
Close Combat Summoner: It's Not Easy To Cultivate

A once in a millennium event is currently being anticipated by all the people of Vesmir. They are outside of their own homes waiting for a special phenomen to happen. They gaze above the skies and saw the one of the two moons of their planet, slowly covered the sun. Suddenly the azure colored sky of Vesmir was hastily change its color into a dark crimson. When the sky of Vesmir became dark crimson, the people of Vesmir was amazed by the phenomenon they are seeing. After a while million of stars twinkle around the moon, slowly turning the dark crimson sky to its original azure color. Among those millions stars there were less than 0.0001.% star that shines brightly compared to the other stars. However, if you look closely as if the dark crimson sky was fighting the million of stars they get a stalemate. People then saw the second moon covered the sun. Suddenly the whole world was casted by shadow and darkness. All of the people of Vesmir suddenly felt feer and safe at the same time. Then after a while the sky returned to its original azure color because it was still in the afternoon. There is no million of stars. There is no dark crimson sky. In a old hut at the top of the mountain, an oldman with a white clothes. The oldman looks like a benevolent and you can see a white aura flickering on and off out of his body. He witness all this phenomenon at the hut's window. The catastrophe that was delayed are happening.The seal of the world are slowly weakening. That race will find this world. No, they already find it. The sacrifice that they made to hide this world from them this is lonely weakening. Alas it would still happen. Are all those sacrifice they did, are for these generation to face?" He asked weakly. No one answered. The oldman looks at his body. He saw his body was very slowly turning into dust. "I do not have much time. I need to inform the guardians of all the races about the impending storm that is coming. They need to focus to armed the new generation especially the Chosen Ones. They would be the the sword that would purge the chaos and shield that would protect it's people of this world from the chatastrophe that would happen. Those who have been sealed cannot do anything, the only solution is to train those new generation." Looking at the window, as he gaves at the sun. "The structure of the universe is gonna completely change in this era. Can this world survive?" The old man did not include the shadow in his premonitions and just bypass it. The old man stands weakly, get his walking stick then go wherever he plans to do. *** Argus Orpheus an orphan who survive from a Gate break. He lives for 10 years alone. "Argus Orpheus, Unique Class Awakener, Type: Summoner." A class that is said to be average by many. Argus was also walking a path of summoner no one has succeeded thus far. Argus awakened a power that was no being should possess. As he begins his journey, Argus slowly uncovers the truth of this mysteries about himself. Watch as Argus embarked his chaotic journey.

GoodForNothing_776 · Others
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15 Chs

Chapter 6 - First Hunt(2)

Argus continued hunting until his adventurer card vibrated.

[Hunt Wild Chickens(G)100/100]Completed

"One Quest, Check."

Argus is still continuing to hunt since this is not only his purpose but to level up. Also there are two other mission that he needs to complete.





[Your level has increase by 1]

+10 Mana

+1 All Stats

+10 Free Stat

+2 SP

The free stat that awakeners receive per level up varied. The lower the rank of their class the lower they receive since every person has every person has different potential. For the beginner realm, common and delete awakeners receive 5 to 6 free stat per level, while special and unique class receive 8 to 10 free stat per level up.

Also every time they broke a major realm the stat they will receive including mana will varied depends upon their potential and how solid there foundation before reaching the next real realm.

Argus did not add a sign his free stats since his Stats are enough for the time being. Argus Spear wielding also began to improve. If you look at his chicken hunting, it looks easier to hunt and kill Wild Chicken but if a normal Awakener especially a close combat Awakener will be in a pinch since a Wild Chicken is a speed type monster.

Argus's weapon which is a spear, has a big advantage in hunting them. Aside from the distance, the speed and damage of aArgus is enough to kill a chicken as long it hit the chicken.

Argus also know this so he choose this Quest on the Quest Board at the Adventurer Guild. The same can also be said for the other two of his quest. Argus hunted 200 Chickens for 3 hours. The reason for that was the chicken is scattered throughout the forest. It's already 11:00 A.M so he plans to rest and eat his lunch.

There is no valuable thing about the chicken aside from his meat so Argus did not collect anything and just started killing. The Adventurer Card records the kill count of any Awakener so they will not worry to memorize how many monster they have killed. Suddenly Argus received a notification from his status window.


[You have met the requirements to learn a skill]

[You have met the requirements to learn a skill]

«Spear Specialization Lv. 1»

•Rank: Elite

•Increase 10% damage when using spear weapons.

[Do you want to spend one skill point to learn this skill?]


«Pole Weapons Specialization Lv. 1»

•Rank: Elite

•Increase 10% damage when using any pole weapons.

Note: Pole Weapons examples are Spear, Pole, Halberd, Scythe, etc.

[Do you want to spend one skill point to learn this skill?]


"Two weapon is specialization, huh. I don't really plan to use spear. However for the pole weapon specialization is okay since i plan to use scythe which belong to this category."

Argus rejected the spear specialization and accepted the pole specialization.

[You have learned «Pole Weapons Specialization»]

"Let's head deeper."(Argus)

While heading deeper he encounter another monster.

Name: Slime

Category: Normal Monster

Level: 5




•Dissolve anything that have in touch

«Acid Spray»

•Spray Acid on the target

"A slime? Perfect."(Argus)


'Still Alive?'(Argus)

"I forgot, there are special monsters that has formed their core as long as they are born."(Argus)

Normally every being in the universe can only form their core at the Mana Core Forming Stage. The condition is to reach level 15, you cannot level up if you do not form your own core. However, there are exceptions to this, there are special being that has special constitution that has already formed their core after just being born like the slime.

