
Clay, The Bloody King

A prince ascended the throne, he crushed anyone who dares to get in his way. He became a ruler who dares to take anything that he wanted. Villages pillaged, cities ravaged, and kingdoms ruined. He was dubbed the "Bloody King." Until the 9 heroes defeated him, his great empire erupted in a brutal civil war surrounded by enemies. The empire was ripped into shreds and it became history. He was imprisoned for all eternity. He vowed he will return and reach the unreachable stars. *** A/N: A chapter is released every once a week.

LonelyChili · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Volume 1 - Chapter 1

There was a certain person who always wondered about the meaning of life.

Is it about Faith? Is it about glory? Is it about love and honor? Is it about seeking the meaning of life itself? Everybody seeks a purpose and that person is no different.

He will then embark on a dangerous path, trying to conquer everything on his way, even life, and death.


Marian Continent, In a certain palace.

A prince won the crown with the help of his accomplishments and supporters.

Just after a few years after his coronation, he killed the foreign princess who helped him take the throne and the one he was supposed to marry.

Two empires clashed and it dragged the whole continent into spiraling chaos of blood and death.

A very ambitious and proud leader he is. He only has one goal, World Domination.

Until the Nine Heroes finally came and fought him. The battle was legendary that will be remembered for centuries to come. After his defeat, his empire fell with him.


3 centuries passed after his fall. The nine heroes worked hard to bring back peace and prosperity to the continent. 4 of them died, 2 from old age and the other 2 from combat.

Little Pebbles, The human warrior who wields a giant ass hammer who broke the Bloody King's balls. Her faith is the God of Combat and War.

Red Witch, she mastered curse Magic and destroyed the Bloody King's unstoppable army. Her faith is toward the Goddess of Night.

Grand Arch-Mage, the mage who sought the truth of the universe. He doesn't have any faith in any God.

Light Dragon, an Ancient Dragon who toasted the king back then. Faith is towards the Draconic God of Time.

And lastly the Blood Knight, one of the Bloody King's trusted knights who betrayed him.

They are the remaining heroes who are still alive to this day.


"Dad! I don't want to get married!" A noble lady is throwing a tantrum. Throwing away her pillows and jumping in her springy bed. She is already a lady but acting like a kid.

"Sweetheart, we are not forcing you to marry him, We just want you to meet him. He is handsome, reliable, and honest." A handsome middle-aged man is calmly sitting on the bed and beside him is his wife.

"But Dad! How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not interested!" She gets out of her bed and was about to walk away, but her mother pulled her hand.

"Vera, please don't make it hard for us. Just meet him, it would be disgraceful if you didn't attend, okay." The woman coaxing her to attend the blind date.

Both parents don't know what to do with their daughter's preferences. It isn't exactly weird to be attracted to the same sex but how are they are supposed to continue their lineage? She was the only child they have. Adopt? Unfortunately, Blood matters in the nobility.

To be honest, right now, it doesn't matter to them if she gets married into a commoner which is frowned upon by the nobility. As long she gets himself a "husband" and gives birth to an heir.

The young lady looked at her parents and relented. "Okay, But this is the last time." Even though she already said so many last times, she just can't resist her parents.

The parents smiled and hoped for the best. If it failed... Oh, Goddess of the Sun, you are the Light-bearer of our paths, Slayer of Darkness, and anything evil, please guide us into the right path.

They prayed while drawing a circle counterclockwise in their left chest using their right point-finger.


Vera waited for her supposed last blind date in the tea room, looking at the window. She saw a serene cloudless sky.

"I'm a deranged woman, aren't I?" She muttered. Drinking the tea to calm herself. For some reason, she started to feel nervous. She feels something different. A very ominous feeling. She prayed inwardly and drew a circle. She felt calm again.

Two knocks and a voice came out. "Lady Vera, the guest has arrived."

"Let him in." She straightened her back, appeared confident, and valiant. She is feeling a bit of anticipation and nervousness.

A young man with deep black eyes entered. Frankly speaking, he looks handsome but she already saw so many handsome men that his appearance doesn't affect her, and besides, she is gay!

The impressive thing to him was his deep black eyes that you can't help but feel being sucked into if you looked at it for too long. This is the first time she felt this from someone.

"Lady Vera, It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Nicholas Jade, an adventurer." He bowed at her. His voice is serious and enigmatic.

