
Claws Of Death

What will you do when death, itself gives you numerous but limited chances? Will you fix your past mistakes or..will you make the people who did you wrong pay for the consequences? It's all upto you.

ayoitsnova · Urban
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3 Chs

The Woman and The Man.

**This chapter contains triggering content.**


My face heats up more and more the moment she starts to lean towards me. Is this a dream again?

I feel my eyes close by themselves as I feel her come close to me. I can smell her gorgeous and flawless hair, mhm vanilla.

A smile forms on my lips when I feel her soft hand touch my forehead, "You had this small leaf stuck there." A what? A LEAF- "oh..uh- thank you." I smile and waves bye as she leaves the washroom while I stand like I just saw a ghost. "I really thought she was gonna..haha!" Bursting in laughter, I open the door and find the students rush out of the cafeteria to the playground.

What's going on? I think to myself and I join with them only to find out a woman and a man arguing. The man sounds angry and is breathy and on the other hand, we can hear and see the woman sob and wipe her tears and say something in a high pitched voice. "What are they arguing about?" I ask hoping for a reply and soon, I get disgusted. "The man is her husband. She is the head coach of girl's baseball team and he made a girl from grade 12 pregnant."

"Ma'am! please get down! Don't do this!"

A voice called out to the woman who has been crying non stop. She looks at us and trembles as she smiles halfway and steps towards the railing of the rooftop. "Diana!" The man calls out to her and she looks back at him with a very sadistic smile and wipes her remaining tears as we hear her reply, "You just didnt really care about me. Or even your own child and now, deal with my death." The students gasp and shivers send down my spine as he comes closer to her, extending his hand for her.

The other teachers arrive along with our principal. "Diana! Get down!"

"No. I won't! You- You all dont know how to be me. The embarrassment, the looks and stares..god." She screams in a high pitched voice again and the man gets close and engulfs her in a hug as we hear and notice her trying to break free from his tight grasp.

"Let me go, Aron! Urgh!" She struggles to escape from him and he slaps her..in front of us. "omg.."

"Gosh, hes abusive!"

"oh god. Do we have to witness this now?!"

"Someone call the cops or the emergency number!"

Gossips break out among everyone including the teachers and our principal as well. "Someone get her down!" I yell at them as they ignore me and simply takes their phone out.

"What the hell?!"

Everyone is capturing the moment. The awful situation that's happening right now. Without anyone calling for help or even getting there to help, they are recording. I look around and everyone is on their phones, recording. "Let me go Aron, you filth-AH!"

Our gazes turn back to them when he pushes her and she falls face first on the ground. Her blood spatter at us especially at those who were standing a little too close. "AHH!!"


I feel shivers down my spine constantly, as I touch my face and feel drops of blood. "Oh..my god."

Looking around I find Florence standing with her lips trembling and her gaze is fixed at me. "Maeve! Let's clean you up." She grabs my hand and leads me out of the school, ignoring all the commotion that's happening. "But is it okay?" I ask hoping for a firm reply but she turns around and looks at me, "I-i.. dont know. Just come on."

After some minutes of walking, we arrive at her house. She unlocks the door and leads us in. Wow, it's pretty. Chandeliers hang in the middle of the ceiling with white and light green coloured walls fill up the house with a warm feeling. It's like the house itself is hugging me. "Come on."

She leads me to her room which looks so pretty like her. She opens the window and let's the cold wind come in. I sit on her bed when she gives me a jacket. "huh?"

"Take it. I cant lend you my dresses because I don't know if its gonna fit but I'm sure my jacket will. Oh, let me clean the blood." Florence runs off to her bathroom and comes back with a pink towel which has tiny bears sewed around it. "That's kinda cute."


I blush when I realise I caught her off guard as I reply, "the towel is cute." Her lips form into "O" shape and she nods as she wets the towel and slowly but gently start to wipe the blood. "That was traumatic, isnt it?"

I nod and keep the jacket close to me as a smile forms on my face, "Yeah. Thanks, Flor-"

"Shh. Dont thank me; this is least I can do." My cheeks start to get hot when I realised her finger is on my lips. I wanna kiss her so bad. The tension, UGH!

"Mhm, and you're done!" I get up along with her and hold her hand. "Yeah?" She asks and I stand here like I have seen a ghost again.

My lips tremble as I try to find out the right words.

"Florence, I-"

"What is it-"

grabbing her hands tightly, my lips meet hers. What did I just do!? Her soft lips dance with mine as we kiss each other. She holds my hands tight and we pull away. She looks so shocked. "I- I'm sorry. I should go."


I blush more deeply and stop on my tracks when I feel her hands on my neck, gently caressing my cheeks and I turn around only to find her lips meet mine again. But this time, so deeply. Stroking her soft hair, I pull away and give a little peck, "..I gotta go."

She smiles and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear as she smiles and kisses my hand, "I'll call you in the evening?"

I nod and open the door, but turn around like I'm not going to see her again. "Thanks again Florence. See ya around."


I leave her house with a warm feeling in my heart and my body. "what the hell just happened?"

A gay kiss happened.