
Close Combat Summoner: It's Not Easy To Cultivate

A once in a millennium event is currently being anticipated by all the people of Vesmir. They are outside of their own homes waiting for a special phenomen to happen. They gaze above the skies and saw the one of the two moons of their planet, slowly covered the sun. Suddenly the azure colored sky of Vesmir was hastily change its color into a dark crimson. When the sky of Vesmir became dark crimson, the people of Vesmir was amazed by the phenomenon they are seeing. After a while million of stars twinkle around the moon, slowly turning the dark crimson sky to its original azure color. Among those millions stars there were less than 0.0001.% star that shines brightly compared to the other stars. However, if you look closely as if the dark crimson sky was fighting the million of stars they get a stalemate. People then saw the second moon covered the sun. Suddenly the whole world was casted by shadow and darkness. All of the people of Vesmir suddenly felt feer and safe at the same time. Then after a while the sky returned to its original azure color because it was still in the afternoon. There is no million of stars. There is no dark crimson sky. In a old hut at the top of the mountain, an oldman with a white clothes. The oldman looks like a benevolent and you can see a white aura flickering on and off out of his body. He witness all this phenomenon at the hut's window. The catastrophe that was delayed are happening.The seal of the world are slowly weakening. That race will find this world. No, they already find it. The sacrifice that they made to hide this world from them this is lonely weakening. Alas it would still happen. Are all those sacrifice they did, are for these generation to face?" He asked weakly. No one answered. The oldman looks at his body. He saw his body was very slowly turning into dust. "I do not have much time. I need to inform the guardians of all the races about the impending storm that is coming. They need to focus to armed the new generation especially the Chosen Ones. They would be the the sword that would purge the chaos and shield that would protect it's people of this world from the chatastrophe that would happen. Those who have been sealed cannot do anything, the only solution is to train those new generation." Looking at the window, as he gaves at the sun. "The structure of the universe is gonna completely change in this era. Can this world survive?" The old man did not include the shadow in his premonitions and just bypass it. The old man stands weakly, get his walking stick then go wherever he plans to do. *** Argus Orpheus an orphan who survive from a Gate break. He lives for 10 years alone. "Argus Orpheus, Unique Class Awakener, Type: Summoner." A class that is said to be average by many. Argus was also walking a path of summoner no one has succeeded thus far. Argus awakened a power that was no being should possess. As he begins his journey, Argus slowly uncovers the truth of this mysteries about himself. Watch as Argus embarked his chaotic journey.

GoodForNothing_776 · Others
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15 Chs

Chapter 4 - Weapon Shop

"So what type of weapon do you want?According to my skill sets maybe i will use between dagger since i'm an ambidextrous."(Rex)

"Death Scythe."(Argus)

Argus answered briefly. Rex who is walking calmly stop walking when he heard his friend.


"Your too loud."(Argus)

The people look at their direction. Argus hasten his walking pace. Rex followed.

"My bad... But what's that? Aren't summoner supposed to be a magic profession? Your weapon of choice are to unusual."(Rex)

"It's for my romance."(Argus)

Argus seriously said to his friend.

"That's so you anyway, it's hard to find a Scythe weapon since Scythe wielders are rare. And you use a Death Scythe, I forgot an information about this weapon. Even in black market, a Scythe is hard to find. The drop rate of Scythe weapons is also very rare. I can help you find one if we can not get Scythe today."(Rex)

"That's helpful."(Argus)

Then the two reach their destination. They are in front of a 2 story building. The name 'Weapon Shop A' can be seen from the front. All the shops here in rural black market have no names since they do not want to know the identities of the seller. Unlike in the black market in the big cities. The two entered and they were greeted by a person who also wears a cloak and a mask.

"What can I help you with dear customers? I am the owner of this humble store. You can call me A."(A)

"Scythe for beginner levels."(Argus)

"Let me check if they are available. Wait for a while dear customers."(A)

While waiting. Let me introduce you to t There are currently 5 known classification for skillbooks: Common, Uncommon, Special, Unique, and Random

As for items they are rank like the cultivation stages of Awakeners. There are 11 current Cultivation Stages on Vesmir World:

Core Formation Realm(Lv.25)

Blood Condensation Realm(Lv.50)

Tendon Transformation Realm(Lv.75)

Bone Forging Realm(Lv.100)

Energy Condensation Realm(Lv.125)

Path Expanding Realm(Lv.150)

Soul Condensation Realm(Lv.175)

Core Reinforcing Realm(Lv.200)

Energy Expansion Realm(Lv.225)

Domain Realm(Lv.250)

Transcendent Realm(Lv.275)

There also higher stages but currently the highest known rank currently is Transcendent Realm which is considered God by all the races in Vesmir World.

