
Clay, The Bloody King

A prince ascended the throne, he crushed anyone who dares to get in his way. He became a ruler who dares to take anything that he wanted. Villages pillaged, cities ravaged, and kingdoms ruined. He was dubbed the "Bloody King." Until the 9 heroes defeated him, his great empire erupted in a brutal civil war surrounded by enemies. The empire was ripped into shreds and it became history. He was imprisoned for all eternity. He vowed he will return and reach the unreachable stars. *** A/N: A chapter is released every once a week.

LonelyChili · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Volume 1 - Chapter 2

In sealed darkness, There is a red light that is flickering like a dying candle.

The light felt something. He looked into the darkness that imprisoned him.

In this place, He could not hear, taste, smell, and feel.

There is only darkness for uncountable years. People might be driven mad already.

The red light is starting to dissipate again and turned smaller. When he first got sealed, His soul is like an enormous red-light just like the sun but now it's no bigger than a candle fire.

'Time is running out.' The light thought.

'Looks like I don't have any choice.' The red light suddenly split into two.

The first one stayed and the second one went into the darkness.

After a while, there is a flash of light and then it exploded like a firework.

There is suddenly a shift in time and space. An enormous blazing sun came out that brightens every corner of this darkness.

The red light felt a gaze at him, trying to pry into his soul, he felt unbearable scorching pain.

'What are you plotting?' A feminine and majestic voice came out.

'One last desperate attempt.' The light said.

'...' The mysterious voice didn't speak.

'You know it if I am lying or not. I could not hide anything from you.' The soul sighed.

'I don't want to die.' The light said.

'I was this close.'

'You've ruined millions of lives just for the sake of your goal.' The sun spoke.

There was a long silence.

'I have no choice.'

'You did have a choice.' The Sun said.

'Giving up is not a choice and it will never be.' The light said with resolution and madness.

There is another long silence.

'I suppose this is it.' The red light flickered more.

'Farewell, My Sun Goddess. If Fate allows it, I hope we meet again.'

The red light flickered one last time and then it fades into nothingness.

The massive sun stayed for a while and then it disappeared.


In the underground city. Vera and Nicholas cautiously moved in the empty streets of the underground city.

Other than the Mimic that Nicholas killed, they didn't meet any monsters in the way.

"This is unnerving." Rather than feeling relieved that they didn't see any monsters, Vera and Nicholas felt more danger.

Vera tightly gripped her sword and walked slowly. Her senses heightened, trying to feel any hostile monsters.

Nicholas moved closer to Vera. He is readily prepared for any kind of ambush.

And then they see a human silhouette in the distance slowly walking towards them.

Vera and Nicholas stopped. Both of them felt nervous as the silhouette got closer.

Vera instantly readied her stance and prepared to attack at any moment.

Nicholas conjured a spear in his hand.

The silhouette got close. It was a knight with a rusted armour. A broken sword in his right hand.

There is a symbol on his chest armour.

A small sun and below it is a crown with two swords intersected.

They aren't familiar with the symbol but both of them knew the knight is from the bloody era.

The knight's face was covered by his helmet but both of them felt his gaze to them.

He halted.

There is a standoff. Two sides looking at each other.

Vera's instincts warned her she should escape but she didn't.

"Assist me," Vera whispered and Nicholas heard it.

Vera suddenly charged like a tigress towards the knight. Her swing carried the power that is enough to cut a tree in half.

The knight readied his stance and easily block her sword.


The broken sword managed to block her holy sword. She was surprised.

Nicholas appeared beside and used his spear to pierce his armour.


The Knight suddenly kicked Vera in the abdomen and use his other hand to catch the spear.

Vera flew back. She gritted her teeth and endured. Her body hit the ground like a ragdoll.

The Knight successfully grabbed and pulled the spear. He slashed his broken sword towards Nicholas's neck.

Nicholas let go of the spear and dodge the killing strike.

The spear froze the knight's hand.

"Ice Magic: Cold Chains!" Nicholas murmured and the spear turned into a long chain of ice, binding the knight's entire body.

Vera easily stood up and charged again.

"Holy Fire!" Her sword flared and cut the knight like tofu.

Chains melted and knight fell.

Both of them sighed of relief, somehow the two of them have great teamwork.

"Monsters here are strong. I wonder if the others are okay." Vera didn't feel exhausted but she felt that kick. The knight easily blocked her sword.

"Don't worry, All of them are capable and experienced people." Nicholas patted Vera in the shoulder.

And then Vera froze, looking behind Nicholas.

Nicholas saw her strange gaze and he looked behind.

10 human silhouettes are coming their way.

"Fuck." Both of them cursed.


In other streets, some fights are going on. Lana and Alison are together. Vera's guards are separated but all of them are tough.

All of the members of the Expedition team are fighting the Knights.

Nicholas and Vera finally beat the 10 knights and encountered two colleagues.

"I'm relieved that both of you are okay."

It was Bax and a guard of Vera. The guard felt relieved when he saw her.

The 4 people continued their way, not knowing they are moving towards the heart of the city.

Everyone is moving towards it.


"Alison! Oh, God! Praise the Sun!" Vera went towards Alison and hugged her.

Alison just smiled and felt weird. She hugged her back.

After the attacks, the 12 members of the expedition are down to 5. Guard, Bax, Lana, Alison, Nicholas and Vera are the only ones who survived.

Nicholas has a bitter smile as he didn't expect almost everyone will die.

Lana healed all of their wounds using her Holy Magic.

They looked at the statue in the middle of the city.

All of them felt that this statue is something otherworldly.

Vera went towards the statue and examined the slab below it.

"The King of all kings. Conqueror of all conquerors. Protector of the Holy Land. Marching towards the dark, Marching towards Doom and Eternal. He shall protect us from the endless eyes who want to devour us all."

