
Class: Polymath - From Star Wars & Beyond

After serving for an eternity… Arlo was freed of his duty, only to find himself in a dangerous situation where his tales of films, television shows, animation and cartoons were gifted ack to him as reality. With the Radix Network System beside him and his old friend, Arlo starts his journey in the Star Wars Universe. His goal… To change the universe for the better and stabilise everlasting peace without greater powers interfering. Using his Polymath Class to help him achieve the impossible, Arlo began the journey to write his Myth...

PhantomMedjay · Movies
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27 Chs

Cruel Fate

"Come Karae, we must leave for our mission.

We are to explore a planet in the Outer Rim Territories.

The Council of Master's have found a disturbance in the Force, and asked us to leave immediately.

Its time for you to leave the child behind, Karae.

Remember, you can see him when we return, my Padawan."

"*Sigh* Yes, Master." Karae Nalvas groaned as his Master led him away from the nursery, where the child known to everyone as Arlo was being cared for.

Various Jedi Masters, Knights and even Padawan would come to see baby Arlo who everyone recognised as adorable and cute, though they could never get the opportunity to hold Arlo in their arms as Karae would be looking after him.

He'd come to call himself Arlo's older brother and even told his Master and other Jedi that it was his duty to look after the baby boy.

While nobody minded it, Karae's own Master wasn't fond of the situation as his Padawan would prefer to spend time with the baby over his own training.

That's why the moment a mission came up, he volunteered to go with his student over another Master and student pairing.

They left quite quickly from the Jedi Temple, which saddened Karae but also ignited his mindset to return home so he could help his younger brother.

He worried nobody would look after Arlo, but wasn't aware that after he left, everyone across the temple raced to the nursery so they could get a little alone time with the adorable child.

Unfortunately, they were beaten by two Jedi Masters, Yoda and Tyvokka.

The small green creature and Wookie playfully poked baby Arlo, who slept within his crib, exhausted by being manhandled by every visitor.

They watched over Arlo, while discussing the current situation of the galaxy as the Force predicted tough times ahead.

Neither knew about the exact details of the Stark Hyperspace War but it was evident that plenty of bloodshed would be spilled of the Jedi.

Tyvokka could sense trouble for himself in the future, but for now, there main concern was the Master and Padawan duo they sent away to Trans-Hydian region of the Outer Rim Territories.

Something told the two Grandmasters that there was something dark and menacing in the Esstran Sector.

In fact, Karae was heading towards Dromund Kalakar with his Master, not knowing it was a Sith Homeworld.

Its volcanic moon, Kalakar Six was a Sith homeworld and contained a Sith fortress of greater knowledge and wealth from the Sith Empire as Dromund Kalakar was a high point of interest to the Emperor for its shipyard capabilities.

Arlo heard the information, which passed onto the main body Arlo who was currently on Candoria, overseeing the rebuilding of the planet after its essential destruction.

Star-Void Grand Guild announced the Candoria System was quarantined for a plague virus that eradicated the entire colony of citizens.

When the news reached the Galactic Senate, they asked to investigate the planet themselves, however the information provided by the Grand Guild led to a public outcry that didn't wish to see anyone gain the virus for their own nefarious means.

This led to the Grand Guild gaining authority as a Galactic Medical entity that could be deployed instead of the Galactic Republic in dire times.

London used this opportunity to also gain permanent authority of the Candoria System, which was instead being used by the Grand Guild for all sorts of research and development facilities.

So far Arlo and Yeixrian set up hundreds of automated production facilities to manage the droids being built and also setting up the research centres for the various divisions of the future Empire.

There was plenty of space for the new inhabitants that appeared within the Empyrean Dimension after their Genetic Code was added to the Genetic Hall.

The Aurgel were giant humanoid people that range anywhere in height from 2.5 metres to around 4 metres.

Arlo knew they were an offspring race of ancient giants that could measure in the 10s of metres.

Their great bodies also afforded them insane strength and power, but they are kind and hardworking Aurgel were knowing for forging and crafting.

This led to Yeixrian set them up with old forges with a modern twist to help them craft what they wish.

Some Aurgel hoped to settle on Candoria to help with the rebuilding of the planet, which led to the creation of a crafting academy.

The Protheans on the other hand came from Arlo's own Inventory, where he stored their genetic data after visiting a Universe much like Mass Effect in his early days as a Death Reaper.

He wasn't able to learn a great deal from the species during his visit as they were in the middle of mass extinction.

To save them, Arlo downloaded some of their technology and information before leaving with Genetic Tissue of the Protheans.

After they spawned in the Empyrean Dimension, Yeixrian directed them to the research institute, so they could get to work.

That turned out to be an understatement of their efforts as they rebuilt various technologies currently being used, which they believed to be underwhelming in performance.

