

Clancy Lockwood was born a Dhampir which changed his life exclusively because he never grew up knowing who his mother was or what she looks like, he was raised artificially in an incubator by Doctor Lloyd Wright. Driven by the rage of vengeance and thirst for revenge, Clancy attained the moniker Rapidfire hunting creatures of the night, mostly vampires as a vigilante because he believed through them, he would be able to reveal his mother's murderer. During his hunt, he was apprehended by the Councils of the hidden world who are the governing power ruling both the known world and the hidden world of mystical creatures. Through them, certain revelations were revealed which kept Clancy on the path of righteousness but in exchange for the murderer of his mother. Numerous secrets were revealed concerning Doctor Lloyd Wright using Clancy as an experiment to cheat death on his daughter, although no one knew the motive of his plan but soon, Clancy revealed Lloyd was using his blood to create and turn his daughter into a pseudo-vampire amongst the human race. Although, Lloyd aim was to save his daughter from death and protect her against the hidden world creatures but along the way, his motive changed and Clancy was forced to undo what his foster father has done. For Clancy to neglect his past and assemble the missing piece of puzzle in his life, he had to exterminate a greater threat that has been even before the birth of humanity placed on their forefather Cain known as the ancient evil that would befall the hidden world and the physical world and eventually become the end of life. Now, to avoid humanity from extinction and also put his mother's murderer to justice, Clancy must find a way to defeat the ancient evil and put everything to order and pure unrestricted justice but first, he had to augment himself to match the ancient evil of Armageddon. Speaking of the ancient evil, no one knows who he is, except the councils. A secret hidden for countless millennia. Bishop Daimon, Catherine, Scott and Amelia would eventually become the new councils of the hidden world taking over each paces at which the previous councils ruled with different laws, states and dominion while Clancy Lockwood went beyond searching for a way to bring back what he had lost.

Kayler_Hood · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Archaic Revelations III

Violetwall Town

Town Missionary Baptist Church


The gigantic door squeaked open as they walked into the large church, it was empty as usual and neatly arranged with benches arranged in rows from the end towards the alter leaving a porous aisle in the middle.

As major vampires would reluctantly burn on entering the holy ground, Bella was a little feverish on stepping into the church but no one noticed that. She hid her selflessness to herself battling the pain within her but it got to a point she couldn't any longer, so she let out a yell.

They were attracted to her and Amelia immediately noticed these, she ran towards her but couldn't near her enough to avoid decapitation or worst. Bella growled on the ground like a gnat until bishop Daimon ran to her aid, he leveled his palms on the surface of the air like it was an invisible pavement before him twisting all benefic auras from her. She was feeling relaxed but it wouldn't last long.

"Nelapsi don't survive in holy grounds, just like major vampires don't." The bishop explained walking away from her "I guess we don't have enough time then." He said while still walking towards the alter.

Clancy leaned before Bella feeling her pain, her skin that turned sudden red has regained it average form and relief bellowed upon her like a shower. She looked into his eyes and smiled incessantly. Clancy smiled back but stood immediately helping her back on her feet.

Scott and his pack already sat on benches watching the scenario with less interest, as codes of the werewolves, they don't intervene in vampires affairs unless it triggers the stability of their clan but her fall doesn't.

Catherine stood behind them all staring at the bishop as he vanished into the corner behind the alter and in few minutes came back with two large books in his hands. They looked like ancient bibles from afar but as soon as he drew closer, they turned out not to be books but ancient wooden pamphlets like flat woods arranged accordingly simulating huge books in his hands.


He dropped the book on a bench before himself and they walked towards him including Scott and his pack. They couldn't easily read what they saw, it was like reading blank comic. The pamphlets were filled with symbols, ancient symbols so aged none of them could read or transcribe each insignias.

"What in the world am I looking at?" Clancy asked straining his gaze thinking he was hallucinating.

The bishop leaned the book toward himself "These books aren't just normal books, they are older than all of you combined including the councils." He began.

Amelia was caught attentively by this and she listened more than she wanted.

"Written by those before the segregation of each species on the planet." The bishop added.

"So you're saying we are about to believe a book written and edited by humans in the AD?" Amelia asked doubtfully.

The bishop scoffed "You're wrong, they're not just mortal humans, they were the first councils of the hidden world."

"What?" They shouted in unison except Scott "I thought the councils were the first?" Clancy said.

The bishop looked down at the pamphlets, pointing as he read out "During the old times, before and after the birth of Christ, the hidden world as a whole continuity doesn't belong amongst men, it belongs above them." He paused "Trying to keep balance between humanity as been the feeble entities below the food chain, four individuals were exemplified as the guardians and progenitors of each races ranging from werebeasts, vampires, witches and wizards, finally the humans."

Clancy cut in "Wait! Wait! Wait! Chosen? By who?" He asked.