"Who is this person?" Vera had a hunch but she isn't sure who is this person.

"It's the Bloody King." Alison went towards the statue with admiration in her eyes.

Vera noticed her expression but she didn't care.

"Hmm, so this the Mad King who dragged the continent into chaos." Nicholas just smiled and looked at Vera.

"Yep, this is the guy." Bax murmured as he inspected the majestic statue.

The Figure has a crown and a sword in his right hand, pointing forward like he is ordering everyone to march towards the enemies. In his left hand, he was holding an orb in his hand. It wasn't clear what it was but Bax felt he is seeing a small sun.

While everyone is looking at the statue. Nicholas noticed something in the ground but he didn't pick it up. He waiting for a chance to pick it up without anyone noticing and then he has his chance.


Roars suddenly echoed the entire city.

Everyone looked in other directions and Nicholas instantly picked up.

The group knew they are in trouble as all of them felt the monsters are charging towards them.

"All of you, come closer, I'll put a barrier."

The roars are getting nearer and everyone felt hopeless.

"Oh, Sun Goddess, protect us from doom! Protect our fragile mortal shells! Let my blood be the exchange of your protection."

"Holy Sun Walls!" There was a blaring light that came out from Lana.

Enormous transparent yellow walls from all sides sheltered them as the monsters assaulted them.

All of them are petrified as they never expected the monstrosities that attacked them are destructive.

The knights that attacked them earlier are a joke compared to this.

The entire walls are covered and they can only see darkness outside the walls.

"How long this barrier will last?" Nicholas asked.

"Around 1 minute," Lana said and she suddenly fell but Nicholas caught her body.

"This expedition is failed. Please teleport us back, Alison."


Alison bowed her head and murmured indescribable words again. They felt the horrible gaze but this time, it was more menacing and terrifying.

Years passed but everything was over in a second.

They found themselves in the grassy plains.

The horses are still there. They were in the underground city for just an hour. An hour of fighting.

"The city is too dangerous," Alison said and she coughed blood.

"Alison!" Vera wanted to help her but she knew she can't do anything.

"Let's go home now. We will talk again later after we made new plans."

Nicholas said as he carried Lana.

"You want to go back there? We almost died!" Vera felt emotional as the two of her trusted Knights died there.

"I know but what can I do about it? I need this." Nicholas said seriously as his heart is ready to do anything.

"So, you'll do anything for fcking money?" Vera said coldly. Her tone carried disgusts as her impression of Nicholas plummeted. The team was almost massacred and this guy wanted to do it again.

"Yes, Lady Vera. That's what kind of an adventurer I am." Nicholas walked away and went to his horse. Bax followed suit.

"All of us knew the danger but we still took it. I don't have any regrets."

Alison deeply looked at Nicholas but he ignored it.

His deep black eyes looked at Alison and moved to Vera.

"I'm sorry for the loss of your two knights and I fully take responsibilities. I never expected we would be separated in the city. I'll be seeing you later for the compensation for the two knights families.

As he went away together with Lana and Bax.


After a week, Vera got home. She was gloomy and depressed. She never expected two of her trusted knights died in there. It was a huge loss for her.

Her father, the Grand Duke Lennar didn't expect that.

They held a funeral. Nicholas came and paid heavy compensation. It was in the contract, He couldn't do anything about it.

The good impression the parents have on Nicholas plunged. Even though it was a dangerous expedition, the fact that Nicholas miscalculated that caused them the life of two competent loyal knights.

The Grand Duke didn't show him any disrespect but he distanced himself. A complete contrast to how he treated Nicholas before.

"I forbid you to explore that city again or else." The Grand Duke ordered him.

Nicholas didn't mind it as he already got what he wanted. He told Vera that he wanted to explore the expedition again was just to make her dislike him.

It was all within his calculations.

After that, Vera lost contact with Nicholas, Bax and Lana.

Bax and his family died for some reason. Bandits killed him while he was going home. Vera didn't know.

Lana was persecuted and exiled from the Church of the Sun.

The only good thing that happened for Vera is that she is getting more close to Alison.


Two figures are riding a horse. It was cloudy and the sun is blocked. The woman is holding the man from behind.

"You did it. Taking away everything from me."

It was Nicholas and Lana.

"Are you mad?" Nicholas asked.

"Yes. Why wouldn't I?" Lana said but her tone is soft and peaceful.

"Everything I did. It was all for my goals." Nicholas said.

"So, you are willing to destroy other people's lives just like your ancestor did."

"It was something necessary," Nicholas weakly said.

"It was all just for his selfish cause. No need to sugarcoat it." Lana tone didn't change.

After Lana said that. The surroundings became peaceful. The wind blowing and the sound of horse steps. It was like a simple yet beautiful scenery.

A handsome man and a beautiful woman riding a horse on a road. It was a romantic scene.

"Why did you pushed me?" Lana asked.

"Pushed? Lana. I didn't push you, you were the one who is willing to serve me and I have other uses for you." Nicholas calmly said like it was nothing. Treating Lana like a tool for his goals.

"I see. Treating people like instruments in your grand musical theatre." Lana sighed.

"It will be the most beautiful music ever played," Nicholas muttered.

"Arrogant as always."

"You know me," Nicholas said.

"By the way, did you like Vera?" Lana stared at Nicholas to see any embarrassing expression.

"I do. The moment I saw her in the ball, I am smitten by her." Nicholas truthfully said.

"As always, you have weird tastes."

"Pot calling the Kettle Black."

"Shut up." Lana rolled her eyes and both of them remained silent.

I know this chapter has too many dialogues. Forgive me.

Motivate me! With a stone and comment. :0

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