

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 49: An Unseemly Inner Meshing

The Livingroom, The Peterson Residence, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

A series of soft moans filled the room as Rick Channon continued to pin Casey Peterson's smaller body against the cushions of the sofa. He let out a low grunt as his hips continued to pump slamming into the pelvis of the younger lad in the wake of their renewed act. Casey gripped him tighter as the slick sheen of sweat coated them both and made their wild tossed hair wet as well. Rick seemed to be slowly indulging the more lustful aspects of his persona as he felt his cock squeezed by the contracting walls of the younger lad's hidden sex. Casey gasped as he moaned beneath Rick losing himself to the sensation that filled him in the wake of the older boy's constant pumping into him. It still amazed the young lad how easily he'd come undone when given to his older lover's rapid thrusts of his enormous cock. He felt a bit like the girls he'd watched in porn as they moaned and whimpered beneath some long-john man that pounded them into the surface of whatever they opted to have sex on. Casey gripped Rick's well-toned ass and pulled him closer hoping to drive him deeper inside him in the process.

The relative soreness that lingered from their previous acts was nearly forgotten as Casey became more and more desperate o have that hidden bundle of nerves that only Rick's cock seemed to reach battered as his toes curled and his body arched beneath the older teen. He had been less conscious of his vulgar wording as the sensation continued to rock his young lustful body and he could think of nothing aside from the pounding inside him.

"Fuck...fuck... yes...that's it fuck this tight hot pussy." growled Casey appearing to lose his mind with need as Rick's cock plunged deeper and the pace increased driving the younger teen wild with need as if he'd managed to provoke a hidden part of him. "FUCK...fuck...fuck me with your big daddy donkey dick...oh..fuck."

Rick smirked as he did just that driving the younger teen to some vulgar places in the process. It had been one of his favorite aspects of bedding him.

"You love having your wet hole drilled by Daddy's big dick don't you slut." growled Rick in Casey's ear just to amplify his lust and vulgarity.

"Yes." groaned Casey not at all himself as his need began to take over completely. "Yes, Daddy big dick...now give it to me."

Rick smirked and continued to pump his hips as Casey became more and more unhinged in the wake of the ever-building sensation inside him. Never before had Rick seen anything like it but it appeared that the younger teen had a side of himself that not even he had been aware of and the more they had sex the more it seemed to make itself known.

The sounds of skin slapping against skin echoed throughout the living room as their act began to increase their pace and caused them to tumble from the sofa back down to the floor. Rick didn't seem to mind the crash as he kept pumping his hips in the frenzied Casey who begged him not to stop as he rode out wave after wave of sensation while his own cock splattered them with coating after coating of his untimely release.

His young body was engulfed in heat and need as he clung to Rick's well-toned muscular form begging him not to stop his intense pounding as it unleashed something that had been dormant in him for quite some time. Tears began to stream down the younger lad's cheeks as he met the shifting eyes of his older lover and captured his mouth in a series of desperate kisses.

There was something different about this time, something that seemed to pull Rick in head first as he felt himself falling onto the younger teen and into his very eyes at an alarming speed that he could no longer control. His cock twitched and he felt the onset of his own release filling the younger lad that continued to cling to him riding out the waves just as much as he had his own. A whimper came from him as he captured Rick's mouth in another open kiss while the older boy's body became lax and heavy when it collapsed onto him. He didn't seem to mind the weight of it nor the slickness of his bare skin against his own bare sweat-slick skin.

He could feel the older boy's thunderous heartbeat as surely as he had known Rick could feel his at that moment. They were both beating on one accord and their eyes flickered with mutual need and appreciation as the afterglow of their act had taken hold of them Casey panted before pulling Rick toward him for another long kiss before allowing him to hold himself up via his powerful muscle-toned arms.

"I love you," he said softly greatly annoying Rick who had simply wanted to get off for the time being. "I know you don't want to hear it brooding bastard, but I love you and your big daddy dick."

Rick had not known what to say or even what to do with the swirling sensation of emotions that filled him as surely as he knew it had Casey. His understanding of his wolfish nature had been about as well as those of his teenage hormones when it came to what he wanted versus what he needed. All he knew was that he was comfortable in The Peterson home and comfortable in Casey's embrace as the younger teen clung to him kissing the slick flesh of his neck and moaning at the sensation of his cock still pulsing inside him. Alarick Channon had been alone in the world for quite some time since the murder of his parents and even more so whenever he'd been with Dee.

For the first time in a long time, he had not felt the nagging sensation of loneliness and instead felt complete whenever he'd been around Casey Peterson. The wolf in him had declared it long before the teenage brute could make sense of it. When Rick looked upon Casey for what seemed like the longest time the words of the wolf within had been written on his heart.