
Close Combat Summoner: It's Not Easy To Cultivate

A once in a millennium event is currently being anticipated by all the people of Vesmir. They are outside of their own homes waiting for a special phenomen to happen. They gaze above the skies and saw the one of the two moons of their planet, slowly covered the sun. Suddenly the azure colored sky of Vesmir was hastily change its color into a dark crimson. When the sky of Vesmir became dark crimson, the people of Vesmir was amazed by the phenomenon they are seeing. After a while million of stars twinkle around the moon, slowly turning the dark crimson sky to its original azure color. Among those millions stars there were less than 0.0001.% star that shines brightly compared to the other stars. However, if you look closely as if the dark crimson sky was fighting the million of stars they get a stalemate. People then saw the second moon covered the sun. Suddenly the whole world was casted by shadow and darkness. All of the people of Vesmir suddenly felt feer and safe at the same time. Then after a while the sky returned to its original azure color because it was still in the afternoon. There is no million of stars. There is no dark crimson sky. In a old hut at the top of the mountain, an oldman with a white clothes. The oldman looks like a benevolent and you can see a white aura flickering on and off out of his body. He witness all this phenomenon at the hut's window. The catastrophe that was delayed are happening.The seal of the world are slowly weakening. That race will find this world. No, they already find it. The sacrifice that they made to hide this world from them this is lonely weakening. Alas it would still happen. Are all those sacrifice they did, are for these generation to face?" He asked weakly. No one answered. The oldman looks at his body. He saw his body was very slowly turning into dust. "I do not have much time. I need to inform the guardians of all the races about the impending storm that is coming. They need to focus to armed the new generation especially the Chosen Ones. They would be the the sword that would purge the chaos and shield that would protect it's people of this world from the chatastrophe that would happen. Those who have been sealed cannot do anything, the only solution is to train those new generation." Looking at the window, as he gaves at the sun. "The structure of the universe is gonna completely change in this era. Can this world survive?" The old man did not include the shadow in his premonitions and just bypass it. The old man stands weakly, get his walking stick then go wherever he plans to do. *** Argus Orpheus an orphan who survive from a Gate break. He lives for 10 years alone. "Argus Orpheus, Unique Class Awakener, Type: Summoner." A class that is said to be average by many. Argus was also walking a path of summoner no one has succeeded thus far. Argus awakened a power that was no being should possess. As he begins his journey, Argus slowly uncovers the truth of this mysteries about himself. Watch as Argus embarked his chaotic journey.

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Chapter 5 - First Hunt

Argus knows that they may get revenge at his house therefore he did not return. He just walks around the street of their city and that's when he saw the incident of Rex being surrounded by many thugs.

{Back to the Present}

After taking a bath he notice that both of his eyes change. One of his eyes are now became crimson. He was shocked but when he thought of one of his skills he calmed down immediately. Argus is currently looking at his status window.

Status Window

Name: Argus Orpheus

Race: Human

Level: 0 (0%)

Realm: Beginner

Class: Twilight Battle Summoner (Unawakened)


Health: 100%/100%

Mana: 100

VIT: 30

STR: 20

DEX: 20

INT: 20

Free Stats: 0

Skill Points: 0

Skill Slot: 5

Innate Skill:

«Sovereign's Intuition»

•Rank: Unrank


«Sovereign's Apathy»

•Rank: Unrank


«Asura Hegemon Battle Physique»

•Rank: Unrank


•Every 2 Strength Stat will add 1 to Vitality Stat


Weapon Skill:

«Weaponless Specialization Lv. 5»

•Rank: Elite

• Increase damage by 50% when fighting weaponless

Cultivation Art:

«Asura Hegemon Battle Art»

•Rank: Unrank


Active Class Skill:

«Tame: Lv.1»

•Rank: Special

•Allows you to make a contract with a monster and make it your battle companion.

