

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 50: The All-Star Returns

The Gym, Ridgecrest High School, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

The inescapable sounds of dribbling basketballs along a squeaky clean and highly polished court had been louder than anyone could have imagined as Rick Channon once more donned the Ridgecrest high school basketball jersey, although it had been a practice one, and laced up his sneakers to put on a stellar performance for the new coaches that had heard about his rather impressive talent in the past but had not been so sure he'd been capable of exhibiting it in the present since he'd been shot and his family murdered. Casey Allen Peterson had also been sporting the practice jersey of the Ridgecrest basketball team and smiling when he saw Rick putting on a show for those in attendance of his own accord. He seemed to be in his element making shots all over the court as if it were second nature.

Casey had not been so lucky but passed the ball to Rick which gave him an impressive number of assists to his credit and made him an invaluable member of the team. The rest of the boys had done alright in their respective attempts at shots and passes but everyone knew the real star had been none other than Rick Channon finally gracing the court once more after his long hiatus following the shooting of his family by hitmen. The news had been so impressive that the gym was full of students and teachers alike who had heard the rumor that he returned to the court and wanted to see it for themselves despite it only being practice for the time being.

Rick had put on a clinic making shot after shot until he noted the crowd and suddenly became dizzy. Casey was the first to rush over toward him after noticing his balance had been off after he looked up at the bleachers and saw how many people had ventured inside. Casey knew all too well that Rick still struggled with being in the public eye, a possible side effect of the shooting and the flashing of cameras had not done him any favors.

"Rick," said Casey reaching the doubled-over and sweat-slick older teen.

"I-I can't breathe," said Rick beginning to panic. "My chest feels like it's gonna explode."

"Calm down, and take a few moments to try and breathe," instructed Casey his blue eyes filled with a good deal of concern for his lover.

"I don't know what's wrong," said Rick trying his best to hold down his panic. "I was in the middle of a shot and then...I keep seeing them, in the bleachers, on the ground in pools of their own blood."

Casey sighed as he understood what might have been happening. Rick was seeing the images of his family and how supportive they were in the past when they all showed up at his games. The images of their dead bodies a constant reminder that they would never again be able to show up to offer their support of him no matter what game he played must have been quite a blow to the older brooding boy, which was possibly why he quit in the first place.

"Focus on me," said Casey coming up with something at last. "Can you hear my heartbeat?"

Rick nodded as he continued to draw in long slow breaths.

"Focus on my heartbeat," said Casey meeting Rick's dark gaze.

Rick closed his eyes and did just that finding his breathing getting easier as he allowed himself to focus his keen hearing on the one person that meant the most to him amid the sea of people in attendance.

"Casey," he said opening his eyes after several moments of silence between them. "Thanks."

Casey nodded and rushed back to where he'd been prior to noticing something wrong with Rick. The brooding teen seemed to pick back up where he left off and even added in a few showy tricks for good measure as he smiled in Casey's direction.

The younger lad had been pleased to have been of assistance for the ailing older boy and that they would both remain on the team now that they knew how to deal with his apparent dizzy spells so to speak.

Rick put on quite the show as practice came to an end amid cheers and hope for the future of the notoriously bad basketball team. Once they had cleaned up and put away the equipment, Coach Bert sent them all to the showers where Rick Channon cornered Casey Peterson on the farthest end of the locker room.


The Far End, The Boys' Locker Room, Ridgecrest High School, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Casey Peterson had stripped down to his white briefs as he stood alone in his favorite part of the locker room far from the prying eyes of the other boys and their vulgar antics when it came to comparing the size of their cocks and letting off the vilest farts he had ever had the displeasure of inhaling as he passed by. He still hated the lingering stench of corn chips due to their sweaty attire and footwear, but he was happy to get cleaned up and beneath the water, after all, he had endured in practice. Casey sighed as he took off his briefs and entered the shower amid a good deal of steam and cold tile naked as the day he was born and anticipating going home after the last few classes. He'd been of the mind to curl up in bed with the nice warm covers over his body and drift off to a nice long sleep when he got back to his house. He had no doubt that Rick would join him, he practically lived with them since spending the weekend over there following his Aunt kicking him out to have time alone with her husband.

Mrs. Peterson didn't mind setting the table for two, she'd even grown quite fond of Rick despite the troublemaker's reputation. She was pleased to see her son had been coming out of his self-imposed shell and making friends, not just with Rick Channon, but with the rest of the team and a few guys from school that shared his classes.

Casey sighed as he stood beneath the warm spray of the showerhead as it splashed into his face and eyes causing him to close them as he struggled to remain upright and doubled over due to the swaying of his head without depth perception only for him to feel the presence of another behind him as rough hands moved along his wet pale ass and gripped him along the waist via one hand while slowly teasing his hidden sex via the head of a rather enormous cock as it slipped along his water slick folds.

The younger boy bit back a moan knowing all too well how loud he could get when lost in the throes of passion. He knew the touch of the hand that held him in place and he skin to skin contact with the enormous cock he'd ridden over a dozen times since their first encounter in the woods on the way to his new house.

"Rick.." he moaned as the older teen smirked while planting a series of heated kisses along his water-slick flesh.

"I came in here for a shower." said the deep baritone voice of Rick Channon as he continued to tease Casey's slickness with the head of his throbbing appendage. "Imagine my surprise to find you bent over with your pale ass in the air just begging for me to be in you."

Casey had been about to offer up a means of protest only to moan out loud before catching it at the end once he felt Rick's cock enter him in a rather unceremonious fashion. Casey's legs grew tense as he fought to keep himself upright just as Rick began to thrust inside him filling him all at once and gripping his waist and ass in the process.

The younger lad bit his bottom lip as he tried his best to keep from moaning out loud as his lover's massive cock filled him in the most hidden of places. He had not wished to fully engage him while on school grounds but Rick had been as eager as ever and it wasn't the first time he'd done something like this with people in earshot at school.

Casey's hands slapped against the cold wet tile as Rick began to drill his cock deeper inside him causing him to whimper and stifled moan after moan in the wake of having his insides pounded amid the cooling water and on school grounds no less.