The bishop looked at him and replied "I was just getting there." He looked back into the pamphlets "As the new councils portrayed their acts in maintaining order in tribute to the one above them, they grew greedy of their limited powers and decided waging war against their predecessor would give them authority over all he represents but they failed. After they were dethroned, there were no rules for thousands of years and chaos risen until another progenitors rise, they are known as the oldest progenitors. Little did anyone know they were the sons and daughter of the ancient one." He paused looking onto their faces to be assure he was making any sense but realizing how dumb they were, he explained "These councils are the seeds of the ancient one." He said.

Amelia knowing what he meant corrected "You mean the ancient evil."

The bishop laughed "That's it, the councils are liars. They have been lying to us for decades, it isn't the ancient evil, it is the ancient one." He replied.

"Truth be told, the ancient one as you said isn't their father. He was the evil behind all abominations. Knowing he wouldn't be able to control the councils, he cursed them with generational abominations." Amelia explained.

"That's the lies they've been feeding all creatures in the hidden world for centuries. The book says before their ascension into becoming the councils of the hidden world, they, except William the first dethroned their father the ancient one and in return for their betrayal, the ancient one cursed them." The bishop explained "It was a curse and a blessing to all creatures both in the hidden and the known world."

Interested Clancy asked "What was the curse all about?"

Looking at him, the bishop read out "He cursed the councils they would be dethroned by a dhampir, an alpha wolf, a vampire and a Nelapsi. He stained their authority by picking lesser entities to take them all down and once dethroned, he would return and prevail peace over all that is and isn't."

"The ancient evil is going to return after their death? Impossible." Amelia strained.

Clancy's eyes almost popped out, he derided weakly "Nice editing bishop, nice one." He said walking back a little.

Amelia looked thoughtful, she recognized why the councils needed Clancy in the first place in taking down the Nelapsi. They wanted them both dead, almost immediately, her senses tingled. It was a sensation felt by everyone in the church but Amelia recognized what it was.

"The watchers!" She screamed but before they could all react, BOOM! A loud wall tearing force appeared that shivered the foundation of the church and crumbled the entrance door like it was nothing.

The bishop dabbled themselves from the attack by creating a biblical sheet of paper to encompass them swaying most of the attacks aside. Done, he retreated his defence to see what lurks in the twilight dust of darkness.

Walking out were two figures, at first, the only noticeable part of them were their red flaming eyes until they walked out revealing their identity. They were masked and swathed in black ninja-like outfits, so their faces were hideous and mysterious to them.

"What are you doing here? This isn't how the mission was planned." Amelia shouted at the watchers but they didn't listen to her. They just looked at her casually and nodded negatively.

"Sorry, but it's all part of the mission now!" They said in union.

Scott walked out along his pack but the more his men walked out, they winched like puppies. Immediately they did that, Scott knew what they were up against. He tried not falling back but his feet budged slightly back in terror. He couldn't believe the vaewolves still exist, he thought they were extinct.

Vaewolves in many folktales and fantasized historical stories says the vaewolves were the endgame between vampires and werewolves likewise in the hidden world but the slight difference between them to ancient scriptures was the vaewolves were the very first hybrids even before the birth of lesser hybrids like dhampir and the Nelapsi. They were said to have powers over vampires and werewolves regardless of their mights and strengths. Speaking of strength, they have the strengths of both said species combined, even superior.

Amelia rushed out thinking the watchers won't attack since she was sent by the councils "I need to speak with the councils, you've no right to be here! This is my mission, not yours!" She shouted.

The watchers weren't angered nor emotionally hindered, they just stared at her like controlled robot "The only right not acceptable here is you talking!" They said before lashing out their arms bursting out waves of inanimate claws that would rip her apart mercilessly but the bishop defended in rapid time using biblical pages to create boundaries deflecting the assault into tiny spunks.

As the first hybrids, vaewolves has the ability to tap into the vampiric and lycanthropic powers of both lordships giving them superior powers over lesser versions of said species and eventually, alphas of each species.

"We have to go, now!" The bishop muttered propelling his arms in the air.

The watchers tried getting into his head as his physiology belongs to the vampiric race but having thousand years of experience, although not with vaewolves but with vampire lords, bishop Daimon was able to shield his mind in an anti-psychic field that caused a psychic attack against the watchers as they tried intruding him. They were amazed then walked towards the latter for a satisfactory decent kill.

"Run!" Was what came out of his throat as he spread out his arms causing a release of epidemic holy energies that dilated the very texture of the room, it slammed the vaewolves backward flying and rolling outside the church like balls giving them enough time to dash deep into the church scattering through doors like robbers until they got to a final door indicating 'Exit'.

Clancy looked back, he could hold them down but the bishop held him back.

"You're trying to get yourself killed?" He asked "Let get the hell out of this place!" He shouted pushing Clancy forward after his inmates has rushed out like streaming water.

Taking a last look behind, the bishop walked out changing the door after closing into nothing but a blank wall.

The vaewolves rushed in effectively but couldn't find anything, the door was neatly altered and sealed.

"Nice move vampire, nice move!" They said before turning back.