Mana Cost: None

Passive Class Skill:

«Eyes of Twilight: Lv.1»

•Rank: Unique

•Allows the user to find weakness.

«Twilight Battle Summoner Lv.1»

•Rank: Unique

•When fighting close combat, increase basic stats by 20%.

•When fighting close combat, increase summon's basic stats by 10%.

Passive Skill: None

Active Skill: None

Titles: None

"My Mana Status is 100, huh. Isn't this supposed to be 30 or something? If rex knows my mana capacity he will probably be shocked. Is this the reason I'm stronger than them. Rex probably has full 15 in all his stats. My Stats is to abnormal or should i say I'm too strong for a level zero awakener."(Argus)

"Why do I only have this Auxilliary skills? I did not even have a single offensive skill? Well I like fighting close combat anyway so this skills was perfect for me. As for my innate skills what does this three skills mean? Isn't the skill description question marks for a max level skill?"(Argus)

"This two skills are the reason I can easily concentrate when doing something like training and reading huh, as for intuition it was a bit vague but I have an idea. Forget it, let's study this skill if we have time."(Argus)

"Tomorrow I will go to the central city where the Arcana Hunter Academy can be found. That thick skinned will also probably go back since they are many dungeons there."(Argus)

Argus then change her clothes and goes to the Teleportation station. Every new awakeners student has a free access to any teleportation agency once. Argus destination is to the Stred country. This is second time you being teleported but he still feel a bit dizzy after being teleported.

[Welcome passengers, we have reach our destination: Stred City]

Coming out from the Teleportation Magic Circle, Argus was a bit surprised by the number of population in the station. He saw different kind of races he had never scene like the demihumans and occasionally elves. Hurrying to stay away from the station. He called a taxi and ask him to go to the Adventurer's Guild headquarters.

"Are you new here young man?"(Driver)

Argus nods.

"I'm not surprised. Highschool just ended this week so many youngsters of your age traveled here since they want to enter the most prestigious academy. Are you also one of those?"(Driver)

Argus shook his head.

"All I can say is goodluck young man."

The driver did not say anything after that since he felt that Argus is not a talkative person. Not long Argus reach his destination, paying the driver he goes out of the car. He look on the big infrastructure in front of him that is pack with many Awakeners.

The place where the Adventure's Guild is just near about the Main Entrance of the Stred Country. They say that the Guild I'd the Vanguard if something bad happened or something like that. The Stred Country was being surrounded by a very large area of Forest, Mountains and Valleys so it was very rich in resources. The Main Gate of the Stred Country is facing the North.

There is a big emblem with a shape of a huge pentagon shield that has a symbol of a sword and a book in the center. This is the headquarters of the Adventure's Guild.

Some Awakeners even have blood in there bodies, looks like they just finish a hunting mission. Observing for a while, Argus decided to enter the Adventure's Guild. He then lined up in a queue. Argus noticed that some people wears cloak and mask.

Argus also plans to register his name and also get another I.D for his another identity. He waited for half an hour until his turn. He was greeted by a beautiful Demi-human Rabbit receptionist.

"Hello young man, how can I help you?"(Receptionist)

"I want to register as an adventurer."(Argus)

"Please put your hand on this justice orb."(Receptionist)

Argus put his hand on the orb. The orb is called a justice orb and it will check if you are one of the wanted criminals. It will emit red light if your a criminal and it will emit white light if you're innocent. The orb shines light.

"Right what name you want to register in your Adventurer's card and drop your blood on it after."(Receptionist)

Argus followed her instructions. Of course he right his name.

"Do you want me to introduce you the important things to remember in our guild?"(Receptionist)

"No need. Thank you."(Argus)

"Then here's your Adventurer's Card.

Argus check the card to see if there's wrong. The card is color brown. The guild card color will change as you raised your rank. From G-SSS Rank: Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Black.

