
Clone Family

Characters in the Star Wars universe mess around and play pranks on each other.

jedimasterashla · Others
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Dogma vs the 501st

Fives: Hey guys, what do you want to do today?

Tup: How about steal Dogma's cookies?

Rex: Really? Well, I could use some cookies after having to chase R2 around the entire ship because someone put a glitter bomb in him and made him malfunction.


Tup: Hey, I found Dogma's stash of cookies!

Fives:Where are they?

Hardcase: Did someone say cookies?!

Rex: Oh no....

Tup: Uh oh. Someone's coming.

Dogma comes in

Dogma: What in the universe are you doing in my room?!?!?!?!?!

Tup: Uh...

Fives: Everyone get Dogma!

Dogma: Hey, I outrank you!

Tup, Fives, and Hardcase all jump onto Dogma

Dogma: Someone help me!!!!

Kix comes in

Kix: What is going on here?!?!

Someone's blaster malfunctions and hits Dogma with a stun bolt

Rex comes in

Rex: I said we could steal Dogma's cookies, not attack him!

Fives: Uh...that was an accident.

Kix: All of you come with me to the medbay NOW!

Tup: Aw...come on!

There is a soft crunching noise. Everyone except Dogma(who is still stunned) turns around and sees Hardcase eating all the cookies.

Hardcase: I love cookies!

Fives: Uh oh...

Hardcase finishes the cookies and runs out of the room, knocking Kix over.

Kix: Hey! Alright, all of you have to go catch Hardcase and bring him to the medbay as punishment!

Fives: Whaaaaaat?! That's a very bad idea!

Tup: Yeah, last time Hardcase had sugar, the people catching him somehow ended up stuck to the ceiling!

Dogma wakes up

Dogma: What the hell happened?!

Fives: Uh...Hardcase ate all of you cookies.

Dogma: ...

Kix: And they have to catch him now.

Dogma: And after that they are going to scrub the command center with toothbrushes!

Fives: Aw man...

Rex: Well, enjoy catching Hardcase, I have to go help General Skywalker with...uh...stuff.

Kix: Really?

Rex: I'm your captain. You don't give me orders.

Dogma: You're still cleaning the command center.

Rex: ...

Kix: Or I'll tell Ahsoka that you like her.

Rex: Fine!

I'm sorry if I'm not doing something correctly, I just found out about this website.

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