

Clancy Lockwood was born a Dhampir which changed his life exclusively because he never grew up knowing who his mother was or what she looks like, he was raised artificially in an incubator by Doctor Lloyd Wright. Driven by the rage of vengeance and thirst for revenge, Clancy attained the moniker Rapidfire hunting creatures of the night, mostly vampires as a vigilante because he believed through them, he would be able to reveal his mother's murderer. During his hunt, he was apprehended by the Councils of the hidden world who are the governing power ruling both the known world and the hidden world of mystical creatures. Through them, certain revelations were revealed which kept Clancy on the path of righteousness but in exchange for the murderer of his mother. Numerous secrets were revealed concerning Doctor Lloyd Wright using Clancy as an experiment to cheat death on his daughter, although no one knew the motive of his plan but soon, Clancy revealed Lloyd was using his blood to create and turn his daughter into a pseudo-vampire amongst the human race. Although, Lloyd aim was to save his daughter from death and protect her against the hidden world creatures but along the way, his motive changed and Clancy was forced to undo what his foster father has done. For Clancy to neglect his past and assemble the missing piece of puzzle in his life, he had to exterminate a greater threat that has been even before the birth of humanity placed on their forefather Cain known as the ancient evil that would befall the hidden world and the physical world and eventually become the end of life. Now, to avoid humanity from extinction and also put his mother's murderer to justice, Clancy must find a way to defeat the ancient evil and put everything to order and pure unrestricted justice but first, he had to augment himself to match the ancient evil of Armageddon. Speaking of the ancient evil, no one knows who he is, except the councils. A secret hidden for countless millennia. Bishop Daimon, Catherine, Scott and Amelia would eventually become the new councils of the hidden world taking over each paces at which the previous councils ruled with different laws, states and dominion while Clancy Lockwood went beyond searching for a way to bring back what he had lost.

Kayler_Hood · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Archaic Revelations IV

Archaic Revelations IV

Violetwall Forest

They ran as fast as they could since there was no feeble human amongst them, they were all fast and incredibly unseen in the dark forest. The night was quiet, except the hooting of birds, mostly owls and tapping of crickets, nothing was heard even as they moved until they got to a sudden stop to catch their breaths.

Clancy never knew he could run so fast, his track was like a burning surface but the others, they were more especially Scott. After steadying his breath, he looked up at his inmates. Scott and his pack were also lost in their breaths, so as Amelia, Bella, bishop Daimon and Catherine. They were completely lost in catching their breaths no one uttered a word bestowing upon the land a terror of quietness.

Clancy stood right looking around like a falcon, he was sure they weren't tailed then looked back at the bishop. At immense speed, he jerked him by the collar with his hands and BAM! He slammed him against a tree that cracked immediately on impact.

Everyone was amazed, trying to talk Clancy out of his rage but his voice echoed into the air like a thunder shallowing all vocal cords in the process.

"Tell me you made those literatures up!" Clancy ordered strangling the bishop against the tree rigidly "Tell me everything you said was a lie!" He shouted again.

The bishop knew what he could do to save himself from the mad dhampir but conflict wouldn't do the understanding. So, he responded "I never made anything up, I said everything as it was transcribed from the laws of the Unholy Book." He muttered with his voice choked and forced.

Clancy's face frowned "The what?"

Scott cut in "Let him go Clancy!" He remembered his name vividly stepping forward a little but Clancy shouted at him instead furiously.

"Don't get involved beast!" He shouted at Scott before looking back at the bishop "You never said anything about an Unholy Book, what is it? Made up by you?" He asked.

The bishop finally getting choked to the point of blacking out flared out releasing a miniature wave of positive energy that at first was unnoticed by everyone except Clancy who was blasted few feets back like a ski.

He stood back on his feet panting like a dog "No one made the Unholy Book up, it was written by the ancient one!" He responded to Clancy.

Clancy looked at him paranoid, he couldn't utter a word nor could he decide what to do. He just stared at him like a helpless child.

"You can't run from who you are Clancy, forcing all decisions on me won't stop the prophecy! Either one way or the other, you'll finally know you are not meant to be a hunter, but a ruler." The bishop lashed at him out of anger "You can't change fate, you can't! We've all tried but ended up failing." He added, now calmly.

Clancy breath sharpened, he swallowed and looked around at the faces looking at him. They were leniencies on their faces and Clancy could observe that, he doesn't want to be a victim of sympathy, he doesn't want his life all from the start. He just wants to be a normal human, doing what normal humans do all their lives. He walked away out of anger leaving them in their purest equanimity.

Many couldn't follow him except Catherine who found the situation understating and depressing. She never thought any of these could happen either but she had to adapt. She tagged behind Clancy trying to talk him out of depression.

The rest shared rapid gazes but Scott uttered instead "What's next?" He asked.

D from the pack responded to him instead "I think we'll have to split, we can't attain transformations when everyone's here. We will be putting everyone's lives at risk." He idealized.

Scott nodded to his idea and with slight nods, the packs ran off juggling through the woods like wild dogs.

"He's the key to everything. I don't know how, but he needs to find his strengths and confront the councils because they won't stop at nothing until he's dead and without his death assured, the hidden world isn't safe for any of us." Bishop Daimon explained to them.

Bella asked "What about me? Why me?"

The bishop looked at her "Clancy can't take down four councils," he responded to her but Amelia corrected him instead.

"Actually, there are three councils now!"

The bishop was confused "What did you mean?" He asked her "Who left?" He asked again curiously.

Amelia crossed her arms "Lord William the first, he left. I don't know why or what made him leave but I'm sure it's all connected to whatever is happening now." She clarified.

The bishop thought aloud smiling "That's it, we need to find Lord William."