It does not mean that they are strong though. Argus then fired another bullet again and this time he target the core of the slime.


+5 Exp

[Hunt 1/1000 Slimes(G)]

'Long way to go. Let's hurry.'(Argus)

Argus then dash on the whole periphery of the forest.

+5 Exp

+5 Exp

+5 Exp

+5 Exp

He hunt until he is tired.

'My stamina already runs out.'(Argus)

Since he is running, the monster can easily detect his presence so they tried to run. Argus notice this but he has no choice but to chase this monsters. He tried ambushing and he was successful however the time it takes to wait stronger than when he catch up to this monsters.

+5 Exp

[Your level has increase by 1]

+10 Mana

+1 All Stats

+10 Free Stat

+2 SP

'Level up again. Open Status...'(Argus)


Status Window

Name: Argus Orpheus

Race: Human

Level: 3(0%)(↑2)

Realm: Beginner

Class: Twilight Battle Summoner (Unawakened)


Health: 100%/100%

Mana: 130(↑20)

VIT: 34(↑2)

STR: 23(↑2)

DEX: 23(↑2)

INT: 23(↑2)

Free Stats: 30(↑20)

Skill Points: 6(↑4)

Skill Slot: 5

Argus plans to rest, since leveling up does not mean you will be back to your peak condition.

Rustle... Rustle...

Argus look on the direction where he heard something moving. Strangely enough he did not feel any danger from that direction. A horned rabbit pop his head inside a bush. Argus did not immediately kill the rabbit and just observed. He can easily kill the rabbit since it was weaker than him.

'My target showed up.'(Argus)

Name: Horned Rabbit♂️

Category: Normal Monster

Level: 5




•Increase leaping power


•Increase pierce damage

The horned rabbit also did not attack Argus immediately. Both of them just stares at each other. The rabbit lost his patience and it tried to leap and attack him, Argus did not immediately attack hindi waited until it reach his attack range.

+5 Exp

"You're far faster than the two monsters, but I was faster."

After half an hour of rest, Argus got up.

"I have rested enough."(Argus)

Argus then resumed his hunting.

+5 Exp

+5 Exp

+5 Exp


+5 Exp

+ 5 Exp

[Hunt 100/100 Wild Chicken(G)]

[Hunt 100/100 Horned Rabbits(G)]

[Hunt 1000/1000 Slimes(G)]

[Your level has increase by 1]

+10 Mana

+1 All Stats

+10 Free Stat

+2 SP

[Your level has increase by 1]

+10 Mana

+1 All Stats

+10 Free Stat

+2 SP

Argus hunts until dusk. He continued hunting even if his quest was already completed and he leveled up twice. He also saw other Awakener of his age hunting the same monsters like him. They tried to invite him to a party but he declined or even ignore them.

A single party can be form up to 6 member. There are of course advantage and disadvantage of being in a party. Argus of course did not plan to have a party for know and he didn't know when. Also he did not easily trust other people.

There are different types of group in Vesmir. Starting from smallest to the biggest which is:

Party, Team, Phalanx, Brigade, Legion, and Army.

A party composed of 6 members.

Next to a party is a team, which composed of 10-15 members or 2 party.

Phalanx which composed of 8 to 10 teams.

Brigade is composed of 4 Phalanx.

Legion is composed of 10 Phalanx.

Armies composed of 10 legions.

The four big families of the human race may have a minimum of two to three armies of awakeners. This does not include the hidden ones. And that's only for the head of the family. It does not include the armies of their subsidiary families.

Fortunately, Argus did not get into a fight while ignoring and declining their invites. When the dusk comes, Argus was also finish resting so he decided to go back to submit his quest.

Looking at the slowly darkening forest, with his eyes it looks like it is still a day but Argus still decided to return. He also wants to experience hunting at night however now is not the time. He has no defensive equipment and did not prepare for it.

'And it's only my first day, there are many chances in the future.'(Argus)

He's not rich unlike Rex, so he needs to think how to spend his hard earned money wisely . Now that he's awaken as long as he did not die, money will come at him easily. Of course the prerequisite is that he needs to become strong to earn money.

Argus was thinking about his friend Rex. If he asked him to lead him money or to give him weapons and armor, probably Rex will immediately lend him some money without question. It's not that he does not want to borrow money but it is not needed currently.

Argus saw the lights in the tall walls of the city. Stopping for a bit and thinking of what happens today which sure he can call an interesting day. Unlike in school that you only needs to sit in listen to what the teacher talking, what happened to the makes his blood boil.

'The thrill of fighting, leveling up and becoming strong is addicting.'

He thought.


Status Window

Name: Argus Orpheus

Race: Human

Level: 5(0%)(↑2)

Realm: Beginner

Class: Twilight Battle Summoner (Unawakened)


Health: 100%/100%

Mana: 150(↑20)

VIT: 37(↑2+1)

STR: 25(↑2)

DEX: 25(↑2)

INT: 25(↑2)

Free Stats: 50(↑20)

Skill Points: 10(↑4)

Skill Slot: 4(↓1)

Innate Skill:

«Sovereign's Intuition»

«Sovereign's Apathy»

«Asura Hegemon Battle Physique»

Weapon Skill:

«Weaponless Specialization Lv. 5»

«Pole Weapons Specialization Lv. 1»(New)

•Rank: Elite

•Increase 10% damage when using any pole weapons.

Cultivation Art:

«Asura Hegemon Battle Art»

Active Class Skill:

«Tame: Lv.1»

Passive Class Skill:

«Eyes of Twilight: Lv.1»

«Twilight Battle Summoner Lv.1»

Passive Skill:

Active Skill: None

Titles: None