

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 30: Consequences Of Lust Unfurled

The Main Entrance, Ridgemont High, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Casey wasn't too thrilled about being told that he'd been grounded for a week after missing that one day of school when he awoke and his mother Helen had taken the time to drop him off directly in front of the school to ensure he got there with her own eyes as he climbed out of the passenger seat of the faded red station wagon. He looked around the front of the school until he took notice of Rick being dropped off by his Aunt who seemed to be of the same mind as Casey's mother but less embarrassing. Dee Clark stood with her arms folded in front of the car wearing white jeans, a pink button-down, and pink slip-on shoes. Her fierce eyes were focused on her godson as Rick moved toward the school wearing a black t-shirt, dark jeans, and black boots. He had an expression of indifference filed across his face as he gripped the black backpack that dangled from one shoulder with one hand and walked passed Casey as if he had not even known his name.

Casey was a bit caught off guard by Rick appearing to ignore him but he quickly realized that Dee Clark wasn't going to leave the school until he went through the front doors. Helen lingered a bit as well and finally whipped the station wagon around where Dee had been standing.

"Got a phone call too?" she asked, understanding all too well.

"Yep," replied Dee still glaring at the back of her godson as he entered the front door of the school. "You?"

"Son," replied Helen watching Casey scramble up the stairs lugging his own backpack following after Rick.

"The rebel without a cause in the form of my godson," replied Dee shaking her head. "He's been a real pain in the ass ever since puberty, but I still love him you know?"

Helen nodded as she thought about her own son and the many changes he'd been through ever since puberty.

"Most definitely," she replied.

"See you around," said Dee turning her attention to hopping into her car and getting back to the general store.

Helen nodded and went on her way to work.


Inner Hall, Ridgemont High, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Casey had followed Rick into the school but had lost him at some point as he stood in relative confusion. He had not seen his lover since the last night he'd been in his bed, and being grounded made it difficult for the two of them but once the weekend had ended he had been looking forward to at least having a conversation with him. Rick seemed to be oblivious to him for the most part and seemed to avoid him. Both boys had been more than on time, in fact, they were dropped off quite early and with a good half, an hour before school actually started, no doubt due to it being a means of showing the faculty that their respective guardians had them well in hand.

The younger of the two teen boys had been frustrated by the lack of recognition or even a response from his lover as he stood in the middle of the hall trying to determine which way he went. He'd been about to give up and head toward his first-period class when he recalled the bathroom Rick had taken him to when they first met.

He quickly rushed toward it taking note of the scent of cigarette smoke coming from inside and pushed passed the door. There he could see a seemingly entranced Rick Channon with a cigarette in his mouth and his hair spiked as he stared at his own reflection in the large rectangular bathroom mirror.


The Boy's Bathroom, Lower Level, Ridgemont High, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Casey had not seen Rick in three days since their last encounter and he didn't exactly know how to approach him or if he even wanted to remember what happened between them when they stayed at his place having a sex romp marathon of sorts. When the door closing behind Casey got the older brooding teen's undivided attention, he put out the cigarette on the sink and approached him. Casey could see that he took off his jacket and tossed his bag onto the floor. He dropped his own bag, letting it slide to the floor as he watched Rick get closer.

The older boy smirked and with the all too familiar strength he had come to know so well, Rick scooped Casey into his arms and treated him to a heated kiss that once more had the younger lad melting in his embrace. A flood of relief filled the younger messy haired teen as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the deep kiss despite not being a fan of the ash taste that lingered from Rick's smoking of the cigarette.

"You thought I forgot?" asked Rick seemingly amused as Casey was finally able to look into the older boy's chaotic dark eyes following his release of him.

Casey nodded placing a sure hand on Rick's chest recalling all too well how he looked beneath his black shirt as the older boy leaned in for another kiss. A heated series of kisses took place between them that left Casey winded as Rick pinned him to the nearby wall. The younger lad let out a moan as Rick maneuvered to press his body between his thighs and gripped him via the ass.

It was clear in Rick's eagerness that he still wanted Casey as much as Casey wanted him as both boys found themselves unable to hold back their mutual lust for one another. Casey wasn't so sure about having sex on school grounds given how loud he was at his house when they were together.