"Pleasure is mine too, take a seat." She pointed at the sofa across the table. She gracefully filled two teacups.

"Thank you." He took a seat, he examined her. Her looks are breathtaking with her vibrant red hair. Her eyes are hazel and she has this heroic aura. She was the infamous Fiery Knightess who is interested in women.

She pushed a teacup towards him and he took it.

"Lady Vera, I know the date will be pointless as we have... The same preferences." He jokingly said.

"Then why do you still insist have a date with me?" She took a sip of the tea. She didn't feel embarrassed.

"I heard you are a very powerful knight. I would like to invite you to explore a newly founded archaeological site in the plains near Caratiza. It's not far from here." He calmly said.

She raised an eyebrow. She may be adventurous, but she isn't stupid. Why would she accept an invitation from a stranger that she just met?

"I've heard of your adventurous spirit. It would be a pity for you not able to see such history with your eyes." He continued.

She took another sip.

"Hmm." She suddenly has a weird feeling.

"The witch you are pursuing is interested with the archaeological site."

This time, she was speechless and quite confused with the development of this conversation. Why are they talking about another woman? 'The witch that I am pursuing?'

"Miss Alison will be coming with us. Are you interested?" He didn't drink the tea.

She looked at his face, a neatly arranged jet black hair, and clean-shaven face. She tried to see any schemes. She is suspicious and yet a little bit curious. She can't read his intentions. She is perturbed. She has many blind dates before, many invited her to events such as parties, hunting, and expeditions. But Vera is feeling extremely weird about this.

She chuckled and said, "You haven't tasted the tea." She changed the topic. She will try to get more information.

Nicholas looked at his teacup and slowly drank it.

"Is it good?" She asked.


There is silence. Two people staring at each other. Both thinking deeply.

"You are strange." She bluntly said.

"I get that a lot." He smiled.

"So, about the site, What's interesting about it?" She leaned back to get more comfortable.

"It's an underground city from 300 years ago."

"What!?" Her eyes widened. She has heard about legendary underground cities but she never saw one. In this Era, Nobody tried to build one because it's extremely costly, except for dwarves who build their cities inside the mountains. Every underground city back then collapsed and never rebuilt.

"So, It was from the Bloody Era!" She is getting a bit excited because this city is definitely from the Bloody Era.

"Looks like the Fiery Knightess is finally interested." He has this teasing smile

Vera coughed, hiding her embarrassment.

"To be honest, Only a few individuals knew about this underground city. If the king and other neighboring kingdoms heard about this. Chaos will ensue. Adventurers and Secret forces will flood the city."

"I'm feeling a bit greedy, As I want to be the first one to explore this city after 300 hundred years."

"But this could be extremely dangerous." She is feeling nervous as she understood the value of this underground city. Even, though it's deserted and old, the fact it was from 300 years and the treasures that it has been extremely juicy.

Nicholas just smiled.

"I am an adventurer, I live with danger."

"You are indeed greedy. First of all, we must first have a blood contract."

She agreed in the end. The temptation of exploring a 300-year-old abandoned city is just irresistible for an adventurous woman such as her and besides, there is Alison. Someone who she trusts very much.


After a week of preparation, she told her parents that she will be accompanying Nicholas on a short adventure.

Regarding the underground city, the parents understood the value of it and they even sent secret agents to patrol the area. No matter what, this abandoned city will be under their jurisdiction because it is in their territory. Regardless of what treasure they would find, the city will be theirs to take. About their daughter's safety, they aren't worried as she is already strong enough and she will be protected by their elite knights.

Why can not just force her to marry someone? That's because she is ridiculously strong and influential herself.

She is the future Grand duchess of Lennar. She doesn't need a man to get power for she already has her own.


It's morning when Vera, together with her trusted aides arrived at the meeting point.

"Mr.Jade, I never thought you are capable of inviting many famous adventures." Vera is donned in her red armor and she has a sheathed sword in her waist. In her white horse, she looks down and meets Nicholas's eyes, trying to intimidate him. If Nicholas is an ordinary man, he would piss himself. Vera may be a gorgeous woman, but no one dares to stare at her for long.

He just smiled and nodded.

"Finally, you're here," Nicholas called out to everyone in his group and introduced her.

"This is Lady Vera Lennar. The Fiery Knightess and future Grand Duchess of Lennar."

