

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 17: A Battle Of Wills

The Gym, Ridgemont High School, Felton Dr., Fallon Creek, Michigan...

By the time Casey had composed himself and made it to class, he'd been only a few minutes late as he had dressed out and made his way toward the rest of the waiting students. He avoided eye contact with Rick, given what happened before class he was still sore and very much angered by the teenage brute. He had taken it upon himself to harass him when all the other students seemed to be leaving him alone. The memory of having whimpered and sucked the arrogant asshole's cock in the bungalow had come back in full force as he got ready to turn his attention to the new wrestling segment of their physical education. The coach, who had been called Coach Burt was a lean and middle-aged man and hairy by all accounts. He wore tight-fitting 1970s-style basketball shorts and carried around a clipboard and a whistle around his neck.

The boys he'd been in charge of were less than thrilled about physical education and his rather concerned about the choice of attire for the afternoon. Casey tried his best to avoid Rick even as they both filed into the line of boys that were before the coach. He had explained that their chosen activity would be wrestling for the day and already most of the boys had been excited to test their collective strength by tossing each other about like they saw so many times on the television.

"It's not that kind of wrestling," warned Coach Burt with a gruff tone. "There are no steel chairs and no ring, just mano e mano."

Rick smirked as his dark eyes wandered over toward Casey and the already angry younger boy flipped him the middle finger when the coach had not been looking. Rick seemed to take it as a challenge as he had been quite excited about getting to pin the new arrival for a second time that day.

"Alright let's see who's up first," said Coach Burt looking for the names on his attendance roster. "Let's see Channon...you are up against Ross."

Frank Ross had been excited about wrestling until he saw that he had to go up against Rick. He had not liked his odds and with good reason as the two ventured toward the mat put down for their match, Rick turned his attention to Casey as he outmaneuvered and eventually slammed Frank before pinning the short-winded boy with messy brown hair. Coach Burt seemed amused by the swift takedown and opted to try out another opponent against Rick.

The amused brute seemed to delight wholeheartedly in this new activity and slammed the other boys with ease onto the mat. He had gone down the list, causing minor injury with each as he glared from his knees on the mat at Casey who had had just about enough of him. The smaller teen had not forgotten just how callous Rick could be and had been aiming to keep his wits about him.

Coach Burt had gone down the roster and found that Casey had been the last of them to take on Rick before he was declared the reigning champion of the wrestling activity. The older man believed that Rick might have had actual potential if he wished to train seriously and try out for the wrestling team. Of course, he had known like everyone else in town that Rick Channon had been more or less a basketball sort of man. It had been true for him since before his family was murdered and for his father when he'd been a boy. Still, the potential was potential and it would have been nice to see the troubled kid settle down for a change and work toward something of a future despite the previous tragedy he suffered.

"Peterson, you're up next seeing as you're the last one left," said Coach Burt although, he had no real hope that the new arrival could pull a second fluke victory and outwrestle Rick Channon when everyone else had been unable to even attempt such a feat.

Casey narrowed his eyes at Brick wanting nothing more than to wipe the smug grin off his arrogant jerk face. He approached the mat and Rick had done the same. Casey scanned him for any signs of weakness and found none aside from the obvious one being his freakish cock. He and Rick locked up as the arrogant brute laughed and taunted him using only a fraction of the strength Casey had known him to be capable of.

"Stop fucking with me, jerk!" growled Casey not only voicing his rage toward the older brute about the match but about everything else.

"Still mad you suck like a vacuum?" taunted Rick intentionally allowing everyone around them to assume it was an insult about Casey's skill set and not what occurred between them in the abandoned bungalow classrooms.

Casey narrowed his eyes and suddenly forced his way forward causing Rick to trip and give up ground. The result of Rick's fall had enabled Casey to pin him on the mat for a quick count before Rick could get to his feet in time to counter. Seeing as he had just lost for the first time since they started wrestling and to Casey Peterson no less, Rick was no doubt fuming. He twisted Casey into a brutal headlock.

"Channon let him go and hit the showers!" ordered Coach Burt in a gruff tone. He had seen the fall but they were pressed for time and needed to move things along. On the other hand, he seemed to be proud of Casey for taking a chance and standing up for himself as well as seizing the opportunity when Rick's cockiness caused him to trip.

Rick growled as he dropped Casey glaring rather murderously at him as he spits on the mat and stormed off toward the showers terrifying anyone that crossed his path.

Coach Burt saw Casey and he was assisted in getting to his feet. The rest of the class cheered him on once Rick was out of earshot and congratulated him for taking the obvious bully down.

Casey nodded as they all went toward the locker room where he moved as slowly as possible knowing all too well that Rick had been now lying in wait to make him pay for the humiliation he'd endured.

While he had managed to stick up for himself and earn the respect of not only his coach and classmates, he had further earned the ire of Rick Channon. Casey Peterson dreaded the rest of the day and what the temperamental Rick had in store for him later on down the line.