From computer systems and networks to their Starship designs and equipment, it all saw massive progress with each passing day, as more Protheans would appear.

Some worked together with the Aurgel people to produce unique armour and weapons that used a combination of modern technologies with traditional production methods.

All of it added to the range of goods that could be sold on the Grand Guild Member network with some already purchasing themselves a complete set of Aurgel Powered Armour Suit that could operate in deep space with its life support systems.

However, they surprised Arlo with their development of shielding and weapon systems for planetary bodies and Starships that could be utilised to a greater degree on Battleships.

The Mortal Grade of the Protheans Genetic Code allowed the spawned species to produce wonders without a second thought, such as their designs for a massive habitable space station, much like Mass Effects own Citadel.

They improved the megastructure to house a greater population number with better living conditions for its inhabitants.

Arlo wasn't ready for it to be commissioned, but he understood it was possible eventually, especially if he could gain access to some of the restricted materials in his Inventory Space that could be released just yet into the Force Universe.

But besides that, the Protheans helped further the technological and educational state of the Empyrean Dimension and the worlds under Arlo's control.

The Thrikal Medical Health and Research Institute Arlo gained from the System as a reward had found its place within the Empyrean Dimension, where it drew the Candoria people through its doors in massive waves.

After the plague nearly wiped out their entire cultural race, the Candoria's moved in great waves into the Empyrean Dimension so they could gain some education from the Thrikal Institute.

More than ever before, the Candorian people wanted to know about medical and health knowledge for their own sake, both to improve their own bodies and the others in the galaxy who could be affected as well.

Arlo approved of the Candorian people's development, especially when he believed they would be too scared after the mass death of their people.

However, after being with them for over a week, Arlo felt it was time to leave, especially with news coming to him about Karae and his visit to a Sith World.

Based on his knowledge of events to come, Arlo knew Karae would turn to the Dark side soon, so to stop that from happening, he decided it would be best to interfere and save the man who came to call himself the elder brother of his baby void clone.

But before leaving the chosen governor of Candoria, Shia Teun, asked for a meeting to discuss their future with them being essentially removed from the galaxy.


"Lord StarKiller, could you inform me about your plans for our homeworld because everything I've seen so far tells me you're looking to take this world for yourself."

Shia Teun couldn't hold back her anger at the conduct of the Grand Guild, even though she was thankful for everything they'd done until now, Shia Teun wasn't pleased with how the Grand Guild made themselves the de-facto leaders of Candoria.

Arlo could tell Shia Teun became a member of the small faction of people who believed the Grand Guild would be the destruction of their culture, but their numbers grew smaller with each passing day.

More people were accepting of the changes that saw the advancement of their colonies and surrounding lands, which brought about the perfect integration of land and culture.

"Governor Shia Teun, let me assure you that without my intervention, your culture would have died out long ago.

If I wanted the planet so much, I could have waited for your death and then easily brought slaves to fill the vacant lands.

Yet I saved your people.

And you want to know why?

Because the Force ordained it.

My job, and the Grand Guild's is to make sure this world and its culture lives on.

The easiest way for that to happen is your people accepting our efforts to also improve the lives of current and future generations.

You could say by restricting the Candoria System from the rest of the Galaxy we have stunted your development as a world part of the Galactic Republic but if you remained, it would likely result in the capture and enslavement of your people.

You wouldn't be able to survive against anything sent in your direction, especially if it's the Dark Side of the Force.

Their users are probably behind the plague being released on your planet, and its eventual reappear in the future.

All I'm asking is you trust the work of the Grand Guild and allow us to ensure the security of the system and planet until a time comes when you can re-enter Galactic Society."


Do you have a timeframe at the very least?"

"Within 2 decades times, but by then this world will turn into a tourist and industrial world with plenty to offer the Galactic Society."

"Very well…

We've come to accept the Protheans, Aurgel, Neti and various other races that have added to the beauty of our Candorian culture, influencing it to expand and reach beyond our world and its native people.

All that I ask is the Grand Guild doesn't see us indifferently and helps the Candorian people grow too."

"Do not worry, Governor, we wish the best for the Candorian people and hope they can be accepting of the Grand Guild as well."

Arlo and Shia Tuen's meeting was completed in quick succession, leaving plenty of time for the Polymath to spend on some personal projects he wished to develop to improve his Sub-Class.

The Academic Scientist and Architect Technician Sub-Classes needed 100 complete projects of Uncommon Grade evaluation to attempt the Sub-Class Progression Quest.

Up until now, Arlo only created a handful of projects, or working on something that was already being managed by someone else, so it was a little weird to find the time to finally work on something original.

Arlo decided to dedicate some time to creating a high-grade project that could cover the minimum requirement for the Sub-Class Progression Quest.

"What if I made my own Iron Legion for security services…?"