

Argus hunts until dusk the result.

[Hunt 237/1000Horned Rabbits(G)]x10

[Hunt 316/1000 Wild Chickens(G)]x10

[Hunt 178/1000 Wild Squirrel(G)]x10

[Hunt 197/1000Wild Raccoon(G)]x10

[Hunt 1,749/10,000 Slimes(G)]x10

[Your level has increase by 1]

+10 Mana

+1 All Stats

+10 Free Stat

+2 SP

[Your level has increase by 1]

+10 Mana

+1 All Stats

+10 Free Stat

+2 SP

[Your level has increase by 1]

+10 Mana

+1 All Stats

+10 Free Stat

+2 SP

[Pole Weapons Specialization skill levels up]

«Pole Weapons Specialization Lv. 2»

•Rank: Elite

•Increase 20% damage when using any pole weapons.

He leveled up three times. Argus also level the up one of his skills. His quest also makes a big progress. He also test the limit of his body and his stamina.

"It's a pity that i don't still have a Scythe weapon. It looks like I need to find a blacksmith to forge my weapon."(Argus)


Status Window

Name: Argus Orpheus

Race: Human

Level: 8(0%)(↑3)

Realm: Beginner

Class: Twilight Battle Summoner (Unawakened)


Health: 100%/100%

Mana: 180(↑30)

VIT: 42(↑3+2)

STR: 28(↑3)

DEX: 28(↑3)

INT: 28(↑3)

Free Stats: 80(↑30)

Skill Points: 16(↑6)

Skill Slot: 4

Innate Skill:

«Sovereign's Intuition»

«Sovereign's Apathy»

«Asura Hegemon Battle Physique»

Weapon Skill:

«Weaponless Specialization Lv. 5»

«Pole Weapons Specialization Lv. 2»

•Rank: Elite

•Increase 20% damage when using any pole weapons.

Cultivation Art:

«Asura Hegemon Battle Art»

Active Class Skill:

«Tame: Lv.1»

Passive Class Skill:

«Eyes of Twilight: Lv.1»

«Twilight Battle Summoner Lv.1»

Passive Skill:

Active Skill: None

Titles: None