
Claws Of Death

What will you do when death, itself gives you numerous but limited chances? Will you fix your past mistakes or..will you make the people who did you wrong pay for the consequences? It's all upto you.

ayoitsnova · Urban
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


"Maeve! wake up, its already time for school."

"...5 more minutes please."

"I said NOW!"

"MOM!...mom?" A figure which seems to be of a woman comes in my blurry vision as I try to get up and wrap myself in the blankets more. Her long black hair dances with her everytime she moves. Am I dreaming? Everything seems so dreamy and peaceful. Is this what afterlife is?

"What?" I hear her say as she glides away. I touch my hands then my face and look in the mirror. My face all cured. No bruises or blood, nothing except some few pimples and acne which is fine by me. Without even knowing, I pinch myself and yell. "Ah! That hurt!"


"I'm coming!" But why did the pinch hurt? It's not supposed to hurt if I'm dreaming. Then was the car accident a nightmare? I hope so but it felt so real. "Ah, morning Mae."

A big smile spreads across my face when I notice both of my parents in the living room. My dad with his newspaper and a cup of coffee and my mom back with her usual scolding and love. "You guys are okay. I'm glad to see that." A huge sense of relief washes over me as I sit beside my dad and have my tea, "thanks mom."

"Did you have a nightmare? You look pale."

"Oh yeah probably! don't worry, dad. I'm fine."

The smile erases soon from my face when I hear my dad saying that he's going to drop me off to school. "I-I don't think we'll be needing the car.." I curse myself in my head when I stuttered accidently to turn their sights on me. "why is that?"

"i- mean.. I was just saying." Letting out a giggle, I get up and rush upstairs to my room.

Sitting in front of the mirror with my school uniform in my hands, I stare at myself and soon, realise I've been touching my face for too long. "What's wrong with me today?"

I sigh and take my blazer out of the closet and put it on me. Putting my hair up in a bun, I realise my gaze is still fixed at the mirror.

"Maeve! Your dad's leaving!"

"someone is calling you, go." What? No no wait. Taking few breaths at a time, I just can't seem to look away from my mirror even for just a minute. Aren't we supposed to be at our new home? My 18th birthday? Then-


"Right, I'm coming!" Giving a one last look at the mirror, I rush downstairs and kiss my mom in the cheek and get in the car.

That car. The car that seemed to have appeared in my nightmare. "what's wrong?"

"Nothing, let's just go."

A smile spreads across when the cold breeze touches our faces. My hair now all tangled up because of the breeze, the car fills with laughter and giggles. "alright, here we are. Bye Mae. We love you."


As soon as I step out of the car, large pairs of arms wrap around me and my shoulders.

"Kyrie!" I hug her back tightly and hold hands with her as she make our way to our classroom.

"How was your birthday?"

"Oh..yeah it was good..uhm- can you tell me how old I am now?"

Kyrie looks at me like she has seen a ghost and then bursts into laughter, "HAHA! YOU'RE 17!"

"oh..hahah! YEAH! I'm 17, duh!" She links her arm with mine and we both burst out in giggles again. I'm acting strange today probably because of the nightmare? Yeah, because I would be dead. Right..?

After minutes of walking from our first period, I ask Kyrie, "Hey can you pinch me? Not too stron- OUCH-"


"I said not too strong and you did it quite strong!"

gosh, that hurts. Rubbing my arm when she interrupts me by asking why do I look pale today. "oh that's nothing. I had a nightmare but it's all good now!"

I smile and turn around to go to our seventh period.

Oh. There is he and there is she. The heartbeats of our class. Florence and Nicolas. Rumours has it that Florence might be lesbian and honestly, I hope that's true. I sit down with Kyrie and my eyes find their ways to Florence and then to Nicolas. Gosh, they are so pretty. Florence with her short, chestnut coloured hair with soft charcoal highlights laugh with her friends and Nicolas focused on his book while the wind keeps touching his messy platinum hair. "oh!"

I quickly turn away from daydreaming about maybe, one day dating one of them when Nicolas catches my stare and gives me a half smile. He's shy, quite and introverted while on the other hand, Florence is outgoing, helpful and friendly. I mean, of course Nicolas is too! But you know.. *AHEM!*

"Maeve, the teacher is asking you something." Kyrie grabs my attention by hitting me on my shoulder. "Yes, ma'am!"

"Answer the question, Maeve."

"Uh-uhm. Can you please repeat the question again?" I scratch the back of my head and blush when I hear Florence giggle softly. "Right. What did Mrs. Bush say to her son? Remember, this continues atleast minimum 3 marks. Okay, back to Maeve, yes?"

"uh- I dont remember the answer." I look down and notice Kyrie snicker while I try to hold my embarrassment within me. "Oh, well okay. Sit down and listen and pay attention."

I nod and we giggle softly as the class comes to an end and we soon go to the cafeteria for lunch.

"Ugh, I cant wait for school to be over already."

Some of the girls yell and Kyrie says the same thing but with adding more sass. "You're not having anything?"

"Nah, I'm full." I reply and put my head down on the desk while Kyrie's munching and chewing sounds comes in my ear. "Stop chewing so loudly!"

Taking my phone, I rush to the washroom and splash water constantly on my face to stop my ears from ringing and paining. It's almost like the feeling I felt in my nightmare.

I look at myself in the mirror and touch my face again when I hear the door open and see Florence come in.

"Hey Maeve."

"H-hey Florence!" I try to stop myself from blushing but I can feel my cheeks getting hotter and hotter and hotter and- "Are you okay? You've been here for like a long time." She asks and for which I reply, "Yeah, I am. Thanks for asking." Smiling, I turn around and hold the door knob when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I stop in my tracks and turn around to face Florence who has her hair in a messy bun. Oh, here's the wind again. "Y-yeah?" Goddamn it! Do not stutter. Okay okay. *ahem*