"Rick..." he whispered.

"Shhhh." replied the older boy capturing his lips in a kiss before he could offer up words of protest. "You already got me hard and I know you're wet for me we'll be quick before class starts it's early enough and nobody's around....it's been three days baby...and it ain't like I can see you outside of school."

Casey had not been so sure but Rick's round of heated kisses began to sway his mind as both boys quickly began to discard their collective shirts in the heat of the moment. Rick unzipped his jeans and Casey pulled down his own along with his boxer shorts dropping them down to his ankles as Rick slowly stroked his back kissing and licking at the exposed flesh while he stood behind him his monstrous cock in hand as he whispered softly into Casey's ear.

"It won't be for long," he said softly reassuring the rather nervous younger teen. "Just the tip so we can both feel good before class."

Casey had been once more like putty in Rick's skillful hands as the cunning older boy lined his cock up to the warmth he desperately craved and slid his way inside passing the tip marker by a mile as he opted to plunge his way in completely.

Casey nearly yelled out before clamping his hands over his mouth in reaction to being impaled so blatantly. He could feel Rick's rough hands gripping his smooth hips and the onset of slow pumping from the older boy as he started to work his way into a rhythm of sorts.

The younger lad stifled a moan as he felt Rick's large cock begin to bury itself deep inside him and he grunted in response to the fast-building pressure of his own.

"Bastard," growled Casey beginning to lose himself to the fog of lust that began to cloud his mind.

"Fuck...." hissed Rick beginning to increase his pace. "I missed this tight wet pussy so much."

"Fuck..." moaned Casey unable to say anything to protest what was happening between himself and his rather impish lover as he gripped the wall with one hand and tried to cover his mouth to suppress his moans with the other.

Rick grunted loving the feel of the tightness against his bare cock as he continued pumping his hips into the moaning younger lad. He slowly kissed the exposed flesh of Casey's neck while keeping up his pace loving every second of it.

"Fuck....tight...fuck..." growled Rick in Casey's ear.

"Big dick bastard..." moaned Casey gripping the wall as Rick continued to have his way with him.

Casey had been unable to control the spurting of his own throbbing pink cock as it coated the nearby wall and barely missed his jeans.

"Gonna cum" growled Rick as his pace became more frantic and frenzied.

Casey had already been doing that against the wall and down his own legs as his slickness coated Rick's cock all the more. It wasn't long before they heard the ringing of the first bell and Rick's cock spurted rope after rope of his release inside Casey who now had to get through an entire school day with Rick's seed inside him until showers after gym class.

Winded and spent Rick withdrew his cock from Casey, much to the younger lad's disappointment, and kissed him passionately as he set to work putting back on his shirt and tucking his dripping cock back into his dark jeans.

Casey did his best to pull up his boxers and jeans as more and more of Rick's release oozed down his legs. Rick smacked him across the ass before grabbing it and kissing his neck in a vulgar display of affection.

"Still the best pussy in this place," he said with a wicked grin before slicing back his unruly black spikes and putting the cigarette back into his mouth.

Casey rolled his eyes and slicked his own hair back hoping that the sweat wouldn't be too bad when he went to class.

"You dick you were supposed to only use the tip we're at school," he said narrowing his eyes at Rick who seemed to be amused by his latent outrage.

"I did," replied Rick with his chaotic dark eyes flickering with desire. "I used the tip to push my dick all the way in."

Casey rolled his eyes a second time and grabbed his backpack.

"Don't be like that," said Rick trying to smooth things over. "You know you wanted it too, it's been three days."

"Not at school." hissed Casey annoyed. "And not where we could be caught."

"Didn't stop you from cumming did it?" asked Rick with an arched brow.

Casey didn't say a word as he stormed out lugging his back behind him as he traveled to his first-period class.

Rick turned his attention back to the mirror where he set to work on spiking his hair further. He relit the cigarette and looked at himself in the mirror. The faint glow of yellow behind his eyes had been unmistakable. After taking a deep breath when looking at his reflection he decided being fashionably late for class would be better for them all in the long run.