Vera examined them all. There are a total of 8 people. All of them looked serious and experienced. They are 4 men including Nicholas and 4 women.

"Hi, I am Lana. I'm just a simple priestess of the sun." A woman in priest robes first introduced herself. She has straight black hair and a motherly aura. Vera knew this Lana is not simple. Vera is getting this feeling of Holiness coming from her.

"I'm Randolph, a mage from Caratiza." A man in simple mage robes introduced himself next.

"I'm Derrick Thorn."

"I'm Bax Jackson."

"I'm Celine Summers."


All of them introduced themselves, they seem to get along. Vera has three knights with her but they didn't care about anyone, their job is to protect Vera.

After a few discussions. They started their journey to the underground city.

It was smooth sailing and finally reached it after a week.

"We are here." Nicholas stopped in his track and disembark from his horse.

"Where?" Vera asked, examining the surroundings. She didn't see any passage or anything suspicious in this place. This is just a simple grass plain.

"It's underground." Nicholas sarcastically replied. He has this teasing look.

Vera rolled her eyes and felt annoyed. It's an underground city.

All of them get down from their horses and readied themselves.

"Miss Alison, please." Nicholas motioned his hand and looked at the woman.

Miss Alison nodded and went forward. She is an extremely attractive woman with rosy red lips and blue, attractive eyes. She has long black hair that reaches her waist. She seems very seductive and yet pure. She is tall and has two massive weapons of destruction in her chest.

She is wearing a classic black witch robe with a hood.

Vera looked at her affectionately. This is the woman that she fell in love with. She met many outstanding people in her life and yet Alison is the only one. Ironically, she is her best friend too.

Nicholas sneaked a peek at Vera. His eyes are calm. Nobody knew what's inside his head.

Alison bowed her head and closed her eyes. She started to chant indescribable words and everyone froze in their spots. They felt a gaze in them that is something horrible and gloomy. It felt years have passed but in truth, only a second passed.


The moment Vera blinked her eyes.

She found herself in a dark room. She can't see but her other senses are heightened.


She didn't panic and unsheathed her sword.

"Oh Great Goddess of the Sun, blesses my sword with your grand light and I shall cut evil." Vera chanted and her sword started to shine.

Using the light of the sword, she walked towards the door of the room.

She paused for a bit and felt danger.

"Holy Fire!" Vera slashed her sword at the door and there was a piercing scream that followed suit. Rather than a simple wood door, the door revealed disgusting insides.

The door turned into a red-disgusting slob of meat and it pounced towards Vera.

Vera jumped toward the side and evaded the monster.

She raised her hand "Fire Magic: Blazing arrows!"

A red complicated pattern showed in hand and fiery Arrows spewed from it.

Aaaaaaargh! The disgusting monster roared out of pain but it didn't die even though its body is burning.

"Fuck!" Vera cursed as she rolled to evade the monster that pounced at her again.

"Ice Magic: Piercing Arrow"

And then bang!

Vera looked up and saw Nicholas outside.

"Having trouble?" Nicholas calmly smiled, his hand raised, and finished casting a spell.

Vera looks towards the monster.

The disgusting red monster is dead. It's body melted and red smoke coming out of it. The smell is nauseating but the two were already used to it.

Vera frowned as she felt incompetent.

She just looked at Nicholas and nodded. Indicating she is thankful for his help.

But Nicholas noticed her complicated expression and understand what she felt.

He walked towards the monster.

The monster was gone and all that was left is a red crystal.

He picked it up and examined it.

"This monster is called Mimic. Mimics are troublesome and dangerous monsters that have great regenerative abilities, they usually mimic objects and ambush anything that felt delicious, you cannot even tell the difference between a mimic and a normal object."

Nicholas explained.

Vera looked at Nicholas with an interested and curious face. He found her cute.

Vera dejectedly sighed. 'Even though I studied a lot about Bloody Era. I didn't know their existence.'

"No need to feel bad, I think it's impressive that you felt it's presence. Even an experienced adventurer will fall under its trap." Nicholas comforted her.

Vera just gave a friendly smile.

"Anyway, let's find the others."

"I wonder what more things that we will find here," Vera muttered as the bad feeling fades and her excitement grew.

But she didn't know that on this very day.

Someone will escape their prison.

Chap 1 Volume 1

LonelyChilicreators' thoughts