
Blue Anarchy

[Tareq Mirza unfolds the paper in the envelope. It was a letter for him from the Killer! The letter said the following]

Dear Assistant General,

Congratulations on finding another prey of mine in just 20 minutes after the kill. Impressive, but it certainly wasn't enough, was it? You know, it's hella funny. I made a man unconscious, took him to a room, placed those cacti in his mouth, kept the six strings in his lap, and turned the speaker's volume high, and nobody even noticed. Guess that's Bangladesh for ya. But, I must say, I'm loving to play with ya. You good. You like a sniffer dog, tryin' to catch me. But alas! That's impossible. Let's see if the dog can catch up with the horse in me. I'm gonna keep playing with ya, till you finally say "I quit". And that shit will be nice to hear. Not gonna stop my rampage any time soon. So brace yourselves darlings, cuz you are going on a roller coasta ride! Anyhow, my next killing, coming soon in theatres near you. Make sure to grab your popcorn, because you are gonna witness a FOUNTAIN OF BLOOD!!

Yours lovingly,

Blue Anarchy*

:(D'Cruz) This man is a complete psycho!

:(Hasan) If we don't stop him soon, I can't even imagine how many more lives he shall take!

:(Suvro) Sir?

:(Tareq) (smiles) Blue Anarchy? That's what he likes to call him? Let's see how this "Blue Anarchy" will feel after I throw him in jail.

[Tareq and his team went to the house of Ayash Khan. His family members and friends were still mourning his untimely death. His mother, Rabeya Khatun, was a successful businesswoman. After the death of her husband, just two years after Ayash's birth, she became the owner of his vast property and company.]

:(Tareq to Rabeya) Hello ma'am. Sorry to disturb you at this time of sorrow. But we needed to ask some important questions about your son.

:(Rabeya, wipes her tears) It's alright. Fahmid, take them inside.

(Fahmid took them inside.)

:(Tareq) So, ma'am. Let's talk about your son. Did he have any enemies or rivals?

: No. My son was a man with a kind and clean heart. He would not even hurt a fly. And yet...(cries)

: Ma'am, please calm down. Did he seem to be in worry or trouble?

: No, sir. He would tell me if he was. He used to tell me everything.

: Okay, ma'am. Thanks for your time. I'll make sure to find the murderer of your son as soon as possible. Take care.

(The officers leave the room.)

: Fahmid.

: Ma'am?

: Would you sanitize the couches those morons sat on? And make sure to clean the floor too. Those dirty useless rascals bothered me for nothing.

*The woman was a two-faced monster hiding behind the mask of an innocent mother.*


:(D'Cruz) Sir, I think it is the doing of a serial killer. Otherwise, why would someone kill a man innocent like him?

:(Bypasser) Innocent? My foot!

:(Tareq) Hey, what did you say?

:(Bypasser, gets scared) S-S-S-Sorry sir. I...

: Don't worry. I won't do anything. Just tell me why you said that.

: Um, sir. The man was a womanizer.

: A womanizer?

: Yes, sir. He often used to offer girls to stay with him for one night. He even asked my daughter to do shameful things with him.

: Really? What else do you know?

: Well, sir. He often brought girls into his house at night. But for some reason, I never saw them leave.

: Funny. So that's how pure he is. You can go.

:(Hasan) Sir, do you think he was telling the truth?

: Who knows? Let's find out. Get me all information about the previous victims. Charges, rumors, friends, family, everything. Let's go.

[The detective gathered all the information about the previous victims. All of them seemed to have a dark side of them. The pharmacist Nazif was rumored to sell illegal drugs in his pharmacy. On the other hand, the teacher Naim once went behind bars after the father of a student filed a case against him for harassing his daughter. The architect Tafhimul and the businessman Laxman used to be close friends. They had another friend, Faiz Muhammad Srijon, the owner of Faizer Food Limited. The team went to his house to get further information. At first, he refused to answer any of their questions. But he started to open up after receiving some "special" R.A.B. treatment.]

:(Faiz) Sir, they helped me build the Dhaka branch of my company. Laxman arranged the money while Tafhim made the design. But the residents started to protest stating it was government property. So, we shut them down by giving them cash or by threatening to kill them. Nothing else.

:(Tareq) Well, so that's the case.

: Sir, will I be safe?

: Don't worry. You will be safe. But you will go to prison after I deal with that bastard. You will be in trouble one way or another.

[They left the house and started to head towards the police station.]

:(D'Cruz) Sir, what do you think about the murders now?

: Well, it's simple. They are all pre-planned murders. A serial killer like him would not waste his time playing mind games with us. Rather he would kill anyone at random. I think that he has something to do with all the victims. Let's see what happens.

(Suddenly, their car stops mid-road. Suvro came out of the car to inspect.)

:(Suvro) Sir! Come here quickly.

[Tareq comes out of the car and sees that the car's fuel tank got a hole in it, slowly leaking out all the fuel. But Suvro's eyes were fixed on the back of the car instead. An envelope with a blue 'A' was glued on the back! Tareq quickly grabs the envelope to see what's inside it. There was a photo of none other than Faiz with the number '6' on it. The sixth victim was determined.]