Amelia chuckled to his response "We can never find him. It's not a condemnation but we won't and will never for no one knows where he went. I repeat, no one knows except the councils!"

The bishop chuckled again "That's it, the councils!" He said looking at their faces. They were as confused as the weather, so he continued "C'mon, they know where he is and we can get that from them." He added.

They burst into laugher except Scott who had a serious face, he was thoughtful of his idea but still has no idea why they would be needing Lord William the first.

"Why Lord William the first? We won't be needing him anyway, we have Clancy here with us." Scott asked and Amelia added in conjunction.

"Besides, the councils aren't just vampires and it's not like we are just going to meet them and question them all in the name of one stupid prophecy?"

Bishop Daimon was dumb, he was drowned by their stupidity but they were right. They were just diverted from his perspective view of sight "First, with lord William the first off their league, it's obvious something's wrong. The councils don't leave their throne without massive thoughts and understanding of their situations until the situation threatens the stability of their reign. If we get to lord William in time, he should be able to enlighten us more on the prophecy." He said.

"What if he's a liar? At least, as explained, the councils in general dethroned the ancient one, right?" Scott asked.

Bishop Daimon sighed in frustration, it was obvious Scott hasn't been paying attention to his explanation this whole span"I said as illustrated in the book, the councils except William the first dethroned their father the ancient one." He paused.

"This mean, William wasn't part of the coup." Amelia thought "that was why he left to maintain his purity. Perhaps he also knows about the prophecy, that might be the main reason he left." She added.

"Exactly!" The bishop nodded "If Catherine can talk Clancy from his depressed mood, we should pay the councils a visit."

"But we don't know where they are? We don't even know if they are of these world." Scott complained but Amelia cut in again.

"I do!" She cleared her throat "I can't believe I'm actually turning against the councils but it's for the best. I know how to find the councils." She added.

"Then let find them." Bella smiled.



His feet crushed dried leaves beneath as he walked down the wilderness in anger, his ears and mood were clouded purely by rage but he could still hear his calls from Catherine.

She shouted running behind him but he never stopped until she finally stopped him by the shoulder but instead of stopping, Clancy rapidly turned based on reflexes and BAM! Slammed her against the tree roughly she coughed.

He was sorry for hurting her, so sorry his breath hid in phobia and smoothly, he sat her on the ground like an egg "I'm sorry!" He said, he knew it was her following him but he wasn't expecting his aftermath to be rough.

Kneeling before her, his head dropped in delinquency "I made a huge mistake, he was right! Lloyd was right, i should have given up the very first day he told me to back down but i never listened. I was so so selfish and arrogant, I don't deserve him. He doesn't deserve death." He mouthed angrily, tears oozed down his cheek and dripped on the dry floor like rain drizzle.

Catherine painlessly leaned forward and caressed his cheeks out of sympathy, she might have gotten lost in her hidden emotions for the latter but realizing how fast and off point she has gone, she immediately retreated her hands and cleared her throat systematically.

"Yeah, yeah, we all made mistakes but sometimes, making mistakes is what makes us human." She said looking down but finally looked up to his face "He never deserved to die but..." Her voice trailed off and broke slowly but trying to keep herself cool, she cleared her throat again looking downward "It's just this is who we are now, we've to adapt to that. We can't continue running forever, we've to do something." She said now looking at him.

Clancy was cold within but on hearing her enlightenment, his nerves joyously whimpered. He looked at her and smiled elegantly, she was shy and he could tell. She tipped her head down but Clancy raised her face towards himself and a soft smile escaped his lips.

"You're a wonder to him, I gotta admit." He said and finally, Catherine chuckled bitterly. She really missed her father, she really do and has been hiding that from everyone to notice.

Clancy knew this on her face and he went cold "I'm not the strong one, you are." He encouraged and out of pain and weakness, Catherine hugged him immediately sobbing.

Clancy wasn't expecting a hug but he played along tightening his arms around her "I'm sorry for the loss, I really am!" He whispered into her ears and secretly, Catherine scoffed closing her eyes on his shoulder.

There was an emotional connection between them. For that very moment, Clancy felt rigidly connected to her like a compelled admiration. His eyes frowned in discomfort and deliberately ended the hug, he looked into her eyes smiling trying to decide what the feelings was but couldn't dictate what it was. His gaze stared into her eyes for seconds slowly drifting into minutes but a sharp call bought them both back to reality.

They looked as they heard approaching footsteps, it was Scott, Amelia, Bella and the bishop. Clancy and Catherine rose on their feets stancing their breath sluggishly.

"We've a plan Clancy!" Amelia said at him approaching.

"Please, let it be good!" He prayed automatically.

They stopped before them sighing heavily.

"We are going on a journey!" Amelia spoke "We are going to meet the councils!" She added and Clancy opened his eyes in stupefaction.

"What? Are you crazy?" He shouted interrogating "No! No! No! Recollect those guys sent vaewolves to kill us earlier, now we are walking into their den?" He asked.

Amelia nodded affirmatively "Exactly!" She responded.

Clancy frowned looking at their faces "Are y'all crazy?" He asked.

The bishop nodded negatively "Yes and no!" He answered "We've it all planned out, just play along." He requested.

Looking at their faces, Clancy felt ridiculed and scarcely, he chuckled "Our death is on you." He pointed at Amelia.

The bishop heaved "We are eventually going to die, just not today!" He finalized.

Amelia weaved her arms circularly in the air and from the plants and trees, green energies emerged swirling around them like a mini tornado. The swirling sharpened and fidgeted the resilience of the forest but it wasn't for long as Amelia halted her hands, the energies dispersed taking them all out of sight like they just vanished along with the energies.