
Clash Of Twin Systems

A popular quote once said, " To survive, strength is a must, to bend the rules of society strength is a must, strength represent beauty, authority, dominance and law, with it you can do as you please", what will happen when Crimson and harmon two youngsters destine for greatness. with their systems they wish to rule the world and be the only strongest of their kind find out about each other ? will they wish to eliminate each other or will they unite and bring their races to the top of the food chain? *** The extermination of human races is fast looming. After five thousand years of waging war against the shura race, which looks like a typical human except for the horn on their forehead, The human after hundred of sacrifice were able to push the shura race close to extinction, but unexpectedly the shura allied with the dragons and demon races, with their forces they almost wipe out the humans, but unfortunately the humans survive. But what will happen if the shura race successfully awake their god who had been in slumber for the past five thousand years? can the humans who have no god be able to remain standing or will they face extinction?

Daoistf7YZbm · Fantasy
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13 Chs

chapter 1

Chapter 1 In a large arena, sounds of cheers and roaring could be heard coming from the audience, some were cheering while others were chanting the name of a young man with short dark hair and a lean but muscular build,standing at the centre of the battlefield that was displayed on a huge massive screen projecting the battlefield which was a square riddle with destruction at different corners.The torn limbs splattered blood and the charred corpse still expelling sizzling smoke with their faces carrying an expression of agony and horror before they died.The young man's armour was filled with cracks and some parts were broken, blood keep dripping out of his mouth, with some of his exposed skin bleeding, it could be seen that he looks to be in a vulnerable state now as he use a sword filled with crack to support his wobbly legs.The gore scene around him seems to have little to no effect on him as he stood proudly looking at the audience with a cold and aloof face. Crimson!!! Crimson!!! Crimson!!! Crimson!!! The audience chant his name with vigour and flush red faces as adrenaline pumped into their blood whenever they thought back to the epic battle which just taken place, it was exhilarating, some of the audience's voices even grew hoarse but they didn't care, As they kept chanting his name with red veins pultruding out of their faces.it has never been heard of for a human, one of the races with the weakest bodies to go toe to toe with their mortal bodies against the races at the top of the food chain, but it happens here as the dragon, Hydra, angel, dragonic vampire, shura, beast, Lycan, elf and demi-human torn limbs and drops of blood littering the battlefield is a testament and sign of what happened here and the most exhilarating part is that the young man soloes them all.The chant of his name shook the arena, as for the young man, he stood at the centre of the battlefield bathing in his glory and accomplishment.----His name is crimson walker, from the Noble walker family his journey to the top of the food chain from the very bottom has been nothing but painful, dangerous but thrilling and adventurous.As a boy abandoned by his family, fiancee and friends all because he wasn't able to awake any ability, he was disowned and chased out of the family, but then he experienced something strange which made him the weak and useless boy to be strong to the point where people chant his name and his enemies tremble in their boots from fright.Let's take you for a ride down his memory lane so you know what he had been through.(AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is just an intermission, the journey will continue when we get to this scene in the future)*****"Unawaken"The clan elder said with a look of a surprise after seeing the bloodline AWAKENERS stone not giving any glowing light, he threw crimson a look of disdain and contempt. Crimson who was standing on top of a platform with his hand on top of the crystal the size of a cow's head was also confused, there was no way he would accept such an outcome, he isn't that useless even the most useless man whom the goddesses of luck frown upon and the goddesses of misfortune smirk on him, can still awake a grade F ability no matter what, as this world is filled with only awakeners and his case is so uncommon as he even takes a lot of medical pills which help in making his bloodline pure and increase the success rate of his awakening a grade A ability. He even suspects the elder, as he is the son of the family head and the elder might be planning to take the seat for himself so he's trying to first eliminate him, as if the elder knew what crimson was thinking about he spoke coldly "this bloodline awakeners stone contain over 40 per cent pure Mana 20% qi, 20%spirit energy the rest is chaos energy if the stone gets temper with mistakenly it might get trigger and its energy is strong enough to kill an advance tier, so get rid of your negative thought and move out of the way, some worthy people are still there waiting to awake their ability". Crimson absent-mindedly stepped down from the platform with conflicting emotion as he walk back to the crowd of teenagers from his family around the age of 14 to 16, some of the kids look at him with their heads raised higher, while some with quite a talent even threw him a mocking smile not minding that he is the son of the family head, crimson didn't even notice them as his mind was blank. The ceremony took quite some hours, and during that time lot of teenagers awake some abilities and the major of them awake a grade C ability. " wow! it's Gustave look he awakes a grade A ability!!!" it's unknown who shouted it but the whole of the teenagers quickly turned toward the alter, standing on top of it was a young teenager age 15 he looks just like crimson except for the arrogant look he has, the crystal stone shine with a green light, a sign of grade A ability, " I know the family head can't give birth to a loser" " even though crimson and Gustave are twin brothers, Gustave is always the best" "yeah! and I heard Gustave never for once took a medical pill he relied on himself but he still beat his twin brother" "If I was crimson I would have died of shame by now" "Tsk, I would rather be a slave with an ability than be crimson" "yeah, crimson is....." The kids keep gossiping about crimson not bothering to lower their voices as though they felt they were stronger than crimson. Crimson also saw it but didn't feel excited for his brother instead he felt sad cause he knew his twin brother much better, he thought with a bitter yet angry expression he bend his head downward in other for non of the kids to see his red eyes and the tears threatening to spill out. 7:53 pm the ceremony finally came to an end after the elder gave a brief congratulatory message to the kids and some advice, walking out of the hall with the kids even though everyone was chatting crimson still felt desolated as known bother to talk to him, even when he tried to strike a conversation with them they just look at him and then turn to their friends, it was like he never exists. Outside of the hall cars and shuttles were packed waiting for each of them, the kids all went to their respective rides most of those who were picked were either the children of the elders of the family or sons of a certain rich man from the family, the other two shuttles were for some unknown wealthy men who came to the awakening ceremony to scout for talents, while most people were being picked crimson went around looking for his ride but it looks like no one was sent to pick him up. "Hey! it looks like you've been abandoned by your family hahaha your bro was picked up in one of the shuttles just now am thinking you won't have a ride so why not trek" one of the kids saw him and made jest of him, although the words hurt him the one which shook him to the core was 'you've been abandon... abandon.... abandon' crimson shiver at the thought of it.