Adventurer's Card

Name: Argus Orpheus

Race: Human

Level: 0

Job Class: Beast Summoner

Rank: G

Completed Mission: None

Current Mission: None

"Is the card content correct?"(Receptionist)

"Yes, thank you."(Argus)

Argus then went out. He find a dark alley and he wears a cloak and a mask. Hen enters the guild again and after a while he came out with another card in hand.

Adventurer's Card

Name: Fallen

Race: Human

Level: 0

Job Class: Beast Summoner

Rank: G

Completed Mission: None

Current Mission:

[Hunt 100 Horned Rabbits(G)]

[Hunt 100 Wild Chickens(G)]

[Hunt 1000 Slimes(G)]

This was his hidden identity. He though of the name Fallen since he was born on fall season. An Adventurer can only get a mission equal or lower than his rank. If you have a party you can take 1 rank higher quest than your party rank. There are rare cases of a Solo Adventurer of getting a rank mission higher than their rank but they are special.

'Now it's time to hunt and level up.'(Argus)

He already ask the Receptionist the place where he can hunt the quest he has. According to her, chicken and slimes can be found just about 5 km north of the Main Gate while the horned rabbit is in a bit deeper than where the slimes and chicken are.

He removed his cloak and mask then dash outside.Argus then slows down since he reach his destination. He observed his surroundings.

'It looks like there's not much monster here in the periphery. It's near at the entrance so maybe they clean this part once in a while.'

After a little bit of walking he heard the sound of a chicken.


Argus tried to use his skill.

Primal's Gaze

Name: Wild Chicken♀️

Category: Normal Monster

Level: 5




•Increase speed while running on straight line.


•Enhance the piercing damage of bick

Argus then notice that the head part of the chicken has a red dot.

'Weakness, huh.'(Argus)

Argus then dash with his spear on hand. The chicken saw him and it tried to run but Argus was faster. Using his spear, he pierce the chicken's head.

+5 Exp

'The chicken reaction was slow or i'm just fast?'

Looking at his status window, we saw that the level percentage increase by 5%.

"So I need to hunt 19 more chickens to level up. Let's continue."

+5 Exp

+5 Exp

+5 Exp

+5 Exp


+5 Exp

+5 Exp

[Hunt Wild Chickens(G)20/100]

[Your level has increase by 1]

+10 Mana

+1 All Stats

+10 Free Stat

+2 SP

"Oh, I've level up... +10 Mana?! What's happening? Only those Special Race can increase their Mana with more than 5 every level up. Is this because of my physique or my class or even both?"

Argus think deeply about it however he did not their conclude. After a while he just accepted it because it's not bad to have more mana although with this current rank he cannot after a while he just accepted it because it's not bad to have more mana although with this current rank he cannot manipulate it.

Every awakener has different mana capacity after they awaken. Normal awakenner has 10 to 15 mana, elite awakeners has 16 to 20 mana, special awakeners or the so-called genius has 21 to 30 mana. Those monster geniuses will have 31 to 50 mana but no one reaches 100 like him.


Status Window

Name: Argus Orpheus

Race: Human

Level: 1 (0%)(↑1)

Realm: Beginner

Class: Twilight Battle Summoner (Unawakened)


Health: 100%/100%

Mana: 110(↑10)

VIT: 31(↑1)

STR: 21(↑1)

DEX: 21(↑1)

INT: 21(↑1)

Free Stats: 10(↑10)

Skill Points: 2(↑2)

Skill Slot: 5

Innate Skill:

«Sovereign's Intuition»

«Sovereign's Apathy»

«Asura Hegemon Battle Physique»

Weapon Skill:

«Weaponless Specialization Lv. 5»

•Rank: Elite

• Increase damage by 50% when fighting weaponless

Cultivation Art:

«Asura Hegemon Battle Art»

Active Class Skill:

«Tame: Lv.1»

Passive Class Skill:

«Eyes of Twilight: Lv.1»

«Twilight Battle Summoner Lv.1»

Passive Skill: None

Active Skill: None

Titles: None