

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 31: Embittered Sentiment

The Main Corridor, Ridgemont High, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

A brisk pace carried Casey Allen Peterson through to his next few classes until they were let out for lunch. He was still pretty upset with Rick for having sex with him in the lower-level bathroom on school grounds. While he had not outright objected to Rick's cock being shoved into him, he had not wanted to do anything that would ruin his reputation here in Fallon Creek. This included being caught by a student or staff member for having sex like a common whore in the bathroom. Casey had not said a word to Rick Channon since the encounter and had a time getting through the day with the uncomfortable knowledge and sensation of Rick's cum still being inside him. He managed to move about without drawing much attention to himself until he had to report to gym class. The young teen rolled his eyes recalling all too well that he'd have to pass the abandoned bungalows to get to the gym and that there was a distinct possibility that Rick would be there waiting to pounce.

Casey sighed as he made the trek to the gym looking over his shoulder and expecting Rick around every corner. When he made it to the gym without incident he found it strange that Rick had been nowhere in sight. He looked around the gym confused as he saw that everyone was bouncing basketballs and shooting hoops. Everyone including him had dressed out but someone was missing amid the chaos and the spectacle on the court.

"Where's Channon?" asked coach Bert looking around the room.

"It's a basketball day Coach, you know he doesn't come here when we play." said one of the students.

Coach Bert sighed knowing all too well why Rick had elected to skip out on the hoops.

Casey recalled the strange blonde girl Rachel saying that Rick was once a huge basketball star.

Everyone else on the court was busy dribbling and taking shots, but Casey felt a pang of sadness as he searched the room for Rick despite hearing that he wasn't coming and knowing all too well why.

The sound of the heavy door opening had gotten everyone's undivided attention as Rick Channon filed into class with a blank expression on his face. There was a series of shocked gasps and disbelief abound but Casey was glad to see him although Rick didn't appear to be doing so well.

"You're late Channon." said coach Bert. "That'll be twenty laps."

Rick didn't protest at all as he set to work running up and down the court as they watched him. He had been in his gym clothes like the other students but the same indifferent expression was on his face as he ran.

Casey watched him in silence as he dribbled his ball and went about the court trying to make it into the hoop. The ball hit the rim and bounced out and flew toward Rick just as he was finishing his laps, which were surprisingly fast due to his tendency to speed through them. Bert could hardly keep up as Rick on instinct leaped into the air following his final lap and caught it mid-air before tossing it back up in a rebound shot.

Everyone stood in silence as they watched the ball rotate in the air and finally make it into the hoop from the far angle where Rick had been standing. Coach Bert stared in amazement as he turned his attention back to Rick Channon.

"Well I'll be damned, he's still got it," said Coach Bert forgetting where he was for a moment.

Casey stared at Rick who suddenly froze after the shot went in. It appeared that he had not meant to make the shot nor take it in the first place. The look of confusion on his face was enough to cause the younger lad to be concerned about him. It wasn't like Rick to not gloat about making a shot like that. He'd been absolutely obnoxious about wrestling and football, but here he was standing in silence as he stared at the basketball hoop as if spaced out.

"Rick?" asked Casey approaching him still concerned despite being angry with him earlier.

He didn't say a word as he stood staring at the hoop. He seemed to look in Casey's direction before he eventually passed out on the court. The coach and Casey had been the first to rush toward him. They had not known what was going on, but the concern for the already


The Gym, Ridgemont High, Fallon Creek, Michigan, Years Earlier...

Alarick Michael Channon had once been a prominent basketball player and the pride of any team as much as he was for his family. He was a Junior Varsity Freshman and dominated the scoreboard with a series of threes and well-timed assists. His father, Det. Vincent Michael Channon, was a prominent player in his own right and an avid fan of basketball since birth was his biggest fan. Vincent had stopped by on his way into town but he was determined to let his eldest son know that he was going to be there for his championship game.

"That was a nice shot champ," said Vincent with a smile.

He looked like an older more refined version of Rick and wore a traditional suit and tie due to his profession. Rick could always see the golden badge pinned to his black leather belt and he smiled like he was the happiest man alive.

"I gotta be getting back to the station, but I'll tell you what, you make an impossible shot and I'll buy you that new game system you want next weekend," said Vincent not at all believing that his son could do it.

Rick smirked as he dribbled the ball before tossing it back n forth between his hands.

"You sure you wanna do that Dad, I mean I've been practicing a lot these days," he said confidently.

"Well show me what you're made of," said Vincent with a smile as he teased his son.

Rick sighed.

"Okay," he said before choosing a random spot on the court and dribbling.

Vincent watched him smirking as he dribbled.

"Make it from there and I'll give you twenty bucks when I get home," he said.

Rick nodded and continued to dribble the ball.

Vincent believed he had him when Rick hesitated before taking the shot causing it to go in and sinking his father out of twenty bucks and a gaming system.

"Shit..." said Vincent knowing he had to keep his word. "I guess you have been practicing."

Rick smirked at him.

"Alright." conceded Vincent. "You can get the twenty but the gaming system is up to your mother."

"No way what a rip-off," said Rick annoyed.

"At least you get the twenty," said Vincent with a smile as he tussled Rick's sweaty black hair. "Anyway good shot, keep practicing, I gotta go."

Rick waved good-by to his father who turned away and started toward the door when he caught sight of a lone basketball on the court and tried his hand at making a shot only for the ball to bounce off the rim and Rick to catch it and put it back up.

"A few more of those and we'll be state champs in no time," said Vincent before finally leaving.


The Nurse's Office, Ridgemont High, Fallon Creek, Michigan....

Alarick Michael Channon opened his eyes to find that he'd been lying on a bed in the nurse's office. He sighed as he took note of a rather concerned Casey Peterson who had come to check on him. He seemed to be visibly upset and it was quite the contrast to how he felt about him earlier in the day.

"Enough with the water works, I'm still breathing," said Rick sitting up and getting Casey's attention.

"Rick," he said relieved to see him awake.

Casey had felt bad about being angry with him before, but he wasn't going to let him weasel his way out of it so easily.

"You're still a bastard for earlier," he said reminding Rick of his annoyance.

"And you still scream like a girl on the end of my dick," replied Rick with a smirk.

Casey rolled his eyes as Rick took him by the hand nearest to him. The younger teen boy moved closer to the bed and kneeled beside him. Rick pulled him into a quick kiss before they heard the door and Casey made his way back to the other side of the room.

"Alright, Mr. Channon, you are free to go." said the incoming nurse after looking over her charts. "Try and drink more water and less running for the time being if you can help it."

The nurse gave Rick a clean bill of health and suggested he drink more water figuring his running laps had caused him to pass out. Rick rolled his eyes as he climbed up off the bed and Casey accompanied him toward the courtyard for lunch.