They don't know how many people achieve the Transcendent Realm, even Rex who is part of a big family has no idea since it was a confidential information. But Rex told him that only a handful of beings reach that realm and they are divided in different Races as their 'Guardian' or 'Pillar' of a Race.

After a while 'A' came back with nothing

"I'm sorry dear customers for the Scythe... I did not find anything. We do not buy Scythe Weapons, since it is not an in demand weapon. I hope you understand."(A)

Argus was a bit disappointed. They bid goodbye to the seller and go to the next shop to find Scythe.

"Thank you dear customers, I hope you come back."

Argus enter every Weapon Shops to look for a Scythe but not one sells them. Then they exit the black market and plan to return home. In the end Argus just bought a spear as a spare weapon.

"I will ask someone to look for your Scythe. What are you gonna do for your summons? Do you plan to buy and tame one?"(Rex)

"I don't plan to tame monster yet. I am not rushing to tame one. This weapon should be enough for the time being."(Argus)

"A Beast Summoner that has no summoned beast. You are really... Unique. Anyway what's your plan to level up? Do you plan on dungeon hunting with me?"

"No, I plan to level up solo. Just contact me after you find a Scythe."(Argus)

"Do you have particular request for the Death Scythe? If you want we can customize it for a blacksmith... I know someone really good on making weapons. He is a bit eccentric, but one of the most awesome blacksmith that my father knows."(Rex)

"I do not have much money to spend for customize weapon. Anyway, just contact me if you find a beginner Death Scythe Weapon... My budget will be with 150,000 VC."(Argus)

Rex did not continue persuading Argus since he knows that is not needed. There is no need to have a expensive weapon in the early levels. Rex also knows that his friend will ask money if his current money is not enough.

"Prideful Devil"(Rex)

"Shut up you Thick skinned Devil... Here's my destination, thanks for dropping me off. We will not see each other till the entrance exam."(Argus)

"Yeah, let's see who has higher level on the entrance exam. I'm sure I will win though."(Rex)

Argus just smiled and wave his hand. Rex also smiled. Then they both part on their ways. Argus returned to his house. His house is 10x15 meters it has 3 rooms but 2 of the rooms are empty. He is the only one leaving in this room. This is a house his late guardian buy before he died.


Argus is an Orphan that is being taken care of by a single man till he was 5. The name of his guardian is Gill Esta. 10 years ago when an Dungeon Flood happened near his past home. An S Class Gate suddenly appeared on their city and it caught the people off guard... His Guardian, Gill Esta is not a strong Awakener so he perish by protecting him from the monster.

Argus was safe since his guardian gave him a teleportation scroll that sends him to this house. He was proud on what his guardian did but after that incident he started training hand to hand combats. He was just only 5 and he was living alone so it was very hard on him. He begs for food everyday, luckily some of his neighbors are kind. He started finding jobs on the streets, although hard he did not succumb to stealing or any bad conducts.

After that incident, his personality change and he was force to become matured. Argus treat anyone as strangers and does not care on anything they say as long as he did not cross his line.

He live for 5 years with the money he gets from his works which was enough for him since he lives solo and he is not a golden spooned person so he live like a normal person. He trained hand to hand during the dawn, work at morning to afternoon, and read novels and books during the night.

When some of his peers saw him training in the park they tried to approach him but he ignored it.

"Your new hear right?"

"What's your name?"

"Do you want to come with us?"

The boys started teasing him but he did not care.

"This boy ignored us."

"What is this idiot doing? He is just punching and kicking the air like an idiot."

"He is probably fighting a ghost. Look at his face it looks like he's about to win."

"Training this, training that... Bleh... He is just showing off."

"Do you think he is a child of a big family?"

"No... He is an orphan. I heard that his parents died protecting a city and he survived. Tsk tsk tsk his parents are hero."

"Hero my ass."


One of the boys was smirk, he saw a fist size rock and he throws it at Argus. Argus did not saw this but he felt a dangerous thing and so he jump away unconsciously from the place. It was unexpected but he dodged the rock that was about to hit his head. Before he could react the other boys also starts throwing rocks at him.

"Oh that looks fun."

"Let me join."

"Me too."

"Me too."

Seeing this Argus became pissed. He dodged the rocks that was flying and dash to the boys. As he reach the first boy, Argus punch him in the face.


The boy tried to fight back but Argus hit him again and was knock out. The other boys saw this and they tried to run but they were slower than Argus who trained his body.

"No... I did not hit you so please don't hit me!"

"I did not do anything!"

"I'm just a bystander!"

Argus did not listen to them and just punch and kick them until they pass out. The parents of the boys gets mad when they learned about it and they planned to get revenge. They tried to go to his house to find him but he did not returned home. The parents did not do anything to his house since they can be put in jail if they are caught destroying other people's properties.

Every city has a guards that strictly follow the law. The family has no power and does not have riches to bribe any of the guard so ignore Argus's house.