
The Deadly Beautiful

[Tareq was sitting in his office. The killer knew that he was in charge of the case. 'What are his intentions?' Tareq thought.]

(Hasan enters the room)

:(Tareq) Did you find anything?

:(Hasan) No, sir. We found nothing related to the killer.

: No witnesses or anything?

: Some staff members claim to see an unknown member with them. I brought them here in the bureau.

: Excellent. Take them to the interrogation room. I'll be there in a minute.

: Yes, Sir.

: Oh, one more thing. Can you bring the tea boy who carried the envelope with him?

: Sure, sir.

[Tareq goes to the interrogation room. There he sees two staff members. It was a boy and a girl.]

:(Both) Hello sir.

: Hello. Thanks for coming. So, you two said you saw someone unknown in your team. Can you tell me more about it?

:(Boy) Sir, I saw a man wearing the staff's shirt walking around when I was setting up the stage. I never saw him before on our team. I wanted to ask him who he was, but I was called backstage, so I couldn't. I didn't see him again after that.

: I see. What was his appearance like?

: He had his face covered with a surgical mask, so I didn't see his face. But I could say he had a good build. He was pretty tall too. About 6 feet. And that's about it.

: I see. (Stares at the girl) What about you?

: Sir, I also saw him. I was taking the microphones to the stage. It was then that I saw him.

: Anything else noteworthy about him?

: Sir, he was acting calm the whole time. He was working like any other staff member on setting up the stage. He didn't act like an outsider at all. Rather he was comparatively more active than most of us.

: Is that so? Ok, thanks for your time today. We may call you again later. You may leave now. Ninad, drop them at their house.

:(D'Cruz) Yes, sir.

(They leave the room)

:(Suvro) It was barely any aid, sir.

: No. It can help us in the future. At least now, we can assume how the killer looks.

(Hasan enters the room. The tea boy was right behind him.)

:(Hasan) Sir, I brought the boy with me.

: Hmm, bring him here.

[The boy was nervous. He was shaking like a leaf in a storm.]

: Hey, what's your name?


: Nice name. So, Nafis...

: I didn't do anything, sir. Please let me go, sir! (Starts sobbing)

: Hey. It's alright. No one will hurt you. I promise.

(Calms down)

: Now, can you tell me who gave you the envelope?

: No, sir. I didn't even know that the envelope was on the tray.

:(Suvro) Well someone did! Just speak up, you idiot! Don't you dare lie!

:(Starts crying)

:(Tareq) Suvro! He's just a child. Don't be so rough on him. (To Nafis) It's cool. Calm down. Now say, did you see any new guys in your store? Like you didn't see before?

:(Thinks for a while) Yes sir! There was a man who came to our store yesterday. I never saw him in this area before.

: Great. How did he look?

:(Thinks for a while) Sir, I can't recall.

: Take your time.

:(Tries to recall) Sir! I remembered something.

: What is it?

: His eyes!

: What about it?

: They were not like our eyes.

:(Suvro) What do you mean by that?

: Sir, I was serving tea to the customers. The man was also there. He was looking at his mobile at that time. When I bent to give tea to a customer, I saw his eyes.

:(Tareq) Ok, how was it?

: Sir, they were not brown. They were blue. No, green! I don't remember. But I remember that they were beautiful. It was like the river Teesta near our village. My mother used to take me near the river. But she never let me go swimming in it. She said that the river was too deep. Many boys drowned in that river. That's why she called it the Deadly Beautiful.

:(Takes a breath) Thanks kid. You can leave now. Hasan?

:(Hasan) Hey, don't be sad. See, god became sad when he saw you cry. So, he gave me this for you.

[He takes out a bar of chocolate from his pocket]

:(Nafis) Chocolate!

: Yeah. Now let's go, shall we?

(Hasan takes him away)

:(Suvro) What a waste of time! We barely got any info about the killer.

:(Tareq smiles) Beautiful eyes? Let's see how beautiful they remain after I throw him into jail.

[Hasan suddenly enters the room. He was gasping for breath.]

:(Hasan) Sir! (Gasps)

: Easy Hasan. What's wrong?

[Hasan shows him an envelope. It had the same Blue 'A'.]

:(Tareq) Give it to me, quick!

[Tareq takes the letter and opens it. It didn't have any photos in it this time. It just had a paper folded inside. Tareq unfolds a paper. It wasn't a death description or a victim's name. It was a letter. For Tareq, from the killer]