

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 16: Good Till The Last Drop

The Grounds, Ridgemont High School, Felton Dr., Fallon Creek, Michigan...

It had taken everything in Casey Peterson to get through the last of the classes before gym class and to endure the obvious rage behind Rick's dark eyes as he sat behind him while the teacher gave lecture after lecture. He had not been looking forward to having to deal with being anywhere near Rick Channon at all, but as it were they had some of the same classes. Despite spending the entire day dreading the outcome of what the brooding teen had in store for him, Casey gathered up his courage and attempted to confront Rick head-on. He had made up his mind to take control of the situation in a bid not to have another place where he'd been the doormat of another brutish bully. Casey moved through the halls and stuffed his extra gear into the locker on the way out to the gym. He had not known that Rick had done the same as he followed him out into the open back behind the main bungalows toward the gym.

There wasn't another student nor teacher in sight as Casey tentatively moved through the distance still dreading what Rick might do to him once they'd been alone but he was still determined to not end up how he was in previous school years. The move to Fallon Creek was supposed to be a fresh start for him after all and his mother had gone out of her way to change jobs just to keep him out of harm's way.

Casey had been so focused on his old problems and the new one on the rise that he had not seen when Rick swooped from out of the shadows in the long stretch between the bungalows and the gym and pinned him into a nearby wall. The force of having his back slammed into the old brick siding had taken some of the wind out of the flabbergasted Casey Peterson and he found himself gasping for breath as an enraged Rick pinned him via his neck with a tight gripping right hand.

"Going somewhere?" growled Rick doing his best to keep a lid on his already volatile temperament.

Casey continued to gasp as he felt the force of the angry older teen's strength in the wake of the slam against the wall.

"R-Rick..." he attempted only for the enraged teen to growl and pin his arms against the wall via his wrists.

Casey had not known what to think at that moment as Rick glared rather murderously at him still very much enraged about the previous night's events. Rick's clothing-clad body had pressed against Casey's causing an involuntary moan to escape his lips as Rick let out another growl before he swiftly pulled the still-reeling new arrival into an abandoned set of bungalows just off the main path.

Casey could tell that Rick had frequented them often, possibly to avoid certain classes or have time to himself during lunch, but he had not said a word as Rick pushed him inside and slammed the heavy door behind them.


The Abandoned Bungalow, Ridgemont High School, Felton Dr., Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Rick glared at a trembling Casey for what seemed like the longest time before the angry teen once more pounced and pressed the younger boy against the nearby wall. Casey bit back another moan as his body began to react to being so close to the raging jerk whom his mind never let him forget lapping at the slickness between his thighs as he began to feel the wetness once again. Rick growled once more as he forcefully pressed his lips into the lips of a slowly weakening Casey Peterson.

Casey had not been ready for it when Rick suddenly hit him hard in the stomach causing him to double over in pain and gasp for breath in the wake of the sharp blow. Rick seemed to be quite enraged as his eyes blazed with an eerie red glare as he launched another fist this time hitting the wall and putting his fist through it before he gripped Casey via the hair and slammed him into the wall again. The younger teen moaned in agony as his body collapsed with a still very enraged Rick towering over him.

The collapsed teen barely had time to register the sound of shuffling as Rick Channon stood above him and unzipped his jeans and pulled out the enormous monster cock he'd shown him back when they were in Casey's bedroom.

"This is your fault," growled Rick still enraged by the tone of his voice as he gripped the equally angry and decidedly swelled thing as it dangled above Casey's head. "You caused this...you and that stench of yours..making me hard."

Casey continued to gasp for air in the wake of the pain radiating through his body as he slowly made it to his knees. He had been on the verge of tears as his eyes seemed to water and he continued to clutch his aching stomach where Rick had punched him. He could have sworn the bastard had broken a rib the way it throbbed and wanted nothing more than to be rid of him.

Rick's rage had seen to him gripping Casey via the hair with his free hand and stroking his cock rather viciously with the other.

"I'm sorry," said Casey trying his best to appease his enraged attacker. "I'll do whatever you want just don't hit me again...please."

Casey knew all hope for a normal life here in Fallon Creek was over and down with and given how strong Rick Channon was, he wasn't at all that surprised he'd caved so easily.

"Shut up." snarled Rick annoyed by Casey's whimpering. "All I want is for you to return a favor, and this time you are going to deliver."

Casey looked up at Rick confused for a moment before the angry teen unceremoniously shoved the tip of his enormous cock into his mouth causing him to choke instantly. Rick stood in front of Casey groaning at the combined warmth and sensation of his impressively sized cock being gagged upon as he ran his fingers through the younger teen's dark brown locks.

The younger teen continued to choke some before relaxing his body and giving in to sucking the thing in his mouth as it twitched among his cheeks and he ran his tongue along the saliva-slick surface of it.

Casey could smell the usual scent of musk and something else, something that intoxicated him to no end despite his outrage at the older brute who had forced his cock down his throat. Rick groaned stroking Casey's head in a surprisingly gentle manner as the younger teen continued to suckle him as if he'd been nursing while struggling to keep his already sore cheeks around it.

"Yes." hissed Rick loving the feel of Casey's warm mouth on his pulsing organ.

Driven to lustfulness of his own, Casey could feel his cock swell as he continued to suck Rick on his knees enjoying the soft petting he'd been doing along the younger teen's head in response to his delight with the sensation of the ongoing sucking was causing.

Rick groaned out loud losing himself in the wake of Casey's mouth until the telltale sign of release in the form of his cock throbbing brought an unwanted end to the bliss. He had in his callous nature neglected to inform Casey who had continued to suckle him that he'd been about to blow his load when all of the sudden the eruption had caused the younger teen to gag further and finally choke as spurt after spurt of hot white seed sprayed the back of his throat and he nearly drowned in it.

He barely had the presence of mind to swallow it down before it got the better of him much to the delight of Rick who had continued to enjoy the younger teen's mouth a bit longer before pulling back and tucking his saliva-slick cock back into his jeans.

"Good to the last drop wasn't it?" asked Rick with a wicked expression before he adjusted his clothes and made his way out of the abandoned bungalow in time to get changed for gym class.

Casey rolled his eyes as he lay on the floor his face sticky with sweat and the remainder of his saliva and Rick's seed as he attempted to catch his breath before doing the same. He had hoped this little unwanted encounter had been more than enough to appease the brutal bully and that he could go on with his days in Fallon Creek in peace.